GMass uses Gmail Drafts as the storage mechanism for every mail merge campaign you send. After GMass is finished sending the mail merge campaign, it deletes the Draft, because it no longer has any use for it. If you, however, accidentally delete a campaign’s Draft before it or its auto follow-ups finish sending, then you may wish to recover the Draft.
If you’ve deleted your Draft and one of these is true…
- The campaign has NOT finished sending yet, because it’s scheduled to send a certain number of emails per day.
- The campaign HAS finished sending, but it has auto follow-ups assigned to it, and not all auto follow-ups have been sent.
…then you should attempt to recover the Draft.
If the campaign hasn’t finished sending, you will need to recover the Draft to allow the campaign to finish sending to all of your recipients.
If the campaign has auto follow-ups, you may want to recover the Draft if you wish to make changes to any of the auto follow-up settings.
If your campaign has finished sending, but still has pending auto follow-ups, but you don’t wish to make any changes to your auto follow-up settings, then you don’t need to recover the campaign’s deleted Draft.
So, how do you recover the mail merge campaign’s Draft if you accidentally deleted it?

- Click Compose to launch a new window.
- Set the To field to [email protected].
- Set the Subject to the numeric ID of the campaign whose Draft you want to restore.
- Hit the GMass button. Do not hit the Send button.
If successful, the Draft will be recovered, and you’ll find it under either:
- The Gmail Drafts Label
- The GMass Scheduled Label
- The GMass Auto Followups Label
Wherever you find it, it’s only one Draft, and based on the state of the campaign, it may have one or more of the above Labels attached to it.
- If the campaign has finished sending but has pending auto follow-ups, it will have just the GMass Auto Followups Label applied to it.
- If the campaign is in the middle of sending and also has pending auto follow-ups, it will have BOTH the GMass Scheduled and the GMass Auto Followups Labels applied to it.
- If the campaign has finished sending but does NOT have any auto follow-ups, it will have just the GMass Scheduled Label applied to it.
- If the campaign has finished sending and does NOT have any auto follow-ups, then it won’t have any Label applied to it other than the standard Gmail Drafts Label.
What do the Gmail Labels mean?
If a Draft has the GMass Scheduled Label, that means it’s a pending mail merge campaign and emails will still be sent. If the GMass Scheduled Label is removed, the campaign will fail to send.
If a Draft has the GMass Auto Followups Label, that means the campaign has auto followups attached to it. This Label is simply for organizational purposes, so you the user, can easily see which campaigns still have pending auto followups. Whether this Label is applied to the Draft or not has no bearing on whether the auto follow-ups send or not.
I don’t use GMass, I deleted an important Gmail Draft, and I want to recover it
If the Gmail Draft you deleted has nothing to do with GMass, and you still want to recover it, try following the tricks in this awesome article.
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No credit card required
Account: [email protected]
Campaign ID: 1452119
Scheduled ID: 875968
Gmail Draft ID: 1579115390599673096
I do not send gmail was hoping to help me
Idk what is my draft id :*( im in my Phone
hi how can i recover draft mail as i mistakenly while setting font it deleted
plz cll me this no and help me plz mam 7387993432
how can i recover draft mail as i mistakenly removed while editing
from where compaign id I get
Please help me in that time i’m suddenly discarded it in the phone This Draft took me for 2 year and idk what number id is
While typing the draft was selected in blue.
I touched a letter below the selected part and everything disappeared.
How do I get it back?
Hi how to recover deleted draft mail plz explain me nd where can I find the numerical compaign I’d nd i didn’t find the gmass butten in compose menu
My hard writing draft MAIL accidentally I press discard button click my hard written MAIL draft disappeared I want to receive it please help
Thanking you
Unfortunately, if the steps above did not work for you, there’s nothing we can do to restore your draft for you.
Where do I find numeric id
In your Campaign Report (under the CAMPAIGNS sub-label of GMass Reports) or in the yellow banner that appears at the top of your screen when you send the Campaign.
