Deliverability to

Emails Sent to 2,305,099

Open Rate to 147,485 (6.4%)

Date range:
Display as:

Sent vs Opens for

Date Sent Opens Open Rate
1/24/2025 3 0 0.0%
1/18/2025 5 1 0.0%
1/17/2025 4 0 0.0%
1/16/2025 4 1 0.0%
1/15/2025 9 3 0.0%
1/14/2025 16 5 0.0%
1/13/2025 15 6 0.0%
1/12/2025 5 3 0.0%
1/11/2025 35 8 0.0%
1/10/2025 6 1 0.0%
1/9/2025 3 2 0.0%
1/8/2025 6 0 0.0%
1/7/2025 3 0 0.0%
1/6/2025 7 4 0.0%
1/4/2025 2 0 0.0%
1/3/2025 10 0 0.0%
1/2/2025 6 4 0.0%
1/1/2025 4 1 0.0%
12/31/2024 3 0 0.0%
12/30/2024 1 0 0.0%
12/29/2024 1 1 100.0%
12/28/2024 1 0 0.0%
12/27/2024 7 2 0.0%
12/26/2024 2 0 0.0%
12/25/2024 1 0 0.0%
12/24/2024 6 1 0.0%
12/23/2024 9 0 0.0%
12/21/2024 1 0 0.0%
12/20/2024 62 2 0.0%
12/19/2024 3 0 0.0%

Blocks from

No blocks during specified time frame

Bounces from

Explanation of bounce codes

Message Count
The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or unnecessary spaces. For more information, go to 16


Send and open statistics are updated daily. Bounces and blocks are updated in real-time. Every day, open statistics are updated for the last 14 days. Generally, you'll notice an increase of an open rate for a domain for a day over the course of 14 days, since not all open events occur the same day an email is sent. That means that open rate data is tied to the actual emails sent on a particular day.

Bounce and block codes are the codes as returned by the remote SMTP server after having been de-personalized. Meaning, unique identifiers present in SMTP codes are removed so that SMTP responses can be grouped for analysis. In certain cases, such as when the email is being relayed through an intermediary SMTP server, the remote SMTP server may not be the same as the MX record for the domain. SMTP codes are categorized as "bounces" vs "blocks" by internal human review. Bounces generally indicate an invalid email address. Blocks generally indicate a rejection of the email message but a valid email address.

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