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In the last few days, we’ve noticed an increase in the number or errors returned to GMass by the Gmail API. The Gmail API is the interface by which GMass connects to your Gmail account and sends email messages through your Gmail account. When the Gmail API spits back an error, it is usually temporary and intermittent and errors received during campaign sending can be overcome by resending your email to just the recipients that resulted in errors in the first place.

These errors are taking place on Google’s servers and are not indicative of anything being wrong with GMass.

Usually you will notice errors in the form of a “backend error” from the Gmail API and you will see these in the email confirmation that you get after a campaign finishes sending. You might see:

Backend Error [500]
Errors [
        Message[Backend Error] Location[ – ] Reason[backendError] Domain[global]

listed under the Individual Recipient Send Errors of the email confirmation.

If you see that your mail merge campaign resulted in these errors, you can resend your campaign to just the email addresses that didn’t receive it because of this error.

The GMass team is working on a way to automatically re-try sending these emails, but for now, you can follow the instructions below to manually resend your campaign to the errored addresses.

Using the GMass manual follow-up tool, doing so is just a matter of a few clicks.

1. Click the red @ button near the Gmail Search bar. This is the manual follow-up tool.

2. Choose the campaign from the dropdown that experienced the blocking.

3. Under Behaviors, choose Gmail API Errors.

4. Next click the main COMPOSE FOLLOW-UP button.

5. A Gmail Compose window will launch and the To field will be filled with the addresses you want to send to, the addresses that previously blocked your campaign.

6. Next load up the content of your campaign by clicking the GMass Settings arrow and choosing your original campaign from the Load Content dropdown. Your Subject and Message will be set.

7. Lastly, ensure all other GMass Settings are how they should be, such as Tracking of opens and clicks, and make sure the Schedule is set to the desired time of sending.

8. Finally, hit the red GMass button to send. Your campaign will now go to the email addresses that errored out the first time.

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GMass, the ultimate email marketing tool for Gmail, offers lots of mail merge personalization options, from simple mail-merge personalization to fallback values and even automatic first name detection. Sometimes, you may need to get a little more sophisticated and include a personalized link or URL for each recipient of your email marketing campaign.

The best practice for including a personalized URL is to include the full URL, with personalization in place, or an HTML code snippet of the link, as a column in your Google Docs spreadsheet.

Raw URL Example

Below is an example of a spreadsheet where the personalized link is in raw form, with just the URL specified.

After using GMass to connect to your spreadsheet, the Compose window launches, and your message might look like this:

When your email is sent, the recipient, [email protected], will get a message that looks like this:

The link appears just as it did in the row for [email protected] in the spreadsheet. Hovering over the link shows that it points to the same URL as is displayed.

URL with Anchor Text Example

Next is an example of a spreadsheet where the personalized link is part of an HTML anchor tag, such that meaningful text is displayed that, when clicked, will take the user to the personalized URL. The full <a href> anchor tag will be inserted into the HTML message at the point designated by the {PersonalizedURL} mail merge tag.

After using GMass to connect to your spreadsheet, the Compose window launches, and your message might look like this:

When your email is sent, the recipient will get a message that looks like this:

The anchor text is displayed, since it was surrounded by <a href> tags in the spreadsheet cell, but hovering over the link displays the target URL in the bottom status bar of the browser (highlighted in yellow).

Click tracking will not be applied

If you enable click tracking in GMass settings, these particular links will not be modified, regardless of whether you use the raw URL or anchor text approach. That’s because GMass applies click tracking to links before it applies mail merge personalization, so by the time the links are personalized, the click tracking process has already finished altering links in the campaign. In addition, theoretically, because these links are unique to each recipient in the first place, it’s not necessary for GMass to click-track them since they are trackable on the web server of the domain in the personalized URL.

Do not personalize links directly in the Compose window

The reason we advocate placing the full personalized URL as a column in your spreadsheet is because the Gmail Compose window is prone to altering a personalized link and rendering it a broken link. This is due to how Gmail encodes a message behind the scenes.

