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An email attachment is a great way to substantiate your message and provide more value to recipients through reports, contracts, case studies, and more.

But attachments email isn’t just writing ‘please find attached’ or clicking the paperclip icon to add your attachments. It’s much more than that.

In this article, I’ll tell you the exact steps to send the perfect attachments email and provide five solid examples to help you out.

I’ll also discuss five actionable tips to follow while adding an email attachment and share an excellent mail merge tool you can use for your attachment emails.

Further Reading:

This Article Contains:

(Click on links to jump to specific sections)

Let’s go!

What Is an Email Attachment?

An email attachment is a file accompanying an outgoing email that provides additional content not covered in your email body. The extra information supplements your email, offering greater value and insights to your recipient.

You can attach multiple files to an email message, and the attachment file can be:

  • A PDF or Microsoft Word document.
  • Scanned files.
  • Spreadsheets.
  • Pictures.
  • Videos, and so on.

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Next, let’s learn how you can write solid attachment emails in five simple steps.

How to Write an Email with an Attachment

Here are the steps to follow while composing an attachment email:

1. Identify the Files You Want to Send

Before drafting the email, you should know what files you want to attach to your message and where they are located on your device.

This will help you align the message body with the attachment and avoid scurrying around to locate the file last minute.

However, merely identifying these additional files isn’t enough.
You should also consider the potential consequences for your recipients.

What do I mean?
For instance, sending large attachment files that consume too much storage space or take too long to download can turn off recipients and reflect poorly on you.

Instead, you can:

  • Check if your audience is open to receiving your attachments email once you’ve established a connection. While cold emailing new leads, aim to build trust before sending any attachments — you don’t want to upset or overwhelm them with any unexpected attachment.
  • Verify the attachment’s file size and format to ensure they align with your recipient’s preferences.

More on optimizing attachments later in this article.

2. Craft an Email Subject Line

Once you’ve identified the required attachment files, you can begin drafting your email — starting with the subject line.

Since 64% of all readers open an email based solely on its subject line, you’ll have to create a killer subject line that intrigues your audience and reels them in.

And as most recipients tend to overlook unexpected attachment emails, it’s best to mention the file names in your subject line to give them a heads-up.

However, even while adding these details, remember to keep your subject lines concise and to the point, preferably under ten words.

Wondering how to write excellent subject lines?
Read my articles on:

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3. Draft the Email Body

Once you have your subject line down, you can move on to the email body.

Your attachment email’s body should provide the recipient with everything you promised in the subject line. It’s here that you explain the purpose of your email.

If your sole intent is to send an attachment file, your email body can be a brief description of the file.

But if the attachment is only a part of what you wish to convey, simply mention it in the body with a short sentence like:

  • Here’s [attachment name].
  • I’m sharing [attachment name] with you.
  • The requested [attachment type – report/video/contract] is attached below.
  • Please take a look at the attached [attachment name].
  • For reference, I’ve appended [attachment name].

Pro tip: Strive to use something besides the generic ‘Please find attached’ when mentioning the attached files in your email’s body.

In addition to mentioning your attached files, your email message body should be compelling enough to interest readers. While drafting the body, you should:

  • Stay focused on your purpose.
  • Relay information through short, concise sentences.
  • Maintain a professional yet engaging tone.

Unsure about drafting the perfect email body?
Check out my articles on:

4. Add Attachments Files

Once you’ve composed your email, it’s time to attach the required files to your e mail message.

However, this isn’t a hard and fast rule.
You can actually attach your files whenever you want during the drafting process.

In fact, many senders prefer to attach files before writing their emails so that they don’t forget to attach them later.

But how do you add attachments?
If you’re a Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, or Apple Mail user, attaching files to your message is pretty straightforward.

Here’s a quick walkthrough guide for Gmail (you can follow similar steps for any other email program):

  • Log in to the email server or email client on your desktop or mobile device and click on Compose or New Email option.
  • Click on the Attach File button (attachment icon/ paperclip icon) in the Compose window.

Attach file button

  • Select the files you want to upload and click Open to append the chosen file to your email.

Click open

5. Proofread and Send Your Email

You may have crafted an email with a great subject line and body and even attached the necessary files.

But don’t send it as soon as you finish.

Why not?
Because any minor, overlooked mistake in your email can make you look sloppy and amateur.

For instance, a missing comma, a broken link, or outdated stats can turn off your recipient — or worse, hurt your reputation.

That’s why you should always proofread and review your attachment email before hitting send. You should ensure your emails:

  • Don’t have any grammar or punctuation errors.
  • Are free of typos, broken URLs, or outdated information.
  • Are clear and easy to understand.
  • Address the appropriate recipient.
  • Contain the necessary attachments.

Once you’ve fixed such errors, you can send attachment emails that connect with readers and keep them engaged.

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To help you further, I’ll share some examples illustrating different types of attachment emails.

5 Excellent Examples of Emails with Attachments

Here are five fantastic examples of emails with attachments, each serving a different purpose:

1. Submitting a Monthly Report

Subject line: Monthly Executive Reports for [month][year]… 

Hello [recipient’s name], 

It’s my pleasure to report that the previous month was one of phenomenal success, well beyond our expectations.  

Sales have peaked by [percentage] and are [percentage difference] above our target. Most of this increase is because of our new customer acquisitions. 

However, there’s been an increase in the churn rate too. We’ve lost [percentage] more buyers than last month. I think the nationwide lockdown could be the primary reason behind this. 

I’ve attached our executive reports with this email to help you analyze our performance for the past month.

[Your name]

2. Delivering an Event Invitation

Subject line:Invitation to [function or event name]

Greetings [recipient’s name],

I’ve enclosed an invitation to [function or event name] to be held in [place] on [date]. You’ll find the venue and time details in the invitation. I’ll be very grateful if you could attend the event.  

Please feel free to get in touch if you have any concerns. 

[Your name]

3. Including a Contract Copy

Subject line:Your Contract Copy for [product or service name]

Hello [Recipient’s name], 

We’ve received your first payment for our [product or service] for [recipient’s company name]. I’ve included a signed copy of the contract document with this email for your record.

Please let us know if you need any further clarification. 

[Your name]

4. Follow-up to a Previous Message

Subject line:Ready to Start [recipient’s name]? Here’re Our Best Quotes

Hello [recipient’s name], 

It was great talking to you last time and learning more about what you’re looking for.  

I understand the issues you’re facing with [problems discussed in the previous conversation] and how it’s become harder to [effect on team or organization]. 

As discussed, I’ve attached a PDF file with more information about our services and the best quotes we can offer. You’ll find how we can help boost your [business objective] and resolve your specific pain points.  

For any further questions, please reach us at [contact details].

Thank you for your time,
[Your name]

5. Sending a Resume or Cover Letter

Subject line:Application for [job designation] – Resume and Cover Letter Included

Hello [recipient’s name], 

I’m interested in applying for the [job designation] position at your organization. I’ve attached my resume and cover letter with this email.

Thank you for considering my application for the role, and I look forward to your response. 

Yours sincerely,
[Your name] 

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Let’s now look at some handy guidelines to follow while writing emails with attachments.

5 No-Nonsense Tips for Adding Attachments to Emails

Here’re are five actionable tips to enhance your attachment emails:

1. Ensure Your Attachment’s File Format Is Appropriate

A best practice when you send attachment emails is to ensure the file attachment is also accessible to your recipient.

What does that mean?
Just because you can access a file, don’t assume that your recipients would be able to do so too.

Sometimes your readers may not have the required software to open an attachment, leaving them disappointed and frustrated — defeating the purpose of your email.

To raise the odds of your recipient successfully opening the file attachment, you can:

  • Choose a file with a more universal file type they can readily open or download, like a .txt, .jpg, .docx, or .pdf file.
  • Avoid sending attachments with an unfamiliar file extension like .ade, .com, .exe, etc., that need specialized software for access or can raise suspicion among recipients.

2. Limit Your Attachment’s File Size

In addition to file type, your attachment’s size also affects the quality of your attachments email.

Excessively large attachments, especially images, take longer to download and require more storage space. A large file is also more likely to be caught by spam filters and damage your reputation.

And to avoid an influx of large file attachments and spam, every email service provider has size limits for email attachments, such as:

  • Gmail: 25 MB
  • Yahoo Mail: 25 MB
  • Apple Mail: 20 MB
  • Microsoft Outlook: 10 MB

Restricting your attachment size to 10 MB makes it easier for readers to view and download your attachment, especially on mobile devices. If you want to attach multiple files, stick to the upper limit of your specific email service provider.

But what if you have to send a large-sized e mail attachment beyond those limits?
No worries!

Just compress your large attachments as per the limits of your email server or upload them to a cloud storage service like Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox and share the link in your email.

3. Use a Link Instead of an Attachment

Remember, the file format and size restrictions for attachment files can often prevent you from sending them with your e mail message.

You may also prefer to avoid sending any unexpected attachment to new leads since you haven’t yet earned their trust.

What do you do then?
You can send a link to the file stored in a cloud service like Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox) instead of sending an e mail attachment.

I’ll explain why.

Using a link (to a Google Doc, for example) has multiple benefits:

  • It can deliver the same content as an attachment file. For instance, you can share the contents of a Microsoft Word document or Adobe Reader PDF file in a Google doc.
  • It helps you overcome storage and time constraints — sharing a link is quicker and easier than spending several minutes uploading a large file.
  • Recipients can access it online via a desktop or mobile device.

But don’t just copy-paste a link into your email message!

To be professional, you can either:

  • Add a relevant anchor text describing your link’s contents.
  • Use a shortened link or try a URL shortening service like bit.ly to modify any lengthy links.

4. Send Secure Attachments in Your Email

In recent years, attachment emails have become popular channels for malware distribution, posing a massive security threat for recipients.

Sending a malicious or malware-infested file, even accidentally, can compromise your recipient’s email security and undermine your reputation.

But don’t worry. If you exercise caution while sending email attachments, you can save yourself and your recipients a world of pain.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Scan attachments for malware: Most email services automatically scan attached files and reject ones with viruses or malware. If your email client or service fails to do so, install an antivirus program on your computer to weed out virus-infested files.
  • Avoid attaching unknown file formats to your email: Steer clear of file extension types like .ade, .adp   .cmd, .com, .exe, .pcd, .wsf, etc., which are common malware carriers.
  • Stay away from attachment files with double extensions: Extensions like .img.exe are usually misused by hackers to conceal malware and viruses. Beware of any executable attachment file disguised as an image — it’s a common ploy to compromise recipients’ email security.

5. Mention Included Attachments in Your Email

I’ve already discussed the significance of mentioning the attachment’s details in your subject line and email body.

Doing so lets recipients know what to expect from your email message. It’s also an excellent way to be forthright and clear about the purpose of your email.

Some best practices to follow while referring to your attachments:

  • Tell recipients your attached file names.
  • Mention the number of attached files (in case of multiple attachments) and their variations.
  • Include some context or background information to give readers more clarity about the attached file.

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While you can apply these best practices for all messages with email attachments, you may not be able to follow them when sending mass emails with multiple attachments to different email addresses.

If you’re looking for enhanced mail merge capabilities for your attachment emails, an email automation tool like GMass is what you need.

The Best Mail Merge Tool for Attachment Emails in 2024


GMass is a robust email marketing automation tool that lets you send mass emails and mail merges with personalized attachments. (You can even send attachments using the GMass API.)

Its exceptional features and ease of use make GMass the perfect outreach solution for digital marketers, salespeople, entrepreneurs, and small business owners. It’s also used by employees of social media giants like LinkedIn and Twitter.

With GMass, you can:

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Wrapping Up

Attachments add more substance to your emails and offer extra information to enrich your email message.

