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Unsubscribes and Bounces

Unsubscribes and bounces are a part of the mass emailing process (as much as we all wish we could hit a 0% rate for both on every email we send).

Here in the unsubscribes and bounces archives you'll find the blog posts we've written about the unsubscribe process and bounce handling.

You may also be interested in our pages on GMass's unsubscribe management and bounce management features — see how GMass takes the burden off your hands and makes sure you only send to working email addresses belonging to people who want your emails.

September 6, 2023

How to Get Around Mimecast Blocks

Is Mimecast blocking the emails you're sending? Here are steps you can take to get around Mimecast blocks so your emails make it to the inbox properly.

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August 30, 2023

New in GMass: Instant Reply and Bounce Detection

GMass can now detect when someone replies to your campaign or when one of your message bounces the moment it happens — no more delays!

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Email bounce codes - the complete guide

September 15, 2022

Email Bounce Codes: The Complete Guide (Definitions, Solutions, and More)

A glossary of email bounce codes to help you understand why your emails weren't delivered. Plus steps and strategies to manage and to cut down on bounces.

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List Unsubscribe Header - What It Is and How to Implement It

June 16, 2022

List-Unsubscribe Header: What It Is and How to Implement it in GMass

Understand the list-unsubscribe header, who should use it to add easier unsubscribe links in email clients, and how to enable it in GMass.

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May 22, 2018

How to Unsubscribe a Domain

How to unsubscribe an entire domain in GMass. Also how to resubscribe an entire domain or download a CSV with your unsubscribes.

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Gmail 69585 bounce message

November 23, 2017

Gmail’s 69585 bounces and what they mean

A Gmail 69585 bounce is a type of block indicating that Google preemptively filtered your email before it ever reached the recipient's server.

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May 3, 2017

Advanced Bounce and Block Handling

You now have more control over your account’s bounce list and how bounces are handled for your account. In this …

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November 16, 2016

How to Remove Recipients from an Individual Campaign

How to suppress recipients for individual campaigns by building suppression lists from prior campaigns, or via manually entering domains and emails.

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September 9, 2016

Manually Import or Remove Unsubscribe Addresses and the GMass Unsubscribe Features

How to use GMass's unsubscribe management features to add or remove addresses from your unsubscribe list. (Plus more unsubscribe features in GMass.)

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July 14, 2016

Yahoo bouncing emails sent by select GMass users

Several users have reported that in the last few days, sending to yahoo.com email addresses, and email addresses hosted by …

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June 13, 2016

Did your Google account get suspended or did Gmail bounce your emails?

With a recent increase in GMass’s popularity has come an increased number of reports of Google accounts getting suspended after …

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May 14, 2016

How to handle this strange Gmail bounce: “read error: generic::failed_precondition”

Several users have recently reported seeing bounce backs from Gmail that look like this: Delivery to the following recipient failed …

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