In this example:

Do NOT personalize URLs as shown above.

The user has attempted to personalize a URL directly inside the Gmail Compose window, by inserting the mail merge personalization variables as part of the URL. In theory this should accomplish the same objective as placing the full personalized link in the spreadsheet cell, but this actually does not work because Gmail encodes the curly brackets into their HTML-encoded form, replacing the left curly bracket with %7B and the right curly bracket with %7D. This encoding would break the GMass personalization process, causing these merge tags to not be replaced with their appropriate values.


If you need to send personalized URLs as part of a Gmail-based email marketing campaign, include the full personalized URLs, one for each recipient, in your Google Docs spreadsheet rather than including the mail merge personalization variables as part of the link in the Compose window.

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If you’ve ever been locked out of your Gmail account while sending a large mail merge campaign, you’re not alone, and don’t be alarmed. It’s normal Gmail behavior, and you’ll be able to use your account just as soon as sending is complete. During a large mail merge with Gmail, you might see this message telling you “the system encountered a problem” if you’re already in your account:

You may see this “Oops” message when trying to check your email while a big mail merge campaign is sending.

Or, if you’re trying to reload Gmail in the browser, you might see this “Temporary Error” message:

If you reload Gmail during a big mail merge, you might see this screen.

Why does this happen?

Gmail wasn’t originally meant for sending mail merge campaigns or email marketing campaigns. GMass has finagled Gmail to make it possible, but Gmail’s User Interface isn’t able to process all the network activity that takes place during a mass email send. Whenever you send an email in Gmail, your browser makes several requests to the Gmail server in order to update the User Interface on screen in front of you. When sending hundreds or thousands of individual emails, the User Interface can’t keep up with this network activity. Therefore, in order to protect itself from even more network activity, it withholds your access until sending of the email campaign is finished.

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If you sent a mail merge campaign with GMass and found that you experienced some blocking, you may want to re-send your email to the email addresses that blocked you the first time. You may especially want to do this if you’ve taken some action to fix the blocking issue, like setting up a dedicated tracking domain.

Using the GMass manual follow-up tool, doing so is just a matter of a few clicks.

1. Click the red @ button near the Gmail Search bar. This is the manual follow-up tool.

2. Choose the campaign from the dropdown that experienced the blocking.

3. Under Behaviors, choose Blocks.

4. Next click the main COMPOSE FOLLOW-UP button.

5. A Gmail Compose window will launch and the To field will be filled with the addresses you want to send to, the addresses that previously blocked your campaign.

6. Next load up the content of your campaign by clicking the GMass Settings arrow and choosing your original campaign from the Load Content dropdown. Your Subject and Message will be set.

7. Lastly, ensure all other GMass Settings are how they should be, such as Tracking of opens and clicks, and make sure the Schedule is set to the desired time of sending.

8. Finally, hit the red GMass button to send. Your campaign will now go to the email addresses that blocked you the first time.

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Sometimes specifying who is getting your mail merge campaign is just as important as specifying who should NOT get your mail merge Gmail campaign… thanks to our Suppression feature, now you have even more control of exactly who does and doesn’t get your emails.

There are two groups of people who will not receive a campaign you send (even if you include those email addresses in that campaign’s Google Sheet or other mailing list):

  1. People on your unsubscribe and bounce lists
  2. People you suppress for just that specific campaign

In this post, we’re talking about the latter: How to suppress email addresses for one specific campaign.

How to Use Suppression to Remove Recipients from an Individual Campaign

You can find the suppression options for a GMass campaign in the GMass settings box, under the Advanced options.

Suppression settings in GMass

You can see three options for ways to suppress recipients for your campaign:

  • People in other campaigns
  • People at specific domains or email addresses
  • People you’ve recently emailed

Here’s how to use each of those methods for suppression.

Using your previous (or other active) campaigns as suppression lists

Every campaign in your account can be used as a suppression list.