You can use the steps, tips, and examples I covered here to ensure your attachment emails deliver high value to your recipients.

And if you wish to send mass emails with attachment files, you should go for an email outreach tool like GMass. It lets you schedule mail merges with attachments, automate follow-up emails, track your email’s open, reply, and bounce rates, and do so much more.

Download the free GMass Chrome extension today and start sending email attachments at scale!

Ready to send better emails and save a ton of time?

GMass is the only tool for marketing emails, cold emails, and mail merge — all inside Gmail. Tons of power but easy to learn and use.


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
No credit card required
Love what you're reading? Get the latest email strategy and tips & stay in touch.

Writing an effective email is challenging.

You’ll need to craft a catchy subject line, an engaging body, and a compelling call to action.
But what’s more difficult is personalizing your email copy for each recipient — especially if you have a massive mailing list.

Don’t worry.
That’s where email templates come in.

To help you out, I’ll share 12 proven email copy templates you can start using today.

I’ll also provide four practical tips to help you craft compelling email copy and highlight a powerful email marketing tool you can use to create email copywriting templates at scale.

Further Reading:

This Article Contains:

(Click on links to jump to specific sections)

Let’s get started.

12 High-Converting Email Copy Templates to Start Using Today

Here are 12 proven, plug-and-play email copy templates designed for different scenarios:

1. Cold Email Template

If you’re sending a cold outreach email to a prospect, you should introduce yourself first and briefly cover what you do in your sales email template. Then, you can mention specific details about the potential customer to demonstrate you did ample research before reaching out.

Subject line: Do you handle [relevant responsibility] at [company], [prospect’s first name]?

Hi [prospect’s first name],

My name is [your name], and I’m a [job title – for example, email marketer or sales rep] at [your company].

We help [prospect’s industry/niche] companies achieve [goal A], [goal B], and [goal C] through [value proposition].

I’m looking to connect with someone who handles [relevant responsibility] at [prospect’s company]. Based on your [social media platform] profile, I figured you’re the right person to talk to. Can we get on a call at [time] on [date] to discuss how we can help you?

If you’re not the right person to approach for this, could you point me in the right direction?

I look forward to hearing from you.

[Your name]
[Your company]
[Your company website]
[Links to your social media handles]

Curious about cold emails?
Check out:

2. Inbound Lead Email Template

It’s easy for a prospective client to forget about you after receiving your lead magnet.

That’s why it makes sense to send them an email that adds more value to their lives and asks if they’ve got any questions. It lets you stay on their radar without seeming intrusive.

Subject line:Was [lead magnet] helpful for you, [prospect’s first name]?

Hello [prospect’s first name],

You recently downloaded [lead magnet] from [your website].

Did you find the answers you were looking for?

If you found [lead magnet] insightful, here are a few blog posts you may like:

  • [Blog post #1]
  • [Blog post #2]
  • [Blog post #3]

Have any questions you’d like us to answer?
Feel free to schedule a quick call with me here: [calendar URL]

Have a great day,
[Your email signature]

3. Newsletter Subscription Email Template

Once a prospect signs up for your newsletter, you can send them an email confirming their subscription.

In the email, welcome the new subscriber to your community and give them a birdseye view of what your newsletter will cover. Additionally, mention any extra perks they’ll get by staying subscribed.

Subject line:Thanks for subscribing to [newsletter], [subscriber’s first name]!

Hi [subscriber’s first name],

Thank you for subscribing to [newsletter]!

As an official subscriber, you’ll receive weekly emails teaching you the ins and outs of [newsletter topic].

There’s more!
You’ll also get exclusive access to perks like:

  • [Example A]
  • [Example B]
  • [Example C]

Remember to safelist [your email address] or add it to your address book to ensure our messages don’t trigger your spam filter.

Happy to have you as a part of the [X] community!

[Your email signature]

4. Follow-Up Email Template

There’s a good chance your prospect was busy or didn’t have the budget when you first talked.

You can use this follow-up email template if the prospect has asked you to circle back to them in the future. However, remember to send your follow-up email as a reply to remind the prospect about your old conversation.

Subject line:Re: Is this a good time to talk, [prospect’s first name]?

Hello [prospect’s first name],

Last we talked, you asked me to get back to you in [month] because [reason].

Is this a good time to talk?
If it is, you can book a quick call on my calendar: [meeting scheduler URL]

But if you’re busy and would like to postpone our discussion, just let me know.

In the meantime, here are a few helpful resources you can check out:

  • [Resource A]
  • [Resource B]
  • [Resource C]

I look forward to hearing from you.

[Your email signature]

Need help writing follow-ups?

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5. Webinar Invitation Email Template

An invite for a webinar around their topic of interest is a great way to intrigue your prospect.

In your webinar invitation email, you can provide details like the topics you’ll cover and who’ll lead the session. Additionally, try to portray how the webinar is especially relevant to your reader and the unique value they can get from attending it.

Subject line:Join our webinar on [topic of interest], [prospect’s first name]!

Hi [prospect’s first name],

We’re co-hosting a webinar with [industry leader] on [topic of interest] on [date] at [time].

During this [X]-hour webinar, we’ll talk about:

  • [Key point A]
  • [Key point B]
  • [Key point C]

Businesses in [prospect’s industry/niche] space will find this webinar useful because we’ll be showing you how to overcome [pain point A] and [pain point B] effortlessly.

Reserve your spot here: [webinar URL]

Only [Y] seats are available!

See you there,
[Your email signature]

6. Product Launch Email Template

Sending a product launch email is a great way to build awareness about your product.

You can use this email copy template to showcase your product’s unique benefits and how it’s different from the competition. Moreover, this email template lets recipients pre-order your product.

Subject line:You can pre-order [your product] today, [prospect’s first name]! 

Hello [prospect’s first name],

I come bearing exciting news!

[Your product] hits the market on [launch date], and I thought you should be the first to know.

Unlike [competitor product A] and [competitor product B], [your product] offers:

  • [Unique benefit #1]
  • [Unique benefit #2
  • [Unique benefit #3]

Besides, you wouldn’t have to deal with [problem C] and [problem D] anymore.

Want to try it out for yourself?
You can pre-order [your product] on [platform] today!

Do let me know your thoughts on [your product]. 

[Your email signature]

7. Special Offer Email Template

A promotional email offering an exclusive discount on your product/service is hard to ignore.

Subscribers who love your product/service will want to leverage this deal to start using your premium offerings. To take things a step further, you can include an expiration date for your offer in the promotional email, prompting your email subscriber to act ASAP.

Subject line: [Prospect’s first name], use this code to get [your product/service] at [X]% off

Hi [prospect’s first name],

To celebrate [occasion], we’re offering a special discount of [X]% on [your product/service]. 

Use to avail of this offer.

Once you do, you’ll get access to cool features like:

  • [Premium feature A]
  • [Premium feature B]
  • [Premium feature C]

But hurry up!
This offer is valid only till midnight on [date].

If you run into any issues or have any questions, please drop me a line.
I’m happy to help.

[Your email signature]

8. Value-Addition Email Template

Email copies that add value to prospects’ lives work because they position you as an expert in your field.

You can add value in the form of a helpful blog post, a relevant case study, or a well-researched whitepaper teaching the email subscriber how to overcome their pain points.

Subject line:[Prospect’s first name], here’s an ebook on [topic of interest]

Hello [prospect’s first name],

I recently saw your post about [pain point] on [platform], and it reminded me of this fantastic ebook my team wrote on [topic of interest]. 

Our ebook clearly explains how you can overcome:

  • [Pain point A]
  • [Pain point B]
  • [Pain point C]

That’s not all.
You can also explore [bonus piece of content] in the ebook.

And the best part?
It’s free.

Get your copy here: [ebook URL]

Should you have any questions about [topic of interest], shoot me a message. I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Have a good day,
[Your email signature]

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9. Customer Welcome Email Template

You can use welcome emails to give customers an overview of what your tool can do for them.

Moreover, welcome emails set the tone for the rest of your interactions with the customer and help manage expectations.

Subject line:Welcome on board [customer’s first name]!

Hi [customer’s first name],

I’m [your name], [your company]’s founder, and I want to personally welcome you to the [your product/service] community!

Our team has worked tirelessly to ensure no one struggles with [pain point].

With [your product/service] by your side, accomplishing [milestone A] and [milestone B] has never been easier.

To show you the ropes, we’ll send regular emails talking about:

  • How to use [your product/service]
  • How existing customers make the most of [your product/service]
  • What you can do when you run into any issues

Here’s a blog post on [topic] to get you started: [URL]

Thanks again for choosing [your product/service],
[Your email signature]

10. Abandoned Cart Email Template

Abandoned cart emails that remind prospects of unpurchased items can help boost your eCommerce store’s sales conversion rate.

You can use the abandoned cart emails to woo the prospects with your products once again and offer them an incentive to buy, like free shipping or a special discount.

Subject line:[Prospect’s first name], you forgot [item]...

Hello [prospect’s first name],

Did you forget to checkout [item]?

Don’t worry.
You can finish the checkout right here: [landing page URL]

Use this during checkout to get free shipping on your purchase.

If you run into any issues or have questions about your purchase, send us an email or call us at [phone number]. Our sales rep will get things sorted in no time!

[Your email signature]

11. Networking Email Template

This networking email template lets you cement a relationship you made with a prospect during a networking event. Using this email copy template, you can build rapport and slowly get the reader interested in your offerings.

Subject line: Nice talking to you, [prospect’s first name]

Hi [prospect’s first name],

It was great meeting you at [location] for [event]. I’m glad we got to talk about [topic of interest]. Moreover, it was fascinating to hear about your [initiative] at [prospect’s company].

We’re organizing a virtual event on [topic of interest] on [date]. 

It features:

  • [Unique selling point A]
  • [Unique selling point B]
  • [Unique selling point C]

Would you be interested in joining?
You can register here: [event registration URL]

I look forward to catching up with you.

[Your email signature]

12. Media Pitch Email Template

Press mentions are an excellent strategy for building your credibility.

One smart way to get a press mention is to cold email a journalist who covers news related to your industry or niche. You can entice the publication into giving you a feature by mentioning a study your company did and its exciting discoveries.

Subject line:Loved your [publication] on [topic of interest], [prospect’s first name]!

Hello [prospect’s first name],

I’m [your name], a [job title] at [your company].

I came across your [publication] on [topic of interest] and found your angle very interesting. I particularly liked your take on [specific aspect].

If you’re interested in exploring [topic of interest] from a business perspective, I’d love to pitch in. [Your company] recently did a study on [topic of interest] around small businesses in the [industry] niche.

We found:

  • [Result #1]
  • [Result #2]
  • [Result #3]

Please let me know if you’d like more details on this study.
I’d love to tell you more!

[Your email signature]

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Now that we’ve gone over some ready-made templates you can reuse, I’ll share some actionable tips to help you craft great email copies:

4 No-Nonsense Tips to Help You Craft Effective Email Copy

Here are four proven tips an email marketer can follow to ace email copywriting:

1. Write Short, Catchy Subject Lines

Your subject line is one of the first things the recipient notices about your email.

It can make or break your email open rate — about 47% of email recipients open an email based on the subject line.

That’s why your email subject line needs to be:

  • Concise: since 50% of users open emails on their mobile devices, try to limit your subject line’s length to 25-30 characters.
  • Catchy: mentioning a surprising stat, asking a relatable question, or promising a solution to a pain point in your subject line can make it stand out.
  • Spam-free: avoid using spam trigger words like “Earn $”, “100% free”, “No catch”, “Guarantee”, etc., in your email subject line.

For more information, check out:

2. Make Your Email Body Copy Easy to Read

The subject line may get your email opened.

