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New in GMass: Instant Reply and Bounce Detection

GMass has always immediately detected when your prospects open and/or click your messages — and now, GMass also immediately detects when you receive a reply or when one of your messages bounce!

Instant reply detection in action

In the past, it took a few hours for GMass to process replies and bounces due to the sheer number of accounts in our system (when you’ve got 1,000,000+ people using your email platform, that’s a whole lot of accounts to process).

But we re-engineered the entire process to make the process at least 99.999537% faster — going from a few hours to less than a few seconds.

In fact, based on our tests, that means GMass now has the fastest reply and bounce detection of any email outreach platform!

Why Instant Reply/Bounce Detection Is Valuable for You

Here’s why instant detection of replies and bounces will help you create, send, and manage your campaigns even better than before.

Up-to-the-second accurate reports

No more waiting for your reports to catch up to the emails you’re seeing in your inbox.

With instant reply and bounce detection, your GMass reports now show you exactly where your campaign stands every time you check them.

Web-based reports updated immediately

If you’re using GMass’s shareable web-based report, your teammates, bosses, and clients will see the most accurate numbers possible — meaning you won’t have to tell them, “I promise we got replies, just wait for the report to update.”

Good for auto follow-up sequences

With auto follow-up sequences in GMass, you can set your follow-up messages to stop when a recipient opens, clicks, replies, or either clicks or replies.

Good for auto follow-ups that stop on reply

With slower reply detection, we heard some concern around auto follow-ups going out to prospects whose replies were not yet detected. GMass actually would scan your account for replies right before sending an auto follow-up batch… but if you didn’t know that, it could cause concern.

Now that’s something you don’t have to worry about. With instant replies, you won’t have to worry about GMass not noticing replies — even if they reply just moments before the auto follow-up is scheduled.

Good for A/B testing

Want to run an A/B test on your GMass campaign and choose your winning variation (or have GMass automatically pick the winner) based on the number of replies?

Good for A/B tests that measure by replies

With instant reply detection, now you can feel confident using a shorter A/B testing time window if you’re judging on replies. And you can also be sure every reply you see in your inbox will count toward the final verdict — even replies that come in right before the decision.

Good for blazing through responses to interested prospects with The Reply Project

The Reply Project is GMass’s tool for getting through responding to emails in record time. And it’s baked into GMass to help you blaze through replying to the responses to your campaign.

Now when you click on the Replies number in your reports and launch The Reply Project to send responses, you’ll see every reply without the delays.

Then The Reply Project will open up each reply and you can either type in a message or use templates or ChatGPT for even faster responses.

Good for teams who use shared bounces

GMass’s global bounce feature lets teams “share” bounce lists (both everyone using the same Google Workspace domain and everyone on your GMass team plan).

When you have global bounces enabled, GMass will automatically suppress any emails you try to send to addresses on any of your teammates’ bounce lists.

Good for teams sharing global bounces

With instant bounce detection, you can be confident your bounce lists are up-to-the-second accurate — eliminating the risk of anyone on your team sending to an address that already bounced for another teammate.

Opens up more AMAZING upcoming features

Instant reply detection opens the door for some highly-requested features that will help GMass become an even faster, more efficient, and more effective way to run your campaigns.

Look for things like reply automation, spreading campaigns across multiple accounts, and more — they’re coming soon, and they’re all thanks to instant reply detection.

Why Building Instant Reply/Bounce Detection Was the Biggest Technical Challenge Since GMass Launched

So… it turns out that detecting instant replies and bounces for the 1,000,000+ accounts using GMass was a little bit challenging.

And by that, I mean it was the most technically-challenging project I’ve encountered in the eight years since I built GMass.

I tweeted about the process here if you’re curious about all that went into this…

Getting Instant Reply/Bounce Detection in Your GMass Account

Good news: If you’re a GMass user, you automatically have instant reply and bounce notifications active in your account — no action needed on your end.

If you’re not a GMass user yet, you can try GMass for free (and yes, instant reply and bounce detection is active for free users). Get started by downloading the Chrome extension — no credit card required — and you’ll be sending campaigns in a matter of minutes.

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