When you click into the “People in these campaigns” field in the Suppression section, you’ll see a dropdown list of your past and currently-running campaigns. You can choose any of those campaigns (or multiple campaigns) to serve as suppression lists.

Any email address that was part of the chosen campaign will be suppressed, or eliminated from, this current campaign.

For instance, let’s say you’re sending a 20% discount offer to a list of prospective customers. You don’t want to send to anyone who was on a 15% discount campaign a week earlier. You can suppress everyone from that 15% discount list by selecting that campaign in the dropdown.

There’s one more step: To decide if you want to suppress emails to everyone who received those campaigns, or everyone who received and will receive those campaigns in the future.

That’s where we use regular suppression and aggressive suppression.

Regular suppression vs. aggressive suppression

There’s a checkbox underneath the campaigns field in the GMass settings for Aggressive suppression.

Aggressive suppression

When that box is checked and Aggressive suppression is turned on, everyone who’s received the suppression campaign AND anyone who is scheduled to receive it will be suppressed in the current campaign.

When that box is unchecked and Aggressive suppression is turned off, only people who received the suppression campaign will be suppressed in the current campaign.

Here’s an example to illustrate the difference.

Let’s say you’ve scheduled “Campaign A” to send to 10,000 people over the course of a week. As of today, 2,000 people have received it. And now you’re sending “Campaign B.” With Campaign B, you choose Campaign A as your suppression campaign.

If you go with non-aggressive suppression, only the 2,000 people who’ve received Campaign A will be suppressed in Campaign B.

If you go with aggressive suppression, all 10,000 people in Campaign A will be suppressed in Campaign B, even though many of them have not yet received Campaign A.

When to use regular suppression or aggressive suppression

Both techniques can come in handy in different scenarios.

A situation for regular suppression could be…

  • You sent a campaign to 1,000 people.
  • After 100 people have received it, there are errors and the campaign can’t resume.
  • You create a new campaign and suppress the prior campaign in regular mode, meaning only the 100 people who received the first one would be suppressed in the new one.
  • If you used aggressive mode, then no one on your list would get the new campaign because all 1,000 of them would be suppressed (since aggressive includes those who received and were scheduled to receive).

A situation for aggressive suppression could be…

  • You create two email lists from your two CRMs, Hubspot and Salesforce.
  • You know there are duplicates in the lists but you can’t manually go through thousands of people to weed those out.
  • You create a campaign to the Hubspot list.
  • Then you create a campaign to the Salesforce list and choose the Hubspot list as your suppression list with aggressive mode on.
  • That way, the Salesforce campaign will suppress its messages to everyone who’s entered in the Hubspot campaign, even if some of them haven’t received their emails yet. Which means no duplicates will go out.

Suppressing specific domains or email addresses from a campaign

The next option in the Suppression area of settings is the “freehand” suppression box. Here, you can manually enter any domains or email addresses you want to suppress on this specific campaign.

The domain-wide option is handy if you want to make sure not to email anyone at a specific company on a campaign. (Let’s say you’re already in talks with Uber about a service you provide. Now you don’t want your new pitch email to go out to anyone at Uber, which might muddy the waters.)

Note: The domain option will work for anyone at the primary domain (e.g., [email protected]) or a multi-part/subdomain (e.g., [email protected]).

The email address option is useful when you need to remove handpicked contacts from a list.

Just separate the domains and/or email addresses in this field with a comma, semicolon, or space. You can type or paste in as many as you need.

Suppressing emails to specific emails or domains

Suppression based on recent emails sent

The last option in the Suppression area of the GMass campaign settings is “People I’ve emailed in the past n days.” With this option, you can suppress emails to recent recipients of other campaigns.

It’s a good way to make sure you’re not overwhelming people or sending conflicting messages. It’s also popular if you run drip campaigns (like welcome series, or post-purchase series) and don’t want to also send more emails to people in those sequences.

Note: This suppression list is calculated on the fly every time your campaign runs. So if you set this value to 2 days, GMass will look back at the past 48 hours when you send your campaign to create the suppression list.