But it’s up to your email body copy to capture the reader’s attention, engage them, and lead them to your call to action.
That’s why your email body copy should:

  • Be brief: a potential customer doesn’t have all day to read your email, so it’s crucial to convey your message quickly, in as few words as possible.
  • Avoid jargon: jargon takes away from your email body’s clarity and may confuse your reader.
  • Be easy to read: break up your email body copy with whitespaces to make the content more scannable.

3. Ensure that Your CTA Is Clear and Impossible to Ignore

Once a potential customer finishes reading your body copy, use your call to action (CTA) to tell them what to do next.

Otherwise, the recipient may struggle to figure out the next steps.

When creating your CTA, remember to:

  • Stick to one CTA: too many CTAs can overwhelm your reader, and they take no action.
  • Make it stand out: use a button for your CTA and add whitespaces around it so that your CTA is easy-to-find.
  • Use action words: begin your CTA with a word like “download”, “contact”, “sign up”, etc., that encourage readers to act.

4. Personalize Your Email Copy to Increase Engagement

Your recipients don’t need another generic email from you.
They’ve already got plenty in their inbox.

Instead, you need to send them personalized emails that show you’ve done your research and genuinely want to help them out.

For this, email marketers can:

  • Mention the recipient’s name/company name in the subject line.
  • Talk about their unique pain points in the sales email template’s body copy.
  • Add a social proof example (like a testimonial) that resonates with the audience.
  • Share relevant content or research that’ll make their lives easier, and more.

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Next, I’ll introduce an advanced yet easy-to-use email marketing tool that can help you power up your email copywriting efforts:

Make the Most of Your Email Copy Templates with GMass


GMass is a powerful email marketing and marketing automation tool that helps you scale up your email copywriting efforts.

Its ease of use makes GMass the perfect email outreach software for marketers, salespeople, solopreneurs, owners of small businesses, and more. GMass is also a popular solution used by employees in social media powerhouses like LinkedIn and Twitter.

With GMass, you can:

  • Save your best email copies as templates to reuse in a future email campaign.
  • Automatically personalize your cold outreach emails at scale, including paragraphs, links, images, and attachments.
  • A/B test your sales email copy to identify the version that brings the most conversions.
  • Schedule your email marketing campaign to reach your subscribers, existing customers, or prospects at optimal times.
  • Build a targeted email list with just a few clicks from your Gmail search results.
  • Use campaign reports to analyze metrics like open rate, response rate, click-through rate, etc., for your sales email campaign.

To use GMass, simply download the Chrome extension and sign up for a free trial with your Gmail or Google Workspace account.

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Final Thoughts

Email copywriting can be time-consuming and demanding.

Fortunately, there’s a way out: create email copy templates that you can easily personalize, tweak, and reuse in your future campaigns.

You can use the templates covered above or create your own by following the tips mentioned.

However, creating your marketing or sales email templates is only part of the process.
You also need a powerful email marketing automation tool like GMass to manage your email campaigns at scale.

Why not download the GMass Chrome extension for free and step up your email copy game today?

See why 99% of users say they’ve had their best deliverability ever with GMass

Email marketing, cold email, and mail merge all in one tool — that works inside Gmail


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
No credit card required
Love what you're reading? Get the latest email strategy and tips & stay in touch.

Email personalization lets you create individual email experiences for each recipient in your mailing list.

However, to personalize emails effectively, you’ll first need to collect data on the target audience. Then, you’ll have to segment your email list and decide on the right personalization strategy for effective targeting.

Worried that personalizing email campaigns is complicated?
Don’t be.

To help you out, I’ll explain what email personalization is and go over its three key benefits. I’ll then provide a step-by-step guide on sending a personalized email campaign and share seven no-nonsense email personalization tips to improve your conversion rate.

Further Reading:

  • Need help crafting your cold email? Check out my article on cold email copywriting for all you need to know. 

This Article Contains:

(Click on links to jump to specific sections)

Let’s go!

What Is Email Personalization?

Email personalization is the process of creating tailor-made emails for your recipients using the data you have on them. It allows you to send timely emails with relevant content that engages your audience and gets responses.

At its most basic level, email personalization involves adding the recipient’s name to your email.

But that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
You can add personalized content in your emails based on the recipient’s:

  • Location.
  • Interests.
  • Demographic.
  • Important anniversaries.
  • Job title.
  • Website behavior.
  • Purchase history, and more.

Here’s a video recommendation email from TED based on a subscriber’s viewing history:


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Now that you know what email personalization is, let’s quickly go over why you should do it in the first place.

3 Key Benefits of Personalizing Your Emails

Here are three reasons why you should personalize your email campaigns:

  • Higher Open Rate: a personalized email subject line grabs the recipient’s attention and can boost your open rate by 26%.
  • Better Customer Engagement: since generic content annoys 42% of customers, you can improve customer engagement by personalizing your email content.
  • High ROI: personalized emails have the potential to increase your revenue by 760%, so investing in email marketing personalization is a clever idea.

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Next, I’ll go over how you can create and send an effective personalized email campaign.

How to Send a Personalized Email Campaign: Step-by-Step Guide

Just follow these steps for creating and sending a solid personalized email campaign:

Step #1: Gather the Data for Personalizing Your Emails

Before you can personalize emails, you’ll need data about your recipients.

For example, if you want to send birthday emails to subscribers, you’ll need to know when their birthday is.

One tactic you can use to collect customer data is a lead magnet.

What’s that?
A lead magnet is a free item you offer prospects in exchange for providing their data, such as:

  • An ebook.
  • A case study.
  • An industry report.
  • A tutorial, and more.

In return for giving them free value, you can ask prospects for their name, company name, occupation, contact info, birthday, location, etc.

But lead magnets aren’t the only way to gather customer data.

You can also get details like the total number of orders or the total amount spent by a customer from your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Moreover, you can leverage website tracking to gather data on your customers’ preferences.

Step #2: Segment Your Email List for Effective Targeting

After you’ve collected data on prospects, it’s time for segmentation.

What’s segmentation?
Simply put, segmentation is the process of dividing your target audience into smaller groups based on some common characteristics.

You can segment prospects based on their:

  • Gender.
  • Location.
  • Job title.
  • Demographics.
  • Interests, and more.

Why perform segmentation in the first place?
Simple — to send more relevant marketing emails to your recipients!

For instance, let’s say you own an eCommerce store selling accessories.

If you’ve segmented the email list based on gender, sending a mass email campaign exclusively to your female audience about a sale on women’s handbags would be a piece of cake.

That’s not all.
You can also dive deeper and segment the email list based on your customers’ buying behavior, purchasing frequency, and level of engagement on your website.

By doing so, you can send targeted emails that provide recipients with a personalized experience.

Step #3: Include Personalization Data in Your Email Copy

Once you’ve segmented the recipients, the next step is inserting the personalization data.

But where should you add this data?
Here are the two main parts of your email where you can leverage personalization:

A. Subject Line

I recommend starting with your subject line since it’s one of the first things a recipient notices about your email. In fact, almost half of your recipients will decide to open the email based on your subject line.

That’s why you need a catchy, personalized subject line.

In your subject line, you can mention the prospect’s:

  • Name.
  • Company name.
  • Location.
  • Goals.
  • Pain points.

Here’s a subject line personalized with the subscriber’s name:

Subject line

Need help with crafting your subject lines?
Check out:

B. Email Body

You can take email personalization up a notch in your email body.

For example, you can elaborate on a solution to the potential customer’s unique problems in your email body. Alternatively, you can add personalized product recommendations to the email body based on a customer’s purchase history or browsing history.

Check out this email from Coursera with personalized product recommendations:


But how do you personalize each email when dealing with a large email list?
Email personalization is effortless when using a robust email marketing and marketing automation tool like GMass.

With GMass, you can use custom fields to automatically personalize everything about your mass email campaign, including the subject lines, paragraphs, links, images, attachments, and more.

Custom fields

This way, sending personalized email campaigns at scale becomes a breeze!

Step #4: Schedule Your Emails to Reach Prospects at Optimal Times

Email personalization doesn’t stop at adding dynamic content to your emails.

You’ll also need to personalize the email sending schedule so that your targeted emails reach prospects at optimal times.

What’s the best time to send your email?
Studies recommend that you send emails between 9 am and 11 am on Tuesday or Thursday — that’s when the open rate is usually at its peak.

However, this is a rule of thumb.
You can use A/B testing to determine what time works best for your prospects.

In A/B testing, you pick two different times to send your personalized emails and see which time works better for your recipients. Then, you repeat this process using other send times till you find the one that works best.

After identifying the optimal send time, just schedule your personalized email marketing campaign to go out then.

Fortunately, scheduling your email messages is easy with an email marketing automation tool like GMass.

Simply pick a pre-configured date/time from the scheduling settings or enter a custom date/time to your liking. Then, GMass will automatically send your personalized emails at the scheduled time (in your local time zone).

And if you want to reschedule your emails, you can easily modify the scheduled date/time right inside your Drafts folder.

Scheduling settings

Step #5: Create Automated Workflows to Send Behavior-Based Emails

Let’s say you’ve sent out a personalized email campaign.

Now, some of your recipients will:

  • Open your email.
  • Respond to it.
  • Click on a link inside.
  • Ignore the message.

A great way to keep recipients engaged is to send them personalized emails based on how they interacted with your email marketing campaign. In other words, you’ll need to create a workflow that sends behavior triggered emails.

With GMass, you can effortlessly set up a workflow to send automated email follow-ups based on recipients’ actions on your previous outreach or promotional emails.

For example, you can send a follow-up email to those who didn’t open your email or who opened your email but didn’t click any URLs inside.

Automated follow-ups

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Let’s now go over some no-nonsense tips to help you excel at email personalization.

7 Practical Email Personalization Tips to Boost Your Conversions

Here are seven actionable tips you can follow to level up your email personalization game:

1. Develop Buyer Personas of Your Target Audience

For effective email marketing personalization, you need a clear idea of who you’re writing for.

That’s where buyer personas come in.

What’s a buyer persona?
A buyer persona is a comprehensive description of someone who represents your target audience. Since your business might cater to various customers, you’ll need multiple buyer personas to cover your target audience.

Let’s consider the example of a real estate agency in Palo Alto to understand this.

One of your buyer personas might describe a software engineer working in the Silicon Valley, earning $250,000 annually.

Another buyer persona might describe a multi-millionaire with a family heading a tech unicorn.

By defining buyer personas, your marketers will have a better grip on the type of personalized content to include in your emails and the tone to use. Your marketers can then craft targeted email messages that resonate with the buyer, increasing your engagement chances.

2. Humanize Your Email’s Sender Details

68% of recipients open an email based on its “from” name.

And it makes perfect sense.
You see an email from someone you trust, and you’d want to give it a read.

Note that I’ve used the word “someone” here.

But why?
Most companies use their brand’s name and logo for the sender details.

At first look, there’s nothing wrong with this approach because your subscribers have signed up for marketing emails from your brand.

However, receiving emails from a brand or business can seem impersonal after a while.

A better approach is to humanize your sender details by using a person’s name in the “from” field and their face instead of your brand logo. Your recipients will appreciate emails from real people and be more likely to respond.

For example, when you’re emailing existing customers, sending your marketing emails from the account manager or sales rep’s account gives a more personal touch.

I send GMass emails with my name in the “from” field so that our subscribers feel like they’re hearing directly from me:

Personal email

3. Reference a Mutual Contact to Foster Trust

If you’re sending a cold email to a potential customer, referencing a mutual connection helps build trust.

Your potential customer may not know who you are, but the fact that you share a mutual contact will make them feel at ease about talking to you.

