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As an email platform, we're eyeballs deep in the world of SMTP here at GMass.

And here in the SMTP archives you'll find everything we've written on the GMass blog about SMTP, including:

  • How to use a third-party SMTP with GMass to break Gmail's limits and send virtually unlimited emails
  • GMass's own SMTP service for transactional emails
  • Reviews of SMTP services
  • Our tools to analyze your SMTP settings to flag any potential issue
  • And all other SMTP-related tips and findings
You may also be interested in our page on GMass's SMTP integration, where you can learn all about how GMass works with external SMTP services in one place.

November 29, 2017

Just launched! World’s best SMTP server testing tool.

I just launched the world’s best web-based SMTP test tool. With my new tool, you can see the exact SMTP conversation …

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November 20, 2017

How to get around Sendgrid’s domain whitelabel requirement

On April 6, 2020, SendGrid changed its sender verification requirements for new accounts created since April 6, 2020. Accounts created …

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send unlimited emails using SMTP

October 25, 2017

How to send unlimited emails in Gmail using an SMTP server

You can now break Gmail's sending limits and send unlimited mail merge emails from your Gmail account, using the GMass plugin and a third party SMTP server.

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Using the “Just create Drafts” option with unlimited SMTP sending

We recently announced the official launch of unlimited sending in Gmail. It works by allowing you to connect your GMass …

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How to configure a Sendgrid SMTP account for GMass

If you’re using the GMass unlimited sending option by connecting an SMTP service to GMass, you may have chosen Sendgrid as …

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