And if you use this feature with a recurring campaign, GMass will continue to build the list on the fly before each scheduled send. Let’s say you schedule a campaign to go out every Monday at 10:00 AM and you set the suppression at “people I’ve emailed in the past 2 days.” Every Monday at 10:00 AM, GMass will look back at the past 48 hours to come up with the suppression list for that week’s send.

Days since suppression lists

When Do Suppression Lists Come in Handy?

Let’s say you’re using GMass to invite 100 people to a party. You create a Google Docs spreadsheet with your 100 invitees. You then send a GMass campaign to the people on this spreadsheet.

The next day, you realize you forgot to invite 5 of your friends. Oh no, how can you easily re-send your invite to just those 5 missing friends?!

You could just add the 5 email addresses to your master spreadsheet, use the GMass spreadsheet button to connect to the whole sheet and send to the same list, but then the first 100 people will get the same email again, making you look sloppy. If you use yesterday’s campaign as your Suppression List, however, then only the 5 new people will receive the email.

Another use might be if you’ve collected a do-not-send list over time, and want to ensure that a particular campaign doesn’t go to anyone on this list. You could add your do-not-send list to your Unsubscribe List, but that would prevent them from getting any future email campaign from you, and you may just want to use your do-not-send list on this one particular email campaign. In that case, you can paste those email addresses into the manual “These domains and email addresses” suppression field.

An alternative workaround, which can be a little clunky but might save you some time if you’re using that do-not-send list a lot, is to create a manual Suppression List.

How to manually create a Suppression List

Since Suppression Lists are simply the email addresses tied to your past campaigns, you can create a “fake” campaign that won’t actually send but will hold the addresses you wish to suppress. To do so:

  1. Enter the suppression addresses in the To field of a new Compose window. Alternately, if you have a large number of email addresses, consider putting them in a Google Docs spreadsheet and then using GMass to connect to the spreadsheet.
  2. Enter a name for your Suppression List as the Subject.
  3. Set the GMass Action to Just create drafts. This will ensure that no emails are actually sent.
  4. Click the red GMass button.
  5. After the Drafts are created, you can click the link in the email you will receive to DELETE the Drafts.

Now your Suppression List has been created and you can choose this campaign to suppress these addresses.

What’s the difference between my Unsubscribe List and a Suppression List?

They are actually quite similar, in that both lists are used to filter out recipients from a campaign.

Your Unsubscribe List, however, is universal to your account, and is used to filter out recipients for all of your campaigns automatically. You can’t control when the Unsubscribe List is used to filter out recipients, because it is always used on every campaign sent from your account. Email addresses are added to your Unsubscribe List when they click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of your emails (if you included it), or if you manually import email addresses into your Unsubscribe List.

Suppression Lists must be applied to specific campaigns where you want to eliminate that set of email addresses for just the current campaign. Any past campaign can be used as a Suppression List, which is why all of your past campaigns show up in the Suppression dropdown menu.


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When you send a campaign with GMass, event notifications and campaign reports are generated as emails and placed under the GMass Reports label as activity takes place after you send.

Event notifications refer to anything actions that happen with your campaign. For example, every time an email is opened, an “open” notification goes into the Opens label, every time an email is clicked, a “click” notification goes into the Clicks label.

Campaign reports with detailed campaign analytics are placed in the [CAMPAIGNS] label.

In most cases, GMass report and event notifications are tucked away in these special Labels and won’t clog up your Inbox. In some cases, however, like if you’re using an email client like Apple Mail that doesn’t respect Gmail’s Labels, GMass report notifications will fill up your Inbox and you may wish to turn off GMass report notifications.

GMass report notifications
In the Gmail interface, GMass Reports are tucked away under sub-labels of the GMass Reports label. Categories include Opens, Clicks, and the main [CAMPAIGNS] area that stores detailed campaign-level reports.