How exactly do you reference a mutual contact?
Try using a personalized subject line like “[Mutual connection] suggested that we talk”.

This subject line will help you break the ice and capture the reader’s attention, getting them to open your email. And you can elaborate on how you know the mutual connection in your cold email body.

Then, you can slowly segue into talking about why you’re reaching out and how it’ll benefit the prospect.

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4. Build Rapport by Highlighting Commonalities

The quickest way to build rapport with a recipient is by highlighting commonalities in your email.

What do I mean by that?
You and the potential customer may share a common:

  • Interest.
  • Goal.
  • Background.
  • Challenge.
  • Value, and more.

Mentioning a commonality shows that you’re not very different from each other and that you’ve researched them well.

Commonalities work because they make it easier for a potential customer to trust you.

But how do you find those commonalities?
Easy — check out their profiles on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

Ideally, you’ll want to find an unusual or a rare commonality.

For example, if you’re an American reaching out to another American living in the United States, pointing out that you’re both American may not help your case. There are tons of people just like you, so you won’t stand out.

However, say you both love to surf. Since not many people can say that, you can leverage this commonality. You could mention your favorite surfing spots in Florida or Hawaii and ask the prospect where they like to surf.

5. Add a Compliment Based on a Trigger Event

Adding a compliment to your outreach email is a smart personalization tactic.

It’ll make the recipient feel seen and appreciated, increasing the chances that they’ll respond to your personalized message.

However, your compliments will need to be specific if they’re to work.

For example, saying something like “I’m impressed with your achievements” won’t cut it. Instead, you’ll need to specify what achievement really stood out to you — it could be about a funding round they led, a revenue milestone they achieved, etc.

Compliments make the recipient feel good and show you’ve done your research on them.

Wondering what to compliment a prospect on?
Start by looking for exciting updates on their social media handles.

If you can’t find anything on the social media pages, Google the prospect and see if there are any press mentions featuring their achievements.

Based on what you see online, craft an email with a genuine compliment your prospects will appreciate.

6. Mention Solutions to Prospect’s Pain Points in Your Email

Your prospects don’t need more promotional emails in their inbox.
They’ve got plenty already.

Instead, what they could use are solutions to their unique pain points.

You can personalize your email content to talk about your recipients’ pain points and share solutions for overcoming them. For example, you could point them to a helpful blog post, link to a case study, cite a research paper, etc.

This email personalization technique has twin benefits:

  • Mentioning pain points shows that you understand the subscriber and their needs.
  • Offering solutions tells your prospects that you care about helping them out and showcases your expertise.

As a result, your recipients will look forward to responding to your personalized email marketing message, and you can cultivate brand loyalty.

This email from Credit Karma talks about high auto insurance premiums, a pain point many car owners share:

Credit karma

7. Send Timely Emails Based on the Customer Journey

Asking a recipient to buy your product in your first email is salesy and will put them off.

Similarly, if a prospect added an item to their shopping cart but didn’t check out, not sending them a follow-up can cost you a potential sale.

My point?
You’ll need to send a timely, personalized email based on where your prospect is in the customer journey to help them advance to the next stage.

Here’s an abandoned cart email from Amazon reminding the recipient to check out:


However, data about your prospects is crucial for this process to work.

For example, you’ll need to track a user’s actions on your website in real-time to send out an abandoned cart email. This way, you’ll know exactly why the cart abandonment happened.

Based on that info, you can personalize your abandoned cart email for maximum effectiveness.

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Final Thoughts

Email personalization is more than just including a personalization tag in your subject line.

By sending relevant content to your audience in the form of birthday emails, personalized product recommendation emails, etc., you can enhance conversions and improve engagement. Most importantly, by providing a personalized experience, you can build brand loyalty.

But to really step up your personalization strategy, you need a robust email tool like GMass.

GMass lets you automatically personalize your mass emails at scale, send behavior-based emails, analyze metrics like open and click-through rates, and do so much more.

Why not add GMass to your email marketing strategy today and level up your email personalization efforts?

Ready to send better emails and save a ton of time?

GMass is the only tool for marketing emails, cold emails, and mail merge — all inside Gmail. Tons of power but easy to learn and use.


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Great email copywriting goes beyond the actual email content.

It considers the email subject line, how you personalize said content, your call to action, and more.

To help you master it, I’ll discuss 12 foolproof email copywriting best practices that’ll sway your subscribers not just to open the email but to read it and take appropriate action. I’ll also mention a powerful email marketing tool you can use to level up your email copywriting efforts.

Further Reading:

This Article Contains:

(Click on the links to jump to specific sections)

Let’s begin.

12 Email Copywriting Best Practices You Should Adopt Today

Email copywriting offers a fantastic way to:

  • Build your brand awareness.
  • Retain your existing customers.
  • Boost your conversion rate and more.

However, your recipients have limited time and may hardly spend 10 seconds reading each email.

Don’t worry.
With compelling email copy, you can capture the readers’ attention, keep them engaged, and prompt action.

Just follow the email copywriting tips I’ve mentioned below to level up your email game today:

1. Understand Your Audience’s Pain Points and Preferences

Before writing your email copy, thoroughly research your target audience to identify their pain points and preferences.

This can help you decide what email content you should share with your audience.

For instance, let’s say you’re an e-commerce store selling golf equipment, and your audience is searching for beginner golf clubs. Your email can feature some great beginner clubs they can check out, or it can share a handy guide mentioning dos and don’ts for golf beginners.

But how can you do this research?
Sending surveys to your existing email list is an easy way to collect info about your target audience.

You can also use social media marketing to garner insights from people outside your email list.

Based on all the info gathered, create a buyer persona that your email copywriter can refer back to while crafting emails.

What’s a buyer persona?
A buyer persona is a detailed description of someone who represents your target audience. It helps you create more targeted and relevant content for your readers.

2. Write a Short, Eye-Catching Email Subject Line

Your readers receive hundreds of emails every day and won’t have the time to read each email. That’s probably why almost 47% of people decide whether to open an email based solely on its subject line.

And since the subject line is the first thing to grab the reader’s attention, you need to get it right!

But how do you craft an eye-catching email subject line?
You can start by personalizing the email to include the recipient’s name.

A study reveals that emails with subject lines addressing the recipient by their first name or business name have an 18.30% open rate.

Another factor to consider is on what device your audience views their emails.

Since many of your subscribers probably use email on their mobile devices, keep your subject lines mobile-friendly — ideally between 25 and 35 characters.

You can take things a step further by mentioning a pain point in the subject line and alluding to how you address it in your email body copy.

To help you out, here are five subject line examples for inspiration:

  • “Need help crafting your content marketing copy, [first name]?” 
  • “[First name], your favorites are back in stock!” 
  • “5 B2B email marketing tactics experts swear by”
  • “BOGO from April 14-16 — grab them now!” 
  • “[First name], your cart misses you.”

3. Ensure Your Email Copy Aligns with the Subject Line

Once you’ve caught the reader’s attention with your subject line, you need to keep them engaged with your email body.

But for that, your email body copy should align with your subject line.

What do I mean by that?
For example, let’s say your subject line promises to share the best time to send emails to subscribers.

Your email copy must provide that answer.

Mention the best time for getting high open rates in the body content or add a CTA redirecting to a blog post showing optimal times for sending emails.

Following this best practice helps you build and nurture trust among subscribers. They can trust that your brand won’t send emails with a disconnected subject line just to get them to open the email.

On the flip side, if your email body copy doesn’t deliver on what you promised in the subject line, your email can come across as clickbait.

That’s not all.
To make things worse, your readers may mark your emails as spam, hurting the email deliverability of your future email campaigns.

4. Personalize Your Email Copy for Maximum Engagement

If you want an email subscriber to engage with your email (like clicking on your CTA button), you need to personalize your email.

You can start by mentioning their name in the subject line of your email marketing campaign. Take it up a notch by crafting a body copy tailored to their preferences, interests, or purchase history.

For example, let’s say a customer recently purchased a personal care product like a shampoo or conditioner from your website.

You can send them a personalized email message suggesting related products like body wash. Alternatively, you send customized emails offering them discounts on the brands or products they’ve already purchased.

This way, your email copy is bound to capture the readers’ attention and improve conversions.

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5. Use Targeted Marketing to Create Relevant Emails

Relevancy isn’t limited to your subject line.

Remember, once the reader opens your email based on the subject line, your email content should keep them reading.

For this, you can leverage targeted marketing.

What’s that?
Let’s say you have a group of people in your email list who have subscribed to your email newsletter but never purchased from your online store.

Within this group, assume you’ve got two subgroups:

  • Group A: Those who have added products to their wishlist/cart.
  • Group B: Those who haven’t added products to their wishlist/cart.

The email marketing approach you’ll use for each group will differ.

For instance, you can gently nudge people in Group A (with an active buying interest) by reminding them of items in their cart.

On the flip side, Group B, which only subscribed to your email newsletter, may not know everything your company offers. Here, you’d be better off talking about 2-3 relevant products or services in detail, with a clear CTA leading them to explore more about your offerings.

6. Talk about Benefits, Not Features

If your emails simply preach about all the features your product/service offers, it can come across as tasteless marketing, and it’s bound to turn off your reader.

Instead, shift your focus to the unique benefits you can offer customers — how you can add value to their lives.

For instance, if you’re writing marketing copy to sell tents, don’t focus on features like the materials used or peak height. Alternatively, describe how the tent is perfect for a trek across the mountains on a rainy day since it’s leak-proof and sturdy.

You can also highlight customer reviews showcasing how people benefit from your offerings.

My point?
Sharing your product’s benefits makes for a more compelling email copy than rambling about its features.

7. Develop a Unique Brand Voice and Use It Consistently

While drafting your email copy, it’s crucial to remember that a recipient doesn’t interact with you but with your brand.

That’s why you’ll need to develop a distinctive and consistent brand voice that can be used by your:

  • Email copywriter.
  • Email marketer.
  • Social media marketing team.
  • Digital marketing team, and others.

What’s a brand voice?
A brand voice is nothing but the personality your brand uses in its communications. It should help readers identify your brand even if they skipped reading your email address or even the subject line.

For example, if you’re an e-commerce brand in the personal care industry, your brand voice can be conversational and light-hearted.

But if you’re in the legal industry, your marketing emails will probably sound more professional.

Keeping your brand voice consistent throughout the email marketing campaign can foster a better customer experience and build brand loyalty.

8. Speak Directly to Your Reader

Every email you send is about your reader — not you.

That’s why it makes sense to use second-person pronouns such as “you,” “your,” and “yours” to address the target audience directly.

Using these pronouns is especially important in your welcome email since it can leave a lasting impression on the reader. This first impression is critical to building a long-term relationship with your subscribers.

Now there’s no magic number for how many second-person pronouns you should use.

But I recommend using such pronouns at least 10 times to ensure your copy is oriented toward the reader.

If you’re facing trouble writing emails this way, just imagine drafting an email to a friend or someone you know. This way, you can easily keep the language direct and focused on the reader.

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9. Keep Your Email Copy Short and Simple

With email copywriting, less is more.

Don’t use hundreds of words if you can convey the same idea with a few dozen words.

Wondering why?
A two-line paragraph on your laptop can look like a regular-sized paragraph on a mobile device. Keeping your paragraphs short and simple ensures that your mobile readers get a good reading experience.

Another reason to keep the overall email body short is that people generally don’t read every line and word carefully.

They scan through the email marketing copy and pick out the most salient points.

Filling your email with lots of text makes this process harder for the reader and increases the likelihood of them ignoring or deleting your email.

Remember, your aim is to direct your readers to the CTA button or link, so best not waste their time narrating a story. I’d encourage you to stick to one thought per paragraph while writing emails to avoid overwhelming your readers.

