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GMass Privacy Information: What data does our server store?

Many users are concerned about the privacy of their email marketing lists and whether GMass stores their email addresses and the contents of email messages, and whether any of this data is shared with third parties. The information below is meant to address these concerns.

Overview of how GMass works

GMass works by transferring data to and from your Gmail account. Most of this data transfer occurs via numeric identifiers specific to Gmail and the Gmail API. In some cases, email addresses are transferred from the GMass server back to the Gmail interface, but in a secure manner over SSL. Gmail does not allow a third party integration like GMass to connect to account data without the use of SSL.

How are your email lists used?

In order to track opens, clicks, and provide unsubscribe functionality via the GMass unsubscribe link, our database does store the email addresses to which you are sending email. This data is stored in a database, secured by two layers of firewalls, and is never shared with any third parties. GMass is similar in this regard to well-known email marketing systems like MailChimp, where storage of email addresses is required to provide standard email marketing features.

Does GMass store the content of your email message?

No. Unlike a traditional email marketing service like MailChimp, the GMass database does not store the contents of your email marketing campaigns, except for the From Address used for each campaign.

We store the From Address because in Gmail, multiple From Addresses can be authorized for use in a single Gmail account, and by storing the From Address, we are better able to support users by being able to look up their GMass account when they tell us they sent a campaign “from” a certain address.

We do not store the content (Subject / Message) of email campaigns, but the content does pass through our server ephemerally. This is required in order to add the mechanisms to an email message that allows GMass to track opens and clicks on individual email messages. This process happens in microseconds and the content of an email message does not live on our server beyond that.

Does GMass share any of your email list information with third parties?

We may share your email list information with third-party service providers, including advertising platforms such as Google, to assist in delivering targeted advertising campaigns. These third parties are required to use the information only for these purposes and in accordance with applicable data protection laws. We do not sell or trade your email information for any other purposes.

Data Deletion Requests

In compliance with GDPR, any user may request that his/her data be deleted from our servers. To make such a request send an email to [email protected] from the GMass account whose data you wish to be deleted.

Email Warmup

GMass does not provide email warming services for Google accounts.

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  1. wish it was possible to have a partial functionality without giving full permission to the app to read everything in my inbox…

  2. well i am buying some mass emails addresses by the millions and i want to know how to use gmass to send mass emails to these emailers. can i have some information about how to proceed when i have an account and these emails? i need some details instructions. can anyone send me details how they do this so i can do same. thanks

  3. this is my first comment????/???????????????well i am buying some mass emails addresses by the millions and i want to know how to use gmass to send mass emails to these emailers. can i have some information about how to proceed when i have an account and these emails? i need some details instructions. can anyone send me details how they do this so i can do same. thanks

    1. alut comment allez vous monsieur je suis novice sur site alors j’aimerai fait connaissance de plusieurs personnes ok je vous remercie pour votre compréhension

  4. Can the recipient email addresses stored on your servers be deleted? Is this data automatically deleted if the subscription account is discontinued? Can GMASS confirm deletion of recipient email address data?

    1. From the Privacy Information page: (I had the same question)

      We store the From Address because in Gmail, multiple From Addresses can be authorized for use in a single Gmail account, and by storing the From Address, we are better able to support users by being able to look up their GMass account when they tell us they sent a campaign “from” a certain address.

      We do not store the content (Subject / Message) of email campaigns, but the content does pass through our server ephemerally. This is required in order to add the mechanisms to an email message that allows GMass to track opens and clicks on individual email messages. This process happens in microseconds and the content of an email message does not live on our server beyond that.

  5. Still concerned about the security of the email address data exchanged. In reading this thread, I see the same question appear from a “Mass Mailer” who is asking if GMass can be used for purchased prospecting email list if included within any Gmail account. Still looking for the answer.
    Yes or no and equally, what is the capability of GMass to inform subscribers when someone is hitting their list through the use of someone else on your system? Not asking who that someone or corp is but being in sales it would be invaluable info to know.

    1. Hi John,

      Any mailing list you use for your GMass account is strictly for your account and is not shared. Everyone would be responsible for the upkeep and security of their own email list. GMass does not share or sell data.

      Although we do receive requests, we are a software company in the business of creating Gmail plugins and not in the business of selling or renting data.

  6. Have or would you consider renting or selling this data if circumstance changed or required you to? If, if you did do where does that leave user?

  7. I send out mass emails to 3 different groups of over 100 people from 3 completely different email addresses. Do I need to pay for GMass 3 times to utilize this service for each email I send from? I would ideally like to only have to pay once for this service, which I am hoping will actually solve my problem of having my emails bouncing back in gmail as spam.

    1. Hi Wang,

      G Mass subscriptions are per Gmail or G Suite account, and GMass doesn’t care what alias addresses are connected to a single account. So if you have all of your aliases on the various domains set up in a single Gmail account, and that single Gmail account is subscribed to GMass, then you are able to send from all of those different alias addresses with a single GMass subscription.

  8. Where is Wordzen, Inc., your company primary incorporated in, which city, state or country? Thanks

  9. GMass Privacy Information: What data does our server store?

    Franchesca Spyer

    Kapoeasweg 42
    1043 Ad


    I am an Independent security researcher, ethical hacker and bug bounty hunter. If I find vulnerabilities and bugs on your website then you will pay me a reward on it? If you will pay me then send me an email where I will place bug reports to you and tell me the scope and also tell (Subdomains that eligible for a bounty). Thank you

    Kind Regards
    Muhammad Farhan

  11. Wish you had a phone number posted so I could dispute being charged for something I never ordered.

    No phone number, no email … seems fishy to me.

  12. Hello

    I work in the forex niche, can I use your tool to send bulk emails (Cold Emails)?

    Please send answer to my email.


  13. Regarding your Privacy policy, would you mind responding on following questions:

    1. What type of encryption is used? E.g. AES-256
    2. What protocol do you use for data in transit and version? E.g. TLS 1.2
    3. Do you allow SSO?
    4. Any cloud services?

  14. Hi Gmass team,
    I am the owner of the email verification service Mailcheck.co. We are one of the top email validators, with a 98% accuracy rate in checking emails.
    The success of email marketing products mostly depends on the quality of the service you deliver. Experiencing bounces is the last thing your users want.
    I would like to offer our services as your email verifier. Let’s discuss.
    Best wishes,

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