The benefit of this approach

While it may seem cumbersome to have every open and every click logged into a special Label like this, most users find it valuable to monitor what’s happening with their campaigns in real-time. This also makes it easy to monitor campaign activity on a mobile device running the Gmail app. Just pop into one of the GMass Report labels to see what’s happening.

Additionally, if you ever want to send a campaign to everyone that’s ever opened any email from you or anyone that’s ever clicked any email from you, all you have to do is go into the appropriate label and click the GMass build email list button.

Turn notifications OFF

You can turn off notifications in the GMass dashboard. Click on the gear icon in the top right to open the settings, then scroll down on to the Notifications section.

Notification settings in the GMass dashboard

  • Check the box next to Turn off event notifications to stop receiving messages about events (e.g., opens, clicks, unsubscribes).
  • Check the box next to Turn off campaign report notifications to stop receiving messages with your campaign reports (e.g., the report in the [CAMPAIGNS] label).
  • Check the box next to Archive tiny “send complete” notifications to stop receiving notifications on campaigns that send 10 or fewer emails. For instance, if you have a lot of recurring campaigns that often send 0 messages.
  • Check the box next to Don’t use direct message insert if you’d prefer we not use the Gmail API to place these messages in your mailbox.

How to get reports if you turn notifications off

If you turn notifications off, you can still access the reporting data for your campaigns. There are a few ways to access your campaign reports.

  1. You can still manually request a campaign report which will then be placed under the GMass Reports–>[CAMPAIGNS] label at the time you request it.
  2. Any time you receive a notification that sending has been completed, there’s a link to a web-based campaign report in that notification. Notifications about completed sends cannot be turned off.
  3. You can access campaign reports from your dashboard at gmass.co/dashboard and you can always access your web-based campaign report as well.
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Occasionally, after you’ve composed your mail merge campaign in Gmail and hit the GMass button, instead of sending, you may receive this error in the yellow status bar up top:

Your mass email has NOT been processed by GMass. Error details: Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError Requested entity was not found. [404] Errors [ Message[Requested entity was not found.] Location[ – ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]

This is a temporary and rare error that sometimes surfaces due to how GMass communicates with your Gmail account. Technically it means that GMass wasn’t able to retrieve an identifier to your message that is assigned by Gmail.

In almost all cases, this error will disappear and you can send your campaign by re-loading Gmail in your Chrome browser. When you do so, your Compose window should re-appear with your Message just as you left it. You will not lose any of your work. After you re-load, just hit the GMass button again and your campaign should send as normal.
Ready to send better emails and save a ton of time?

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A few years ago, I attended a marketing conference designed to help physicians boost their visibility online, where I met several enthusiastic medical professionals. To this day, one interaction with a doctor stays with me. After I explained our goal of luring more customers to their website and to their offices, he retorted indignantly, “They’re not customers, they are patients.” And indeed, he was correct.
Doctors serve patients in the most important commercial transaction there is: human healthcare. Advertising, money, and marketing metrics are not the focus in their industry.
At one time, doctors didn’t advertise at all. From the Journal of Medical Ethics, January, 2006: For generations following the first American Medical Association (AMA) Code of Ethics in 1847, the relationship between doctors and advertising remained unambiguous—advertising was forbidden. In 1975, however, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) accused the profession of “restraint of trade” and legally persuaded doctors to permit advertising amongst their clan.
Today, almost every doctor has a website. Many use their sites to lure more patients, but some are interested only in having a place to post their credentials and contact information. Because websites like Angie’s List, Google, and even Yelp regularly post reviews for doctors, many see the potential benefit of having influence on their online presence and a place to post assurances of their legitimacy and qualifications to prospective patients.
Email Marketing is a valuable tool for physicians when communicating with existing patients. It’s a great way to remind people of health information that’s currently making news, like the spread of a new disease. The sudden and concerning spread of Zika is just one example of an opportunity for physicians to notify patients of precautions and new information.
However, email marketing can be used for simple administrative purposes as well, such as  changes in office personnel. Patients are often interested in this information, especially the addition of a new doctor or nurse. Many doctors utilize email marketing to send regular communications or newsletters to their patients.
Why is GMass a great platform for medical professionals? GMass emails come directly from the sender’s Gmail account, via Gmail servers, resulting in much higher delivery rates than those from the other email marketing companies such as Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, and IContact. The email messages sent from those providers are often perceived by email filters as spam, and they do not reach the recipient’s inbox.
GMass permits our users to inject (no pun intended) the patient’s name directly into the subject line and greeting, making the message more personal and private, something patients will appreciate.
Of course, it is important for any healthcare professional to be aware of certain restraints when it comes to medical marketing, and they should always check to make sure they within boundaries of their state medical society, board, or any hospital guidelines.
GMass has a YouTube channel with videos showing how to install and use our email marketing platform; subscribe or visit gmass.co for more details.