10. Stick to a Single, Clear Call to Action

After the subject line, your call to action (CTA) is probably the most important part of the entire email campaign.

But you want to keep it simple and not include too many CTAs.

For example, you don’t want to have a CTA asking readers to click on a link redirecting to your landing page and another CTA to follow you on a social media handle in the same email.

Ideally, stick to a single CTA, like:

  • Subscribe to our newsletter.
  • Buy now!
  • Follow us on Twitter.
  • Explore more on our website.
  • Add this item to your cart. 

These simple yet effective CTAs tell the reader exactly what the expected and desired action is from their end.

I’d also recommend keeping the CTA in a separate button rather than a link.

Since most readers scan through an email marketing copy, a CTA button will stand out among all that text, drawing their attention and increasing their chances of clicking on it.

11. Leverage Consumer Psychology in Your Email Marketing Strategy

While emailing a prospect, you can use psychology to influence consumers.

Here are three consumer psychology tactics you can use to your advantage in an email marketing campaign:

A) Power Words

Power words can evoke emotions in an email subscriber and prompt them to open your email and click on the CTA button.

For example, instead of just saying you have some new findings regarding your industry, use words like “surprising” or “incredible” alongside your findings to elicit an emotional response.


Another tactic you can leverage is FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).

This can take the form of a limited-time sale with a subject line saying, “Prices dropped for 24 hours only!” Such a subject line creates a sense of urgency and makes your readers feel they’ll miss out on a great deal if they don’t act now.

C) Social Proof

As an email marketer, you can use social proof like customer testimonials, case studies, and press mentions to establish legitimacy and trust around your brand.

You can leverage this best practice for new customers who might be on the fence about investing their money in your product/service.

12. Make Split Testing Your Emails a Habit

AB testing or split testing is when you create two slightly different versions of a good email and test them with your target audience to determine which version performs better.

For example, you can design two variants of the CTA button and see which leads to more clicks.

You can also test with different:

  • Subject lines.
  • Power words.
  • Email marketing copy lengths.
  • Colors and images.
  • Social proof.
  • Sending schedules, and more.

Constantly testing how your audience responds to different approaches is a great way to keep your copy fresh, innovative, and relevant to subscribers.

Moreover, changing small aspects of your email marketing copy as a response to feedback helps improve your customer experience.

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Now that we’ve gone over some best practices to help you write the best email copy, I’ll mention a powerful tool you can use to make the most of your email copywriting efforts.

The Best Email Marketing Tool to Use in 2024: GMass


GMass is a robust email marketing automation tool that works entirely inside Gmail.

Its advanced capabilities make it a popular software solution among copywriters, sales professionals, small business owners, and even employees at social media giants like LinkedIn and Twitter.

With GMass, you can:

To start using GMass, download the GMass Chrome extension and sign up for a free trial using your Gmail account.

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Final Thoughts

Email copywriting might seem difficult at first, but it can help you build brand awareness, nurture incoming leads, and increase sales.

You can make the most out of every email campaign you create and deploy using each best practice I’ve outlined above.

For this, you can use the email marketing automation tool GMass. The tool lets you personalize your cold email campaigns at scale, automate follow-ups, analyze email performance, and do so much more.

Download the GMass Chrome extension today and take your email copywriting to a whole new level!

Email marketing, cold email, and mail merge inside Gmail

Send incredible emails & automations and avoid the spam folder — all in one powerful but easy-to-learn tool


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Marketers and salespeople use newsletters, case studies, and other indirect marketing techniques to build brand awareness.

And while these digital marketing practices may capture a client’s interest, you can only drive sales conversions by prompting customer action.

But how exactly do you do that?
By leveraging direct response copywriting!

It helps you drive a prospect towards immediate action as soon as they’ve finished reading your marketing message.

In this article, I’ll list ten no-nonsense best practices to enhance your direct response copywriting outcomes. I’ll then share a fantastic email marketing automation tool to elevate your direct response copywriting process and convert more leads.

Further Reading: 

This Article Contains:

(Click on links below to jump to specific sections)

What Is Direct Response Copywriting?

Direct response copywriting is writing a marketing email or sales copy that gets an immediate response from your audience.

As a response, your reader may:

  • Purchase your product.
  • Go to your landing page.
  • Download a case study, and so on.

This form of copywriting requires an in-depth understanding of your audience and uses a straightforward, personal approach.

It’s perfect for creating your ad copy, scientific advertising, and more.

Direct vs. Indirect Response Copywriting

Unlike direct response copywriting, indirect response copywriting doesn’t care about leveraging urgency or getting an immediate response.

Indirect response copywriting has one goal: stay on the prospect’s radar till they’re ready to buy.

That’s why the type of content you use in the indirect response marketing or sales copy should:

  • Build brand awareness and credibility.
  • Show how you’re different from the competition.
  • Nurture prospects slowly and steadily.

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Let’s now look at some actionable tips to refine your direct response copywriting process.

10 Best Practices for Successful Direct Response Copywriting

Here are ten best practices to help you improve at direct response copywriting:

1. Define Your Direct Response Copywriting Goals

Before drafting your direct response copy, have a clear goal in mind.

What do I mean by that?
Ask yourself what specific action you want the recipient to take after reading your email.

This could be something like:

  • Signing up for your free software trial.
  • Joining your webinar.
  • Subscribing to your newsletter.
  • Purchasing a product from your website.

The direct response copy must emphasize your priorities and effectively communicate them to your readers. Only then will they be able to act on it.

2. Understand Your Audience and Handle Their Pain Points

Celebrated copywriter, Eugene Schwartz, observed that the copywriter’s task is “not to create mass desire, but to channel and direct it.”

Simply put, your copy isn’t for everyone ⁠— it’s meant for your target audience.

And to carry out effective direct response copywriting for your target market, you’ll need a clear understanding of their goals, preferences, and pain points.

To gain insights about your potential customer, you can:

  • Analyze your current customer data and look for qualities that define your ideal customer.
  • Interact with your followers on social media. Observe how they engage with each other and take stock of their expectations.
  • Gather data about your competitors and determine whom their content targets and why.

Once you understand your audience’s needs, you can tailor your direct response copy to address their pain points. Doing so proves that you genuinely care about helping them out and have viable solutions at hand.

3. Craft an Eye-Catching and Impactful Subject Line

The subject line is the gateway to your direct response body copy.

Most readers use it to decide whether to open your email message ⁠— 69% of recipients report an email as spam solely based on its subject line.

My point?
Make the subject line relevant, eye-catchy and compelling.

Specifically, ensure that your subject line:

  • Intrigues your readers.
  • Hints at your email’s big idea.
  • Promises something exciting.
  • Is concise and clear.

For example, here’s a direct marketing email subject line promising a solution to a pain point marketers face:

Subject line

Want to discover some effective subject lines?
Read my articles on:

4. Create an Informative and Compelling Long Form Copy

Many marketers avoid writing long form copy, thinking it’ll bore prospects.

However, an engaging and informative long form copy drives better traction and a higher conversion rate than short copy.

But how?
Unlike short copy, long form copy:

  • Gives you room to add relevant statistics, history, FAQs, and social proof.
  • Lets you reuse the same CTA in different places to trigger action.
  • Convinces readers they’re making an informed choice, advancing them along your sales funnel.

Adobe acrobat

For instance, the above direct response copy from Adobe is an excellent copywriting lesson on writing long form content.

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5. Include an Irresistible CTA to Drive Conversion

After you’ve informed, educated, and convinced your target audience with your email body, you may need them to:

  • Visit your landing page or sales page.
  • Sign up for your newsletter.
  • Request a product demo.
  • Download a case study.
  • Subscribe to your services, and so on.

But how do you prompt action?
Add a strong call to action (CTA) nudging readers to take immediate action.

The CTA is the climax of your direct response email.
It’s the springboard launching your customers towards taking immediate action.

For example, check out this strong call to action asking users to sign up for Spotify Premium:


As you can see, your CTA needs to be clear, concise, irresistible, and actionable ⁠— making it easy for readers to act without getting confused or overwhelmed.

6. Personalize Your Content Copy for the Reader

Receiving a generic direct mail will turn off your readers, causing them to lose interest.

Instead, your direct response copywriter should personalize the emails to make them look tailor-made to each recipient. Your direct mail must show the potential customer you genuinely care about solving their unique problems.

To personalize your copy, you can:

  • Address your recipient in the subject line.
  • Mention your reader’s name in the email body.
  • Provide viable solutions to the prospect’s pain points.
  • Feature content relevant to your reader’s location or demographic.
  • Share a relevant social proof example, like a testimonial.
  • Customize the direct response copy based on your reader’s niche or industry.

Here’s a great copy that’s personalized based on the customer’s location:

Credit karma

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7. Use Simple Language to Make Your Copy Clear and Understandable

Since direct response copywriting focuses on getting an instantaneous response, keeping your emails simple and understandable is critical. The more understandable your copy is, the greater your chances of eliciting a response.

For instance, Coursera uses straightforward language in their direct marketing message shown below:


And here’s how you can create a copy that’s as easily understandable as Coursera’s:

  • Avoid jargon or complicated language in your emails (even in scientific advertising).
  • Keep explanations precise without harping on irrelevant details.
  • Offer a clear and logical narrative that seamlessly moves from point to point.

8. Edit Your Copy to Refine Grammar and Enhance Readability

Overanalyzing your content while drafting the direct response copy can slow things down.

For effective direct response copywriting, draft your email content quickly — keeping in mind your copy goals and brand voice. Then, edit your email ad copy or sales letter ruthlessly.

Your direct response copywriter should focus on the copy’s:

  • Flow of thought.
  • Factual accuracy.
  • Consistency of punctuation.
  • Use of grammar.
  • Sentence structures.
  • Formatting, and more.

9. Leverage Urgency to Trigger Action

Remember, your direct response copy must encourage customers to act in response to your email content.

But even if you’ve got an irresistible subject line, a compelling email body, and a persuasive CTA, many prospects will still resist taking immediate action. That’s why you need to incentivize readers to act.

One excellent tactic you can use here is leveraging urgency. 

You can tell readers that:

  • Your product is selling out fast.
  • You’re running a special, limited-time campaign.
  • You’re giving away free stuff to recipients who sign up today, or so on.

The idea is to subtly push readers to click on your CTA button before they might lose interest.

Hulu’s email below is an excellent direct response copywriting lesson.


This great copy instills a sense of urgency by asking readers to hurry up and claim their free Uber One membership before it expires.

10. A/B Test the Copy to Determine the Best Fit for Your Audience

If you’re a direct response copywriter hoping to inspire readers to take action, fine-tune your copy for optimal engagement and conversions.

But how?
Create different versions of your direct response email’s:

  • Subject line.
  • Body copy.
  • CTA.
  • Template, and more.

Then, test the success of each variation in securing your direct response marketing outcomes.

Testing helps you optimize your direct response copy and direct marketing strategy based on your target audience’s needs.

Split testing (A/B testing) different email components this way reveals exactly what your readers are looking for — the type of content that gets them to click on your CTA or ignore your email messages.

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Now that we’ve covered some handy direct response copywriting tips, I’ll share an excellent tool to help you achieve your direct marketing goals.

Boost Your Direct Response Copywriting Outcomes in 2024 with GMass


GMass is an advanced email marketing automation platform you can use to create and send personalized direct response emails at scale.

Its easy-to-use features make GMass the ideal tool for digital marketing professionals, entrepreneurs, salespeople, SEO specialists, and small business owners. GMass is also a popular email marketing tool among employees at social media giants like LinkedIn and Twitter.

