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GMass Blog

Tips and tricks for sending email campaigns inside Gmail

January 19, 2023

GMass’s Email Warmup System Is Shutting Down

GMass's email warmup system is shutting down. Here are the reasons why and ways to achieve high deliverability in a post-warmup world.

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January 14, 2023

5 Best Chrome Extensions for AI + ChatGPT Email Replies

There are now plenty of Chrome extensions to handle your AI email replies using ChatGPT. Here are the best of the bunch for you to download.

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January 11, 2023

How to Auto-Send Someone a New Campaign After They Open, Click, or Reply

How to set up recurring campaigns that automatically go out when someone opens, clicks on, or replies to another campaign.

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January 3, 2023

Real Estate Email Automations: How to Send Recurring Messages to Your Prospects

How to set up real estate email automations that automatically go out to your prospects until they're finally ready to buy or sell.

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December 28, 2022

The #1 Broken Link Outreach Template That Will Actually Succeed in 2023

You need a broken link outreach template that works today... as publishers have grown much savvier to the old broken link cold email techniques.

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December 21, 2022

The AIDA Formula for Cold Email Copywriting: 5 Best Strategies to Close Deals

A guide to using the AIDA formula (attention-interest-desire-action) for cold email copywriting. With templates and strategies to get started.

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December 16, 2022

Recurring Campaign Technique: How to Send to All Emails on an Always-Changing Google Sheet

A technique to use GMass to send a recurring email to a Google Sheet that's always changing — making sure the right people get it and wrong don't.

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December 15, 2022

ChatGPT + Cold Email: 5 Best Ways to Use AI in Your Email Copywriting

How to use ChatGPT to write cold email first drafts and potential subject lines — and to use it to edit. Plus areas where you still need to handle things.

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November 28, 2022

How to Write an Email Correcting a Mistake (Tips, Best Practices)

Here's how to write an email correcting a mistake. It's the most effective template for sending a correction or apology after an error in an email campaign.

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November 22, 2022

How to Trigger a Transactional Email to New Rows in a Google Sheet

A Google Apps Script to send an instant, automated transactional email through GMass to the address in any new row you add to a Google Sheet.

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November 17, 2022

5 Powerful Ways You Can Personalize Emails When You Don’t Have Any Customer Data

You don't need a fancy CRM or lots of customer data in order to personalize your marketing emails and cold emails. Here are ways to better personalize.

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November 10, 2022

Email Templates for Gmail: The 4 Best Ways to Easily Design Marketing Emails

How to design HTML email templates for Gmail using different methods, then how to re-use and send those templates with GMass.

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