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As you might've guessed, we've written a little bit about GMass on the GMass blog.

Here in the GMass archives category page you can find the articles we've written, often about how to get the most out of a GMass feature — but sometimes about even broader cold email and email marketing strategy with a GMass twist.

If you're here because you're new or new-ish to GMass and you want to learn about everything GMass has to offer (spoiler: a lot), you might want to head over to the tour.

June 19, 2024

Install Manifest V2 of the GMass Extension for Use on Older Computers

Using an older computer/operating system with an older version of Google Chrome and having trouble with GMass? Try installing this version.

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May 21, 2024

GMass Can Instantly Detect New Rows in Your Google Sheet and Send Them a Campaign

Recurring campaigns are one of GMass’s most powerful features. If you’re not familiar, GMass can detect new rows in a Google …

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April 11, 2024

What Is Spintax? And How Can It Help You Randomize Cold Emails?

What is spintax? And how can you use it in GMass to create campaigns with maximum randomness to potentially aid in deliverability?

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March 26, 2024

Our New ChatGPT Assistant Is Here to Answer Your GMass Questions

Working on a GMass campaign and have a specific question about how to use a feature? Want to see if …

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March 22, 2024

Create Full Cold Email Campaigns in GMass with ChatGPT (New!)

You can now use ChatGPT to generate entire cold email campaigns — including follow-ups and key settings — all inside of GMass. This feature …

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March 21, 2024

Email Countdown Timer: How to Add a Quick, Simple Clock in Gmail

Want to add an email countdown timer to your Gmail campaign? That’s now a built-in function in GMass. (If you’re …

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March 13, 2024

Case Study: How GMass Solved a Nonprofit’s Time Waste and Deliverability Issues

How the nonprofit Save a Life by NHCPS found GMass and used it to fix issues with their team's time waste and email deliverability issues.

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February 5, 2024

Choose Specific Days When GMass Should/Shouldn’t Send Your Emails

How to use GMass's Choose Specific Days scheduling feature to decide what days of the week your campaigns and follow-ups should or shouldn't send.

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February 4, 2024

How to Skip Holidays When Scheduling Your GMass Campaigns

Using GMass's Skip Holidays feature to define the holidays when you don't want emails to go out, then selecting to skip those holidays in a campaign.

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January 26, 2024

How GMass Helps Gmail.com + SMTP Senders Achieve DMARC Compliance

Gmail.com users who send through an external SMTP service are not DMARC compliant. Here's GMass's solution to fix that so you meet Google's requirements.

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October 24, 2023

5 Impressive Ways Email Marketers Are Using GMass’s Triggered Emails

How email marketers are using GMass's triggered emails, which go out automatically when a recipient opens, clicks on, or replies to a campaign.

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October 18, 2023

5 Great Ways Cold Emailers Are Using GMass’s Triggered Emails

How cold outreach pros are using GMass's triggered emails to close more deals by sending automated messages when prospects open, click, or reply.

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Join the 300,000+ others using GMass to send their best emails ever

Install in 30 seconds — no credit card or sign up form required

Try GMass for free Then check out the quickstart guide to send your first mail merge email in minutes!