With GMass, you can:

  • Automatically personalize your direct response emails at scale, including the recipient names, subject lines, paragraphs, images, and links.
  • Schedule your direct response email marketing campaign to go out at optimal times, reaching readers when they’re most likely to respond.
  • Analyze the performance of your direct response email campaign through detailed campaign reports.
  • Create workflows to keep sending automated follow-ups till a prospect responds to your email message.
  • Build an email list of prospective customers directly from your Gmail search results
  • Run A/B tests to determine the type of content that drives maximum conversion.
  • Save your emails as templates to reuse in future direct response marketing campaigns.

To access these outstanding features and more, download the GMass Chrome extension and sign up for free with your Gmail or Google Workspace account.

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Wrapping Up

Direct response copywriting helps you trigger instantaneous customer action and improves your sales conversion chances.

The tips listed above can refine your direct response copywriting process and deliver better content marketing results.

But if you’d like to take your direct response copywriting game up a notch, use a powerful email marketing automation tool like GMass.

With GMass, you can automatically personalize your direct response emails at scale, schedule email marketing campaigns, track the response rate of your emails, automate follow-ups, and do so much more.

Download the free GMass Chrome extension to amp up your direct response email copywriting efforts today!

See why 99% of users say they’ve had their best deliverability ever with GMass

Email marketing, cold email, and mail merge all in one tool — that works inside Gmail


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
No credit card required
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If you’re sending cold email or doing any kind of email outreach for prospecting purposes, you need to ensure your cold email tool can offer you more than just standard email marketing “batch and blast” features.

Features like open tracking, click tracking, and personalization are essential — but they’re more or less standard across every email platform.

If you’re specifically sending cold email, and you’re serious about getting results, then you also need the ability to use some important cold email tactics:

And you need the ability to configure those settings in the best possible way for your target customers and to hit your goals. After all, there’s plenty of advice on how to write cold emails — but not much on how to configure cold emails to send.

In this article, we’ll dig into each one of these features: Why each is important and worth your consideration, the optimal settings for each feature, and how to configure those settings for your campaigns.

Warming up your email address: A (former) cold email tactic for improving deliverability

If you use your email account for normal, day-to-day emailing and then, one day, you try to send 2,000 nearly-identical emails to a bunch of brand new contacts — that’s a big time red flag.

The result? Lots of your emails miss your prospects’ inboxes and wind up in their spam folders instead. 

Optimal settings for email warm-up before sending cold email campaigns

You may consider warming up your inbox before you start sending, ramping up naturally, and keep warming up until you’re hitting your sending limits with perfect or near-perfect deliverability.

Unfortunately, automated email warmup tools are on the way out. At GMass, we used to offer one — then Google cracked down, as was inevitable. The days of automated warmup are numbered.

Instead, it’s best to manually warm up a new account. Start by sending a few emails on the first day. Then a few more on the next day. Keep increasing gradually over six to 12 weeks to warm up your address.

Adding a few seconds of delay between each email to simulate a real sending cadence

If your prospect list has 100 people on it, lots of cold emailers like to insert a pause of a few seconds between each email that goes out. (So sending out those 100 emails will actually take 500 seconds, or a little more than eight minutes, if you add a five-second pause between each email.)

Why add a pause? Because if you were sending personal messages one-by-one, there’d be a little pause before you sent each one. Adding a delay closely simulates the sending cadence Google would see from a real person, not a machine.

And it’s been long thought that doing so results in better open rates because of strong inbox placement.

That argument still hasn’t been definitively settled, but using our Deliverability Wizard, you can see the response rates of both cold email campaigns sent with a pause and cold email campaigns sent without a pause. Here in April 2022, running for the past 30 days, we see these results:

  • No delay between messages: 17.2% open rate
  • 5-10 second delay: 20.3% open rate
  • 10-60 second delay: 17.6% open rate
  • 1-5 minute delay: 19.9% open rate

Of course, there are lots of other uncontrollable factors at play (like the content of those emails, deliverability factors like email warm-up and tracking domains, and more) — but as you can see, there’s no glaring difference between sending with a short delay, a medium delay, a long delay or no delay.

Optimal settings for pauses between cold emails

While we can’t say definitively that a pause is better than a pause, cold emailers love a pause — and it probably can’t hurt to add in a little one. If you do want to throttle your cold emails, give the 5-10 second delay a try and see how it works. 

You’ll probably want to compare your numbers with a delay versus your numbers without a delay after you’ve run a few campaigns both ways.

How to add a delay between your cold emails

Adding a pause between emails

With GMass, you can choose to send your emails with any of the four delay speeds we mentioned above (no delay, 5-10 seconds, 10-60 seconds, 1-5 minutes).  

You can set your delay for a campaign by going to the GMass settings and choosing your pause length in the Schedule section.

Sending follow-ups to people who don’t reply to get more responses

Automated follow-ups are a cornerstone of cold email campaigns. In most cases, you won’t get a reply after the first email, but have a higher chance after the second or third… or eighth or ninth.

In GMass, we call each follow-up a “stage.” In a cold email campaign on GMass, you have the original message plus up to eight stages of auto follow-ups, so there are nine touch points in a campaign.

(You can even get fancy with Google Sheets and GMass’s Zapier integration to daisy chain campaigns together for an unlimited number of follow-ups.)

But not all auto follow-ups are equal. You want to make sure your auto follow-ups arrive at the right frequency and with the right timing; finding that balance between staying top-of-mind or being too persistent.

You want to make sure your auto follow-ups to a prospect stop once they take a desired action.

And you want your mass auto follow-ups to appear indistinguishable from personal, one-on-one emails.

Optimal settings for automated follow-ups to a cold email campaign

For the number of emails in a campaign, send as many emails as you feel you’ll need. That could be three, five, eight… or 300. Only you know what’s worked for you in the past and what works with your target customers.

We recommend sending auto follow-ups as quick, plain-text replies to your prior emails — that’s the most realistic proxy for individual sending.

Most cold emailers will continue the auto follow-up series until a prospect replies. Your desired action will depend on your campaign, but that’s generally the default.

How to set up the best cold email follow-up series

Setting up an auto follow-up series

You can set up an auto follow-up series in the GMass settings for a campaign, in the Auto Follow-up section.

We’re pretty sure there’s no email platform that lets you set up your auto follow-up sequence faster. You can quickly write your follow-ups in text boxes for each stage. (You won’t be able to add rich formatting to them, but most cold emailers don’t want any rich formatting because that makes it look like a “campaign” rather than a natural email message.)

You can use any mail merge personalization you want in any of your follow-up messages. Just type a left curly bracket, and you’ll get a dropdown of your variables from your spreadsheet.

Plain-text replies automatically go out as responses to your previous emails. That’s to directly simulate how you’d naturally email someone.

If you do want rich formatting, or attachments, or images, as part of your follow-ups, then create the follow-up separately as explained here. Rich-text replies can have their own subject lines (to start their own threads) or go out as replies. Even when they have their own subject lines, you’ll still have the option to include your message history in that email (we’ll cover that later in this article).

The follow-up sequence can continue until a recipient takes an action. It can go out until a person replies (again, most popular for cold email), opens or clicks. If you choose to keep sending the sequence regardless of whether or not a prospect takes any action, it really isn’t a follow-up anymore, it’s more like a drip campaign.

You have full control over the timing between follow-up emails, as well as the time of day those emails will go out. (Later in this article, we’ll also cover the “skip weekends” option.)

Personalizing emails to the max — go beyond just adding someone’s first name

Personalization can make a big difference in how your cold emails perform. (It’s not guaranteed to, but it can.)

However, there’s basic personalization you can find on any platform — like using a mail merge to include a recipient’s first name — and then there’s higher-level personalization.

That’s the kind of personalization that shows you’ve put care and individual effort into each email — and the kind of personalization people aren’t used to seeing in the cold emails that normally pass through their inboxes.

Optimal settings for cold email personalization

It’s usually good to personalize using a name (often putting that name in the subject line) — but that’s cold email table stakes.

We also recommend personalizing more of the message — like adding an individual paragraph that shows you’ve researched the prospect individually.

If it applies in your case, personalizing links, images, and/or attachments are touches that can make your email even more appealing.

And make sure you use fallback values or conditional logic to avoid mail merge disasters, like saying “Hi ,” because there was no merge field for their first name.

How to set up high-level cold email personalization features

Lots of high-level personalization

With GMass, you can (of course) use any mail merge personalization variable — as long as it’s a column in your Google Sheet, you can use it in your email.

But personalization with GMass goes several steps deeper as well (the links below take you to the instructions):

Embedding images to better mimic individual emails and reduce image blocking 

Embedded images are the images you directly insert into an email in Gmail, by uploading your picture (or pasting it in). Hosted images live on an external server. (For more on the differences and a deeper dive, check out our article on embedded vs. hosted images.)

The key difference is with embedded images, the full image content is included within the email — no call to an external server required.

That means the image is way less likely to be blocked, is still viewable when the user is offline, and better mimics the “natural” way you’d include images in an individual email — because if you were typing a regular email and including an image, this is how you’d do it.

Optimal settings for images in cold email campaigns

Embedded images are a superior choice for cold email campaigns, for all of the reasons enumerated above. 

GMass is one of the only cold email platforms that can embed image content into emails. Most others, like Mailchimp or essentially any email platform where you’re not working in the Gmail compose window, only use hosted images.

How to embed images in your cold emails

The embed images setting

By default, GMass will use embedded images — they’re undeniably better for your campaigns. To embed an image, just put the image in your email as you normally would (insert it in Gmail or just paste it in).

However, if for whatever reason you prefer hosted images, in the Advanced section of the GMass settings for your campaign, you can choose between embedded and hosted images.

Keeping open tracking on while turning click tracking off 

Not every cold emailer wants to track every stat for every campaign. In fact, it’s popular to keep open tracking on, but turn click tracking off. (Some of the most hardcore cold emailers may even turn off open tracking as well.)

Why? Maybe you think adding click tracking to your links will make them seem spammy when someone sees them in plain text or mouses over them in rich text (after all, if they mouseover your website and see https://yoursite.com it’s a different vibe than seeing https://ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=sa12w3s&l=ccedb989-b898-4897-b7c6-70fdb92bec9a&r=b5da9659-69d1-4707-beb0-a9147dfasd413bf341). 

Maybe you don’t want to set up a custom tracking domain, and you’re worried using a shared tracking domain will increase your odds of ending up in spam.

Maybe you’re including a link to a YouTube video and, when click tracking is added, a clickable preview of that video won’t show up in the email.

Regardless of your reason, it’s good to be able to handpick which stats you do and don’t track.

Optimal settings for open tracking and click tracking in emails

Open tracking can be valuable — and many cold emailers like to keep it on. Open tracking is a good gauge of the effectiveness of your subject lines and can help you diagnose issues with an email. (Getting a good open rate but few replies? Your copy and/or call-to-action need work.)

You may, however, want to turn off click tracking. If your goal for your email campaign is to get clicks then, no, you shouldn’t turn off click tracking — you need it to measure your campaign’s effectiveness.

But if you’re optimizing for replies, you’re sending plain text emails, or any other case where click tracking might cause you a problem — it’s okay to turn it off.

How to keep open tracking on and turning click tracking off

Open and click tracking controls

By default, GMass has open tracking and click tracking switched on for every campaign.

To change that, it’s as simple as going into the GMass settings box and un-checking the Clicks box in the Track section.

Stopping follow-ups from going to certain people during a campaign

Most cold email auto follow-up sequences only stop once someone replies. GMass (and most other cold email platforms) automatically handle that process for you.

But, what if somebody calls you in response to your campaign and never replies to your email?

What if a contact sends you a fresh email instead of a reply?

