Cold Email Insights #19

Hey everyone,

I hope the week is going well.

I have a lot of great subject line resources in this edition.

The subject line is your ultimate first impression. And people are judgemental when it comes to email subject lines! You have seconds to arouse enough interest for the recipient to click and open. So to help you on that front, we’ve got some interesting stats on what is working with subject lines as well as follow-up subject line ideas for your cold email campaigns.

And we have an awesome cold email of the week right at the very end… super personalized, simple and well-formatted.

🧠 10 follow-up subject line examples ⚡

The Zapier blog offers 5 solid tips based on 221 cold outreach email campaigns sent to 26,962 people across industries and geographies. It offers some good guidance on subject lines and recommends always using sentence case.

While we’re on the topic of subject lines, we’ve got 10 follow-up subject line ideas that will help you boost your open rates.

⚒️Free subject line tool 🔗

Formatted Email Subject Lines is free Chrome extension that lets you change the format style of your email subject lines to help your emails stand out (and get opened faster)!

Have you checked out GMass’ free email verification service?If you’re sending email campaigns with GMass, the verifier will check each email address to make sure it’s valid before sending your message. If you’re NOT sending campaigns with GMass, you can still use it with whatever email outreach tool you want. Verifying your email list improves deliverability and reduces the bounces you get after sending.

🚨 Cold Email of the Week 📧

This week’s cold email landed in a member of the GMass community’s inbox. This is an A+ cold email:

Things this email does well:

  • ✔️ Tells you the problem it can help you solve right at the start
  • ✔️ Good (but not creepy personalization) — it feels like it was written for the recipient
  • ✔️ The use of bullet points helps keep this easy to skim and understand
  • ✔️ The P.S. catches your eye and offers an easy way to opt out – spam never does that!

That’s all for this week.

Remember, if you get a really good or really bad cold email, send it to us! Just reply to this email or email me at

I hope you enjoyed issue #19.

Ajay Goel