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GMass Blog

Tips and tricks for sending email campaigns inside Gmail

October 25, 2017

How to configure a Sendgrid SMTP account for GMass

If you’re using the GMass unlimited sending option by connecting an SMTP service to GMass, you may have chosen Sendgrid as …

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October 18, 2017

How to Find Emails: 6 Sneaky Ways To Find Prospects’ Email Addresses

Email outreach is one of the most important steps in any marketing strategy. Whether it’s prospecting for new clients, promoting …

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October 15, 2017

How to Fully Personalize Your Email Outreach With Minimum Busywork

Personalization is the name of the game when it comes to email outreach. If you aren’t personalizing, your results are …

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October 12, 2017

How to Run a High ROI Gmail Ad Campaign

  Email open rates aren’t amazing. We all know that. Especially when it comes to cold emails or reaching someone …

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October 9, 2017

Auto follow-up email enhancements

GMass offers a feature allowing you to send auto follow-ups out until getting a response to the original email. Start using this auto-email tool today!

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October 2, 2017

How to Use Paid Ads to Skyrocket Your Cold Outreach ROI

Improve your cold email outreach by supplementing with paid cold outreach. Retarget with advertising to nurture cold leads into eventual customers.

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September 23, 2017

New option to skip weekends when scheduling mail merges

When scheduling multi-day mail merge campaigns, you can now choose to skip the weekends. While the Skip Weekends checkbox under …

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September 21, 2017

The Google Sheets dropdown is now searchable and beautiful

If you’ve used our Google Sheets integration to send your mail merge campaigns, you may have noticed how UGLY our spreadsheet …

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September 13, 2017

Upgrading MimeKit broke our email address parser

GMass is written in C# and JavaScript and makes heavy use of a C# component called MimeKit. We recently upgraded to version 1.18, and it broke our code.

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September 12, 2017

Gmail’s “reached a limit” bounces and how to avoid them

Gmail Error: You have reached a limit for sending mail. your message was not sent. If you’re sending mail merge emails from …

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September 8, 2017

Most Windows disk space monitors suck

In looking for a Windows disk space monitor for my farm of servers, I was shocked at how many of the tools on the first page of Google SUCK.

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August 31, 2017

New auto follow-up option to stop email if anybody at company replies

Gmass offers a feature where you can send auto follow-ups in stages to people until they open or click on the email. Learn more about this feature today!

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Find out why GMass is the most popular Gmail mail merge tool in the world

Easy to learn. Easy to use. Packed with time saving, email enhancing features.

Try GMass for free Then check out the quickstart guide to send your first mail merge email in minutes!
