Archives By Author: Ajay Goel

How I Email: Paul Metcalfe, Curator, Startup Resources

October 3, 2019

How do you manage your inbox? I like to think of myself as an Inbox Zero kind of person. But, honestly, it doesn’t always work out that way. Back in my corporate life, I was head of finance for a $250 million business. So I got a ton of emails every day. For years my

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How I Email: Mathew Passy, Consultant, The Podcast Consultant

September 26, 2019

How do you manage your inbox?  On my computer, I use Spark. I have multiple Gmail and Gsuite accounts and I don’t like having to log in and out to handle it all, so I just don’t ever go check or use the Gmail app. Spark allows me to keep all of my various

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The Gmail Genius #44 – 18 tips for writing an excellent subject line so your email gets read

September 5, 2019

How I Email: Brendan Hufford, Creator, SEO for the Rest of Us Highlights from this interview with Brendan, the SEO director at Clique Chicago: – Brendan uses the Eisenhower box ( à la the 34th U.S. President) for figuring out whether to reply immediately or defer his emails – He once sent a cold email

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How I Email: Phil Gerbyshak, Sales Trainer & Keynote Speaker

September 5, 2019

What’s your personal approach to email? How do you handle your inbox? I have two email accounts: a personal email and a work email. I tend to get up between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m. in the morning and the first thing I do is check them on my phone. I look for emails that

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How I Email: Brendan Hufford, Creator, SEO for the Rest of Us

August 29, 2019

What’s your daily approach to email?  I almost never worry about hitting Inbox Zero. For me, it’s about being effective with my communication (and really everything in my business), not being “done.” Especially with something as Sisyphean as email. My process generally looks like going through my emails in the morning, marking ones that need

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The Gmail Genius #43 – 15 Gmail keyboard shortcuts that’ll save you time

August 1, 2019

Make a joint email address with a Gmail filter If you and a partner need to receive joint email (let’s say for health insurance), this is a good “set it and forget it” configuration instead of creating a new, shared email account. 5 overrated email phrases you’ve probably used before (and what to say instead)

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How I Email: Ellen Chisa, CEO, Dark

August 1, 2019

Please describe your super custom Gmail setup and how it helps you with productivity. I use a highly specific version of Gmail! First, I always keep it in “compact” mode. There’s way too much space in the default, and I prefer being able to see more on one screen. To set up my inboxes, I

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How I Email: Felicia C. Sullivan, Executive Brand Strategist & Marketing Consultant

July 25, 2019

How do you manage your inbox day-to-day? In all things professional and personal, I’m a believer in the philosophical principle of Occam’s Razor—the simplest solution is often the best one. We overcomplicate everything—especially our inbox. I’ve lost count of how many articles people write about the tsunami, deluge, mountain that is their inbox, assigning weight

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The Gmail Genius #42 – A simple way to customize Gmail snoozing and make it even more useful

July 11, 2019

A simple way to supercharge Gmail snoozing A step-by-step enhancement that will enable you to: send a response to something, archive the message, and set it to return at a certain time only if the other person hasn’t responded. How to handle your overflowing inbox when you get back from vacation Check this out if

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How I Email: Josh Evilsizor, Chief Productivity Officer, Atlas Advisors

July 11, 2019

What’s your personal approach to email? How do you handle your inbox? My philosophical approach to email is an ever-evolving one, and I also have a number of proven technical methods for handling my inbox. All of these were forged in the crucible of life, juggling a civilian career, military career, and numerous entrepreneurial ventures.

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