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Tracking Domain

A custom tracking domain can be a valuable tool for cold emailers and mass emailers.

With your own tracking domain, you can improve deliverability (stop letting other emailers affect your inbox placement). It's also good for branding in your emails.

Here in the tracking domain archives, you can read all about how to set up and best utilize a custom tracking domain with GMass to make your emails even more effective and deliverable.
Boost deliverability with SSL for email tracking domains

August 19, 2022

Boost Deliverability with SSL for Email Tracking Domains (How-to Guide)

How to use GMass to use secure custom tracking domain links in your email campaigns. GMass will obtain an SSL certificate for better deliverability.

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March 1, 2019

Google’s Safe Browsing program made my week hell

Google’s Safe Browsing program protects a lot of people from phishing, malware, and other harmful sites. In fact, it’s so …

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August 19, 2016

What Is a Custom Tracking Domain and How Does It Improve Email Deliverability?

What is a custom tracking domain? And instructions for setting up a custom tracking domain with GMass to improve deliverability and click-through rate.

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August 12, 2016

Spammers, GMass, and why your legitimate emails are ending up in Spam or being flagged as scam

We’ve had several users in the last few days report that emails they are sending with GMass to their own …

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June 2, 2016

Emails getting blocked? Take this one step to eliminate delivery issues.

Overview GMass is a unique service in the email marketing space because it’s built on top of Gmail. That means, …

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May 31, 2016

The default tracking domain for Google Apps users was listed as “deceptive” by Google over the weekend

The default tracking domain that GMass uses for open-tracking, click-tracking, and the unsubscribe link for Google Apps users, gm.ag, was …

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Send your first campaign in a matter of minutes

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Try GMass for free Then check out the quickstart guide to send your first mail merge email in minutes!