Click here to sign up for GMass now.

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GMass is a low-cost, self-service system. We use Zendesk as our support ticketing system. We do not offer phone support or chat support. Before you submit a request, please try to find the answer yourself by vising our support portal or searching using the search field to the right. It’s powered by Google and only returns results related to GMass. For example, if you want to know how to edit your campaign, you would search “edit campaign”.

Here are some additional steps you can take to ensure the best possible GMass support.

Note that our support contact form (link below) has two premium pay-per-incident support options for urgent issues.

Please do:

  1. Make sure you specify the correct Gmail or G Suite account with which you’re using GMass and you need help. If you have multiple account with which you use GMass, specify the one most closely related to the issue.
  2. Attach screenshots and videos where applicable to illustrate the issue. Both Windows and Mac computers have keyboard shortcuts to capture your screen. If you want to get fancy, you can use a tool like Snagit to capture your screen and annotate it. And if you want to make a video demonstrating an issue, you can use the free version of Screencastify.
  3. If your question has to do with a specific campaign, include the campaign ID in your request.
  4. GMass is deeply integrated with Google Sheets. If your issue concerns a specific campaign connected to a Sheet, like personalization or conditional content issues, you can expedite our ability to help you by sharing your Sheet in advance with [email protected].

Please don’t:

  1. Please do not email team members directly for new requests. This can either result in no response or a severely lower response time (a month or more), since the team member has to first notice the email, and then has to turn the email message into a support ticket. In most cases, emails sent directly to team members asking for support are missed or discarded.
  2. Do not respond to mass emails from GMass staff announcing new features asking for account-specific support.
  3. Do not contact us on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn with a support request. Your messages will be read but not responded to. You can contact us on social media with a comment, complaint, or compliment but if you want a question answered, then contact us using the form below.
  4. Usually a support requested can be answered by a blog post. Please do not be offended if your support question is responded to with a simple link to a blog post rather than a complete sentence. We use Chrome’s link to fragment feature to link you to the exact text inside a blog post that answers your question.
  5. Do not respond to an old support ticket from a long time ago introducing a new issue unrelated to the previous issue. Instead, create a new ticket by sending a new email to our support address, given below.
  6. Do not comment on a blog post, including this one, and expect a timely response. Blog comments are read, but a blog doesn’t make a good environment from which to provide thorough technical support.

Common questions and answers

  1. To cancel a campaign, read this article.
  2. To stop other types of GMass emails from sending, read this article.
  3. To cancel a paid subscription, follow these instructions.
  4. If your emails are bouncing because with a “You have exceeded your limit” message, read this first.
  5. If you are trying to cancel a GMass subscription or request a tracking domain or do anything that requires an @gmass.co command in the To field, and you get a bounce, it’s because you hit the Send button when you were supposed to hit the GMass button. Please do not contact us to tell us that an email to an @gmass.co address bounced.

External support options

Both Fiverr and Upwork have over 50 freelancers each that list GMass as a skill.

Contact us with the support form

The support form is here.

Ready to transform Gmail into an email marketing/cold email/mail merge tool?

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