Hi I need my draft msg can u help me …by accident I del my draft msg in gmail
Where do you find the numeric ID for an email?
Take a look in the label GMass Reports/[CAMPAIGNS]. You’ll find the campaign ID on the very first lines of the campaign reports found here.
I hit the minimize button on a important report and it needs to be recovered. Don’t have Gmass
Hi Catherine,
What did you mean by minimize button?
I didn’t find the numeric id. Can you please show me the step by step on how to do it?
Hi Vivian,
Take a look in the label GMass Reports/[CAMPAIGNS]. You’ll find the campaign ID on the very first lines of the campaign reports found here.
If you’re still having problems, please email our support team at [email protected]
I delete my important draft in Gmail ..
Please tell me the procedure to recover it
Please please sir / madam …
i Deleted Desk top items and deleted my account in error ……Mac Roberts account can it Be Recovered…..its has an effect Oppening apps on desk top etc.. i do not want to remove anyone thats on account.
Please help.
I saved a very very long email in my drafts that I have been working on for a month.
After saving I swiped up on the email preinstalled app on my Samsung note 9.
I swiped up on other windows I had open like youtube and etc.
I then notice the same in 4 or 5 other windows open in that same app but older version, not the finished draft that I already installed. I swiped up on those thinking they would just discard.
Wrong they saved over my already saved and finished draft.
Please help me recover a previous saved draft that has been saved over.
Hi Al,
Unfortunately, if the draft was not sent through GMass, you won’t be able to retrieve drafts outside of GMass. However, you can try the link at the bottom of this article.
Once you recover the draft for your GMASS campaign, is there anything you need to do to ensure it finished sending the campaign?
Hi I need my draft msg can u help me …by accident I del my draft msg in gmail
If the draft your referring to was not a draft created through GMass, then, unfortunately, the restore draft command will not work for you. Please check out the article on the last paragraph to see if it may be able to help you in restoring your Gmail draft.
I followed the steps but the mail could’t be delivered
and i receive this message
Address not found
Your message wasn’t delivered to [email protected] because the address couldn’t be found, or is unable to receive mail.
What can I do?
ERROR while sending GMass emails – deleted Draft [TAKE ACTION]
If you want to restore the draft, please use the campaign ID found in the email notification you received with the instructions in the above article to restore the draft.
GMass Subscription Cancelled for [email protected]
Upon checking, we’re showing that your subscription has indeed been canceled.
Hi I need my draft msg can u help me …by accident I del my draft msg in gmail
If the campaign has not been sent, unfortunately, we can’t restore that draft. The GMass draft will only be restorable if the campaign has been scheduled.
Hello, I’d like to be able to use the same campaign in the future without having to recreate the whole thing. How do I send it to 20 people today and then add another 20 in a couple weeks?
Thank you!
Hi Andrea,
The easiest way to achieve this is to create a recurring campaign connected to Google Sheets. This way, all you would have to do is add the new email addresses and GMass will automatically detect those new addresses and kick off your email sequence.
To learn more, please see
I’ve gone through the steps in this article, but the recovery wasn’t successful. I can still see the campaign on the dashboard, but when I try to view the email associated with it, nothing happens. How do I associate a new email draft with the campaign so it can keep running?
Or is this campaign just dead, and I should create a new one?
Hi Denise,
If you were not able to recover the draft associated with the original campaign, then we recommend cancelling that campaign and creating a new one instead. Then you can use the old campaign as the suppression list for this new campaign so that any recipients from the old campaign already sent an email will not receive a duplicate on this new campaign. Please see
I just tried this and got a “email not found” message
I’m a premium member of GMass but why I can’t send over 150mails per day.i need to send 2000 mails per day .please someone assist me.
The email address for draft restoration doesn’t exist:
Uh oh, something went wrong while sending. Here is the detailed error:
General Exception You don’t have any email addresses in the To line. See this article for more information.
In many cases, pressing the GMass button again will fix this.
I’ve already tried to press the GMass button again… nothing happens