What if they’re so blown away by your cold offer they respond by sending you a fruit basket instead of an email? I mean sure, that’s never happened in the history of cold email, but you could be the first.

What if you’re using paid ads with your cold outreach, which takes the conversation away from your email thread?

Or what if you cold email 700 people at a company hoping one of ‘em will reply — and you get that one reply (so now the other 699 people don’t need your follow-ups anymore)?

You need to remove them from the auto follow-up sequence.

Optimal settings for removing targeted prospects from a cold email follow-up sequence

This is obvious, but the ideal move is to remove a prospect from a cold email series after you hear from them — even if you hear from them in a different medium.

Some of the process has to be manual — for instance, if you get a call from a prospect, you’ll want to manually remove them. (Or set up a very advanced Zapier action connecting your CRM with your cold email platform.)

But, as much as possible, you should try to automate the process of removing leads from your sequences after they respond.

Also — you can add an unsubscribe link to your emails if you think that’s appropriate. An unsubscribe link can affect deliverability, though (as sometimes it triggers email filters or banishes your email to the Promotions tab).

If you don’t use an unsubscribe link, you should manually add contacts to your unsubscribe list if they write you back saying things like “unsubscribe,” “remove me,” or “stop.” Unless the “stop” is followed by “Hammer time,” but approach that on a case-by-case basis.

How to stop follow-ups from going to prospects who shouldn’t remain in the sequence

Removing people from a campaign

It’s simple to remove prospects from an auto follow-up sequence, even if they haven’t taken your pre-designated “stop the sequence” action.

To remove individual addresses or an entire domain name from a campaign in GMass, head into your Gmail Drafts, find the draft for the campaign, open it, and go into the GMass settings box. In the Advanced section, under the Suppression settings, you can enter email addresses or a domain.

You can also set up GMass to automatically stop follow-ups to an entire domain once any person with an email address at that domain responds to a campaign. In the GMass dashboard, go to Settings and head to Auto Follow-ups, then check the box next to “Domain matching.”

Domain matching on auto follow-ups

To skip weekends or not to skip weekends — the choice is yours

It’s long been thought that you’ll get the best results if you send emails to people at the time of normal business hours for their individual time zones.

In fact, many email platforms include a feature such that they’ll optimize this for you and send emails to people only during their working hours.

But is that really still necessary in the 2020s? In GMass, you can set the times and dates when you send your campaigns and each of your follow-ups — but we don’t automatically optimize to try to send to each person during the 9-to-5, Monday-to-Friday window.

We simply don’t believe it’s important anymore. The world has changed a lot in the two decades since sending email campaigns became trendy.

Now, people travel more frequently, work at all hours of the night and check email on their handheld devices every day of the week.

Optimal settings for sending emails on weekdays only (or not)

This is a serious “your mileage may vary” situation. You may want to send only on weekdays and set all of your follow-ups to go out at 9:01 A.M. You may figure that’s not important anymore and emails can go out any time of day, any day of the week.

You might even find better results by sending your emails at non-traditional times, when people aren’t at work and dealing with a bunch of other cold emails from other people.

Our recommendation is to test different send timing to find what works best for your target audience.

How to schedule cold emails and follow-ups (with the option to skip weekends)

The skip weekends setting

You can set the timing for your first email in a campaign and for every auto follow-up in the GMass settings box for the campaign.

To skip weekends, just check the box for “Skip weekends” in the Schedule section of the settings. 

Adding the prior message below the conversation, even in a new thread

Cold emailers traditionally send auto follow-ups as replies to the previous message.

But there may be situations where you want to send follow-ups as new messages; say, to try a different subject line to see if it better grabs your prospects’ attention.

In those cases, even though you’re starting a new thread, you may still want your previous message history to appear in the email. 

After all, having the message history there probably simulates what you’d do in a one-on-one email situation as opposed to this mass email situation. If you were individually emailing someone but wanted to change the subject line, you’d open the conversation in Gmail, hit reply, then edit the subject line. That would preserve the message history in the new email.

And since cold emailing at scale is all about making it look like you’re not cold emailing at scale — including message history even in new threads is a good thing.

Optimal settings for making sure prior message history appears in every cold email conversation

If you’re sending traditional cold email replies, you won’t have to worry about this — the message history will be there, no problem.

But if you’re sending new threads with new subject lines, make sure you’re using a cold email platform (yeah, like GMass) that allows you to include prior message history.

You may even want to send a new campaign as a reply to your last message with each recipient, whenever that may be — keeping not just the message history from your new campaign, but your total message history.

How to make sure prior message history appears in your cold email threads (even those with new subject lines)

Forcing prior message history is an account-wide setting

GMass offers a setting in the dashboard to force prior messages from an auto follow-up campaign underneath your conversation, even if it’s in a new thread with a new subject line. This is in the dashboard because the setting applies to your entire account, not just on a campaign-by-campaign basis.

Head to your GMass dashboard, click Settings, go to the Auto Follow-Up settings, and check “Force prior conversation below message.”

If you want to send a new campaign as a reply to your prior conversation with each contact, you can set that up in the GMass settings for the campaign. Go to the Advanced section of the settings and for “Send as,” choose “Replies.” (If you don’t have any prior messaging history with that contact, the email will just go out as a new thread.)

Running quick A/B tests than instantly implementing the results

We’ve mentioned running tests multiple times throughout this article — and that’s because testing is a huge tool for people who are serious about improving and maximizing the effectiveness of their cold email campaigns.

With A/B testing, you can see which version of a subject line gets more opens. You can try out different calls-to-action to see what yields more clicks or replies. You can test personalization versus non-personalization, humorous versus straightforward copy, Comic Sans versus any other font — pretty much anything you can think of in your email subject line or message.

Well, maybe don’t test Comic Sans. The rest of the ideas are all good though.

Optimal settings for A/B testing in cold email campaigns

In theory, it’d be great to test something during every campaign. Send one variation to a group, send another variation to another group — then send the more effective variation to the rest of your list.

That sounds… complicated and time-consuming. We’ll try to un-complicate and… um… un-time-consume it.

How to set up quick A/B tests for cold email campaigns

Running an A/B test

GMass runs A/B testing a bit different than a lot of the other cold email platforms — with GMass, our goal is to bring A/B testing directly into your workflow to save you a ton of time and effort.

In GMass, you can set up an A/B test by putting our special spintax commands in one email — so you can test variations without composing multiple emails. Then you can designate how many people you want to send each variant to (say, each goes to 25% of your list for a campaign).

Once those test emails are done, GMass can automatically send the “winning” variation of the email to the rest of the list, or you can make that choice manually. 

One of the biggest reasons why cold emailers don’t run A/B tests is the mountainous hassle of it all (normally, it requires creating multiple emails, sending them to specific groups, then monitoring the results and making a decision). At GMass, we’re taking the hassle out of A/B testing — find what variation gets you the best results in as few steps as possible.

Breaking Gmail’s daily sending limits to get your campaigns out on time

Gmail is a fantastic platform for cold email (well, not natively because they don’t offer native cold email features, but when you pair Gmail with a tool like GMass). Gmail is a platform you’re already comfortable with which means you don’t have to learn a whole new email app (and that app’s quirks). Plus, the deliverability is through the roof — once your email address is warm, you should be in great shape because no email clients are blocking Google’s IPs.

But if there’s something that could work against Gmail as a cold email platform, it’s the sending limits. For a regular gmail.com account, you’re limited to 500 emails per day; for a Google Workspace account, you’re limited to 2,000 emails per day.

And when you’re sending large cold email campaigns, or running multiple campaigns with follow-ups simultaneously, it’s really easy to hit those limits. After all, if you’re using advanced tricks to find emails or 

Optimal settings for working around Gmail’s sending limits

The real optimal setting? Not worrying about Gmail’s sending limits.

With GMass, you can use a third-party SMTP server to send virtually unlimited cold emails through your Gmail account.

Worried that might affect deliverability? With our Deliverability Wizard, you can gauge for yourself how emails sent through Gmail directly compare with emails sent through Gmail via a third-party SMTP.

For the past 30 days as of this writing, campaigns sent direct through Gmail only had a 16.6% open rate; campaigns that used a SMTP service had a 18.6% open rate. So no significant difference — and the SMTP campaigns even performed better.

How to break Gmail’s limits on cold email campaigns

Sending with a third-party SMTP service

GMass has several methods for breaking Gmail’s limits to send virtually unlimited daily emails. 

Your best bet for large cold email campaigns: Use a third-party SMTP server like SendGrid with GMass to send 10,000 or more cold emails in a day. 

Cold email tactics: Final thoughts on the best cold email settings and features for optimized, effective campaigns

Serious cold emailers know there’s more to an effective cold email campaign than setting up a few emails, maybe tossing in one or two mail merge tags, hitting Send, and just sitting back and waiting for millions of dollars to roll in.

There are lots of other important cold email tactics, settings, and features you need to get the most out of your cold email campaigns. Those include:

  • Adding a pause between emails. While there’s no definitive answer on the deliverability effect of adding a pause between cold emails, throwing a few seconds in between each send probably can’t hurt.
  • Sending auto follow-up sequences. Auto follow-ups an indispensable part of cold email campaigns — but there are lots of little settings within your auto follow-ups that can make a big difference on your results.
  • Personalizing emails to the max. There’s a lot more to personalization than just adding in a contact’s name with a mail merge.
  • Embedding images. Embedded images in Gmail are less likely to be blocked and are a big step toward making mass emails seem like personal emails.
  • Turning off click tracking. Open tracking is almost always valuable, but in some situations, click tracking is not — and in those situations, you should turn it off.
  • Removing people from sequences as necessary. You need to make sure prospects stop receiving auto follow-up emails after they’ve replied — even if they don’t reply via email (or someone else at their company replies for them).
  • Scheduling emails for the right times. Do you really need to send your emails during normal business hours on weekdays — or are off-hours and weekends fair game? Test and find out.
  • Including the prior conversation below your message. No matter how you send campaigns and follow-ups, it’s always good to include your conversation history in the message.
  • Running fast A/B tests. Bring A/B testing into your campaign workflow to squeeze a little extra optimization out of every campaign.
  • Getting around Gmail’s sending limits. Gmail limits how many emails you can send on a given day. Get around those limits with GMass by incorporating a third-party SMTP server.

Ready to optimize the settings for your cold email campaigns to get the best possible results? GMass makes it easy to do virtually everything we’ve discussed in this article.

Join the 300,000+ other cold emailers (plus everyone from churches to job recruiters to DJs) using GMass to send their campaigns.

Download the GMass Chrome extension from the Chrome web store to get started for free — and to send your first ultra-optimized campaign in a matter of minutes

Ready to transform Gmail into an email marketing/cold email/mail merge tool?

Only GMass packs every email app into one tool — and brings it all into Gmail for you. Better emails. Tons of power. Easy to use.


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
No credit card required
Love what you're reading? Get the latest email strategy and tips & stay in touch.

Need to write a great cold email but want some guidance on your cold email copywriting?

Writing a high-converting cold email requires thorough research about your target audience and a solid understanding of the key components of an email copy.

Sounds intimidating?
Don’t worry.

To help you out, I’ll go over the four main sections of a cold email. I’ll then list ten actionable tips to help you ace cold email copywriting and share three ready-to-use cold email templates you can steal.

As a bonus, I’ll show you the best cold email tool of 2022.

Cold Email Copywriting: Table of Contents

(Click on links to jump to specific sections)

Let’s go.

The 4 Key Sections of Your Cold Email Writing Copy

Before writing the cold email copy, ask yourself: what makes a great email?

