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Check Your Gmail Account’s Quota and Sending Limit

We’ve added a button to the GMass Settings panel that shows you how many emails you’ve sent with your Gmail account over the last 24 hours, and how many emails you can currently send without exceeding your Gmail account’s sending limits.

As a reminder, regular Gmail accounts can send 500 emails every 24 hours while Google Apps accounts can send 2,000 emails every 24 hours. These limits are detailed for regular Gmail accounts here at https://support.google.com/mail/answer/22839?hl=en, and for Google Apps accounts at https://support.google.com/a/answer/166852?hl=en.

Want to know how many emails you’ve sent over the last 24 hours and can now send?

Just click the new “Show Usage” button:

Then look at the message that is displayed at the top of your screen:

It’s that easy! Now you can tell at any given moment how many emails you’ve sent through your Gmail account over the last 24 hours and how many you can send right now.

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  1. I heard G suite give 7k sending limit per day , so i wan to know set up this limit or how to get my current limit is 90 emails per day , how do i upgrade to 7k. in G suite ?

    1. According to Google, regular Gmail accounts are officially limited to 500 emails/day, while G Suite accounts are limited to 2,000. But other factors like the age of the account, content of the Campaign, or reputation of the domain can affect your sending limit.

      There’s some more information about these limits here: 

      You can configure your account with an external SMTP server if you’d like to send unlimited emails without Gmail-imposed sending limits. See: https://www.gmass.co/blog/unlimited-mail-merge-sending-gmail/ ( https://www.gmass.co/blog/unlimited-mail-merge-sending-gmail/

      1. Where can I (1) find this usage button it is not listed? Has it been removed?
        (2) Is it worthless as Gmail limits seem to vary by user. So if I send 50 emails and the daily limit is 500…..that does not necessarily mean I have 450 left as that daily limit is not the same for every user? Google makes this way too difficult.

        1. Hi Rob,

          To find the total number of emails sent by going to your GMass settings box, under schedule and clicking the Show Usage link.

          It can still be useful as it would provide you with a general idea as to how many emails your account is limited to sending (as per your Google imposed limits) to make adjustments to your campaign sending based on this.

  2. I would like to do an e-mail campaign for marketing.

    How can I get some valid e-mail addresses.
    I would like to target educated & working class who are willing to work for 2 hours in a day and generate a 2nd income!

  3. There is some incorrect information. That Gmass member can sent 2000 e-mails per day. False, we are using Gmass more than 6 months and always we are able sent max. 200 e-mails per day, and another thing that one day we can sent 200 e-mails another day we can’t, little bit up set of that.

    1. Hi RG,

      GMass can send up to 2,000 emails per day on a G Suite account. Gmail accounts (those ending with @gmail.com or @googlemail.com) such as yours have a lower sending limit set at a maximum of 500 per day. The sending limits are imposed and enforced by Google and the max sending limit is based on the type of account you’re sending from. We have noticed over time that there are other factors such as the content of the email and the reputation of the domain can affect the send limits for an account. Age is a huge factor in this, as Google limit accounts to lower sending capacity until the account establishes its credibility. This is a measure to prevent scammers and spammers from opening accounts and sending at full capacity. 
      There’s some more information about these limits and factors here: https://www.gmass.co/blog/how-many-emails-can-you-really-send-with-gmass-and-gmail/
      You may also be interested in setting an external SMTP to send unlimited emails without being limited by Google’s imposed sending limits. To learn more please see https://www.gmass.co/blog/smtp-server-send-unlimited-emails-with-gmail-and-gmass/

  4. I have a Gsuite Legacy account but the email limit is limited to 500 emails. When I see the usage limit is says – 560 emails sent. you can send about 1430 emails right now, but when i attempt sending it says sending limit has reached

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