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GMass is now an official Gmail Add-On

GMass is now available as an official Gmail Add-onThis extends the functionality of GMass to Android devices (iPhone coming soon), and adds some important new features.

How is this GMass Add-on different from the GMass Chrome extension?

First, let’s be clear on what is meant by a “Gmail Add-on” and how that differs from the GMass Chrome extension, which is what users have been using on the desktop.

Gmail Add-ons are a new way to enhance Gmail, bringing functionality into your Gmail experience wherever you log in. They are attached to your Gmail account and the code that runs them lives at Google. They are created by third party companies, but must be thoroughly reviewed by the Gmail team at Google for inclusion into the Gmail Add-on Store.

Chrome extensions, on the other hand, have similar features, but are associated with your Chrome installation on each desktop machine. The code that runs them lives on each device along with that installation of the Chrome browser.

It’s important to be clear that you can–and should–have both the GMass Chrome extension and the GMass Gmail Add-on installed at the same time; it’s not one or the other. By having both, you get the best experience with GMass, on both desktop and mobile.

Want to learn more about GMass on mobile? Check out our complete guide.

The benefits of the Add-on

First, the GMass Add-on greatly enhances portability. Unlike with the Chrome extension which only works on desktops, with the GMass Add-on, as soon as you install it it’s immediately available on all devices with which you login to Gmail.

So, for example, you can be logged into your Gmail account on your home desktop computer, install the Add-on…and now you will be able to use the functionality on your computer at your office, your laptop computer–and your Android device!  It will even be available from the computer at the public library or a friend’s house.

Note: The GMass Add-ons is not currently available for iOS devices, but will be as soon as Google adds support for it.

The GMass Gmail Add-on also brings an entirely new feature to Gmail: a recipient’s campaign history window and unsubscribe/bounce status.

How to install it (it’s easy!)

It’s easy to install this Add-on. For experienced users, you can just follow this link and the typical steps. But for more detailed instructions in four easy steps, see the bottom of this post.

Where the GMass Add-on is found in your Gmail screen: Desktop vs. Android

The GMass for Gmail Add-on is found at a different location depending on whether you are using Gmail on a computer vs. an Android mobile device.

On a computer, it’s to the right of your Gmail window, as shown here and outlined (for this tutorial) in red:

Showing Gmail window open with GMass for Gmail Add-on indicated at the right of the screen.
GMass Add-on is found to the right of your Gmail screen.

On an Android device, it’s found at the bottom.

GMass is integrated into the Gmail app on Android devices.

New Features: inline campaign histories and unsubscribe/bounce lists

One new feature that’s only available with this Add-On is that any time you open an email in your Gmail account, you can see a campaign history that includes the last five campaigns sent to that person.

For example, let’s open on an email sent to me from my imaginary customer, Jack Lovich. The email will open as usual, but now click the grey (inactivated) GMass symbol button:

It will turn red (activated) and you’ll notice that a new section has opened, providing information about your GMass campaigns that this person was part of. Here that is shown on desktop:

Shows Gmail window with the GMass campaign history shown for this user, Jack Lovich.
GMass campaign history now shown for this recipient.

Scrolling down to the bottom reveals two more options: LAUNCH MAIL MERGE and HELP.

Shows the lower part of the GMass for Gmail Add-on section of Gmail.
The lower part of the GMass Add-on section of Gmail.

Using those green check marks, the GMass Add-on will also show you whether that person is on your unsubscribe or bounce list. If they are, you can remove them–if they’re not, you can add them.

In this case, this person is shown “Not unsubscribed”. If you click UNSUBSCRIBE THIS PERSON, it will immediately unsubscribe them.

Don’t worry, if you want, you can restore them right away: after unsubscribing, the screen will change as shown below, and you can click RESUBSCRIBE THIS PERSON to restore the person’s subscription.

Showing about to click "Resubscribe this person" in the GMass for Gmaill Add-on.
Resubscring someone you unsubscribed is easy.

Taking GMass to the next level

I’m excited about the GMass Gmail Add-on, since it brings GMass to mobile and adds powerful capabilities for getting a quick look into every recipient’s GMass history at the click of a button or tap of a finger. It takes 30 seconds to install and is available wherever you can access Gmail on a computer or Android device. Give it a try today!

How to Install (detailed version)

  1. Visit this link and click the blue “INSTALL” button, shown below.

    Showing window of Gmail Add-ons, about to click the Install button for GMass Add-on
    About to install the GMass official Gmail Add-on
  2. Gmail will then launch a small pop-up window asking for your permission to install this (or any) Add-on, so click Continue at that point. It will then ask you to choose which Gmail account to associate this Add-on with. Choose the Gmail account you want. [Note: You can have the same Gmail Add-ons installed to different Gmail accounts; you just have to install them one at a time.]
  3. Gmail will then ask again for your permission, specifically allowing this Add-on to be able to access your Gmail account. That window looks like this:
    Gmail pop up requesting GMass to have access to your Gmail account.
    Gmail asking to allow GMass access to your Gmail account.

    Click the ALLOW button to allow this access. GMass will need this access to work with your Gmail account.

  4. It will process for a moment, and then you will see this window:

    The popup window telling you you have successfully installed the GMass Gmail Add-on.
    Success! You’ve install the GMass Gmail Add-on!

That’s it! You’ve installed the Add-on. Now, every time you’re logged into Gmail on any desktop computer, laptop, or Android device, you will have the new features this Add-on provides. To get started using it, just go to Gmail as you normally would, and follow along with the “New Features” section above.

Ready to transform Gmail into an email marketing/cold email/mail merge tool?

Only GMass packs every email app into one tool — and brings it all into Gmail for you. Better emails. Tons of power. Easy to use.


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      1. I installed gmass on my desktop but I can’t get it to work on my Android phone. I’ve followed EVERY instruction and I can’t find it. I assume it doesn’t work, right?

    1. Hi Camrin,

      Unfortunately, not to schedule or send your email campaigns as this would need to be done in Gmail using Chrome on either a PC or Mac.

  2. GMass,

    I installed GMass Gmail Add-on to my Gmail so how can I know it’s working when I don’t see any GMass buttons in my Gmail (Android) app??? Can you tell me if I installed it correctly???

    Also is it possible to install the GMass Chrome Extension on Chrome app on Android??? And can you have GMass Gmail Add-on and GMass Chrome Extension both installed at the same time on Android???

    Thank you

    1. Hi Jim,

      Please note that the GMass’s functions on sending campaigns are limited to Chrome on a PC or Mac with the GMass Chrome extension installed.

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