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Here in the IIS archives, you can read our collection of articles on tips, troubleshooting, and ideas for running your website with Internet Information Services on a Windows Server.

GMass runs on IIS, so over the years we've run into various roadblocks that weren't easily Google-able — and we've written about how we overcame those roadblocks to help anyone who encounters similar problems.

If you're also using Amazon Web Services with your website, you may be interested in reading the AWS archives page.
how to block IP addresses in AWS

June 22, 2020

How to block IP Addresses in an AWS/Windows/IIS environment

There are a few ways to block an IP address in an AWS/Windows environment, but only a couple good ones. I'll show you the bad and good ones.

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redirecting to www and https

March 17, 2020

A better way to get an IIS site to redirect to www and https

If you’ve deployed sites to IIS, at some point, you probably Googled how to make your site redirect from the …

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September 26, 2018

How to serve WordPress pages and ASP.NET MVC pages from the same IIS folder

I hand-coded my website landing pages as MVC Views, and now I want to convert those landing pages to WordPress, while keeping the URLs intact.

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