Simply put, a great email has:

We’ll take a closer look at each section to help you craft a high-converting cold email copy:

A. Subject Line

Your subject line is one of the first things a recipient notices about the email.

If your subject line is bland, generic, or spammy, your cold email may get buried under the onslaught of other emails in their inbox. 

In fact, 47% of recipients decide to open an email solely based on the subject line.

My point?
Your email subject line should capture the reader’s attention from the get-go.

To that end, personalize the subject line by mentioning your recipient’s name or company name, a mutual connection, an intriguing and relevant statistic, or a unique pain point your audience struggles with.

But keep things short.
Otherwise, you risk losing the reader’s attention.

To set you up for success, here are three subject lines you can try today:

  • How [product/service] solves [prospect’s pain point]
  • Congrats on [trigger event], [prospect’s first name]!
  • [X]% companies in [prospect’s niche] use this tactic for [objective]

Discover 43 cold email subject lines that get your emails opened.

B. Opening Lines

The subject line may get your foot in the door — earning you an open.

But it’s the opening lines that convince a recipient to keep reading.

Your opening lines must pique the reader’s interest and help you start a conversation. More importantly, they should tell readers why they should care about your cold sales email and should set the stage for your main email body copy.

You can take inspiration from these three opening lines:

  • What would you do if you could achieve [milestone], [prospect’s first name]?
  • [Mutual connection’s name] said we should talk about [your area of expertise].
  • I’m reaching out to you about [clear objective].

Learn how to start a cold email, including the best salutations and opening lines.

C. Main Body

Imagine that your opening lines captured the reader’s attention, and they want to read on.

What now?
Your cold email’s main body should deliver on everything you’ve promised or claimed so far.

For example, if you promised to share a strategy for scaling up website traffic from 0-10,000 monthly visitors, tell them how. Explain the reasoning behind your strategy, and highlight past results. And if you’ve got any charts, add those too.

Essentially, showcase what you can do for the recipient — your value proposition.

Here’s a main body copy example for reference:

[Your company name] helps customers in [lead’s industry] accomplish [relevant goal]. 

We achieve this through:

  • [Strategy #1]
  • [Strategy #2]
  • [Strategy #3]

Recently, we helped [lead’s soft competitor] reach [relevant milestone]. Here’s the complete case study showing the exact steps we took to get there: [URL to case study]

D. Call to Action

Once a lead finishes reading the email main body, you need to tell them precisely what to do next — schedule a meeting with you, visit your landing page, read a case study, or watch a short video.

That’s where a call to action (CTA) comes in.

A clear CTA prompts readers to engage with your content further and drives them towards conversion.

But a word of caution.
Stick to a single CTA per email. Too many CTAs can overwhelm readers and hurt engagement.

Check out three hard-to-ignore CTAs you can steal today:

  • Download the complete case study!
  • Schedule a meeting with me here: [meeting scheduler URL]
  • Sign up for the webinar.

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Now that we’ve gone over the main components of a cold email, I’ll share some no-nonsense tips to level up your cold email copy game.

10 Practical Tips to Level Up Your Cold Email Copywriting Efforts

Here are ten actionable tips to help you ace cold email copywriting:

1. Know Your Target Audience — Their Goals, Challenges, and Preferences — Inside Out

Your cold emails won’t get responses if you don’t understand the target audience thoroughly.

What do I mean by that?
You need a clear understanding of your prospects’:

  • Goals.
  • Challenges.
  • Preferences.

Let’s take the example of an eCommerce store selling skincare products to understand what it means to really know your target audience.

One goal for buying skincare products can be to protect your skin from internal damage. Another might be slowing down the aging process. Some consumers will purchase these products to address skin-specific issues.

A challenge your potential client might face is buying without testing these products.

As for preferences, your prospects may be inclined towards ethical and vegan skincare products.

My point?
Knowing their aspirations, pain points, and interests helps you craft cold emails that resonate better with your target audience.

2. Ask Incisive, Open-Ended Questions in Your Cold Emails

Your cold email isn’t about pushing a sale.

In contrast, it’s about starting a conversation with a lead so that you can gradually build a relationship with them.

One way to get recipients talking is to ask questions.
But not just any questions.

You need to ask incisive and open-ended questions that force readers to think and reveal valuable insights about their business, like:

  • How do you usually address [pain point] in your company?
  • When using [competitor’s product/service], do you face any issues?
  • What do you think about [industry trend]?

However, when asking questions, don’t go overboard. You wouldn’t want to make it seem like an interrogation.

3. Be Crystal Clear about Your Value Proposition in the Email Copy

Many marketers and sales professionals focus too much on themselves. They ramble on about their company, products, features, pricing, etc.

But that’s a terrible idea!
Your customers probably don’t care about you. They want to know how you can help them.

A better idea is to write email copy that focuses on the prospect’s aspirations, pain points, experiences, and how your offerings fit into the picture.

Simply put, show prospects how you can benefit them without sounding sales-y.

Wondering how to do that?
Let’s say your SaaS company helps readers find their prospects’ email addresses.

Instead of talking about the clever technicalities of how your product works, tell readers how much time your product can save them. Help them understand the kind of ROI they can expect. Show them how your product will make their lives easier.

Being clear about your value proposition gives prospects the confidence to engage with your cold sales email and potentially become a customer.

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4. Personalize Your Cold Email Copy for Relevance

Sending a generic cold email is a surefire way to get ignored or marked as spam.

Personalizing your emails makes them more relevant to the reader and shows you’ve researched well about the reader before reaching out.

How do you personalize an email?
To begin with, include the recipient’s name or company name in your subject line and body copy.

Then, take things up a notch by mentioning:

  • A shared interest.
  • A blog post they wrote that caught your attention.
  • Any relevant trends in their industry or niche.
  • A business goal they’re pursuing.
  • A pain point they’re struggling with, and more.

Essentially, use personalization to make your email look tailor-made to the recipient. Show the reader that you see them as a real person with genuine needs and not just as another name on a faceless list.

However, a bit of advice — while personalization is great, don’t over-personalize your emails.

For example, mentioning a comment the prospect left on a Facebook post six years ago is probably a bad idea. It may come across as trying too hard and can actually hurt your conversion rate.

Ideally, stick to recent, professional, and public information when personalizing your emails.

5. Establish Credibility by Adding Social Proof to Your Emails

Your readers may not trust everything you say in the cold email.

And that’s fair.
They don’t know who you are or what your story is.

You need to show them what makes you and your product/service stand out.

But how?
Easy — just add social proof to your cold sales emails.

Social proof is any evidence showcasing the value a customer received from using your product or service.

As social proof, you can include:

  • Customer testimonials.
  • Case studies.
  • Press mentions.
  • Approvals from industry-recognized experts.
  • Awards, and more.

A customer saying how much your product has helped them is much more compelling than you talking about the product’s benefits in your cold pitch. It gives prospective customers a hint of what they can experience when working with you.

6. Leverage Urgency, Scarcity, and Exclusivity in Your Cold Emails

Even if you send a great cold email, there’s a real chance the recipient puts it off for later.

They could be busy at the moment, and replying to your email may not be a priority. But then life happens, and the next thing you know, the recipient has entirely forgotten about your email.

Don’t let that happen.

Here’s what you can do about it:

  • Leverage FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) to create urgency while cold emailing. Add phrases like “don’t miss out” and “limited time offer” to your email subject line and body copy.
  • Use scarcity to prompt action from recipients. For example, if you own an eCommerce watch store, mention something like “Only 12 watches left at this price – buy yours now!” in your subject line.
  • Promise exclusive benefits to people who respond to your cold email campaign — a unique discount code they can use during checkout, a free month when subscribing to your service, etc.

Essentially, incentivize prospects to act soon before their interest in your offerings goes down.

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7. Send Value-Added Follow-Ups to Your Cold Emails

Sending a single follow up email can improve your response rate by 65.8%.

While follow-ups are powerful, very few salespeople utilize the full potential of follow-up emails. Most sales reps send generic follow-ups gently reminding the recipient about the first email they sent out.

But there’s a better way: sending a follow up email that adds value.

What do I mean by that?
In your follow up email, try to:

  • Link to a helpful blog post.
  • Share a relevant case study.
  • Offer tips to overcome a pain point.
  • Suggest best practices to improve a process, and so on.

Providing continuous value through your follow-ups shows prospects you care about helping them out. As a result, they’d be more likely to engage with your cold email.

Learn how to write a sales follow-up email with proven templates.

8. Edit Out Errors and Spam Words from Your Cold Email Copy

When you’re done crafting the cold email, thoroughly proofread your email.

Check for:

  • Typos.
  • Stray punctuations.
  • Grammatical errors, and more.

Any errors can take away from your cold outreach email’s clarity and hurt your credibility.

Additionally, remove any suspicious words from your cold email copy like “lowest price”, “loans”, “no fees”, “full refund”, etc. Such words may trigger the spam filter and cause your cold email to go to the spam folder, hurting your open rate and email deliverability.

Discover why your emails go to spam and how to solve it.

9. A/B Test Your Cold Email Campaigns to Check Their Effectiveness

You can research a prospect, personalize your cold email, reach out to the right person, add social proof, and do everything by the book.

After all that effort, a good cold email you write can still get ignored.

That’s okay.
It happens to the best of us.

One strategy you can use to achieve a great email response rate is A/B testing or split testing.

During A/B testing, you test different versions of a cold email copy to see which version brings the best results.

You can experiment with different:

  • Subject lines.
  • From names.
  • Social proofs.
  • CTAs.
  • Email send times, and more.

The end goal here is to develop an effective cold email copy.

10. Convert Your Best Performing Cold Emails into Reusable Templates

Writing an email from scratch every time you want to send a cold email campaign is impractical.

But if your sales team were to save your best cold email copies as templates, you can quickly reuse them later with a few modifications.

In other words, cold emailing becomes much easier once you’ve created a template.

Your sales rep simply needs to:

  • Add/load the cold email template into a new email message.
  • Swap out any personalization fields with relevant info from your CRM.
  • Proofread your email copy.
  • Hit “send”.

GMass automatically lets you reuse any past cold email you’ve sent as a template, making this process as simple as possible.

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Next, I’ll share some read-to-deploy templates your sales team can use in the next cold email campaign.

3 Cold Email Copywriting Templates You Can Use Today

Here are three cold email templates that can increase your conversions:

1. Cold Email Using the Before-After-Bridge Technique

This cold email template works because it gives recipients an idea of how your product/service can improve their lives. It paints a picture of the prospect’s life before you came in and what it can be like after using your solution.

Subject: [Prospect’s first name], want to overcome [pain point]?

Hi [prospect’s first name],

I know how frustrating [pain point] can be.

If only there were a way to overcome [pain point] without compromising on [goal], right?
There is.

[Your product/service] helps customers in the [prospect’s industry] space achieve [milestone]. 

We do this through:

  • [Technique A]
  • [Technique B]
  • [Technique C]

If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help you, let’s get on a 30-minute call at [time] on [date].

[Your email signature]

2. Cold Email Sharing a Valuable Resource

Sending a value-added cold email positions you as an asset to the prospects. Since it shows prospects you care about helping them reach their goals, they’re likelier to respond to your cold outreach email.

Subject: Thought you might find this blog post helpful, [prospect’s first name]

Hello [prospect’s first name],

We recently wrote an exhaustive blog post on [relevant topic].

It talks about:

  • [Key point #1]
  • [Key point #2]
  • [Key point #3]

I think you might find it interesting.
Here’s the link to the blog post: [URL]

You can check out more related articles on [your website].

Please let me know if you’ve got any questions.

Have a good day,
[Your email signature]

3. Cold Email Following a Trigger Event

A trigger event presents a genuine reason for your sales rep to approach a potential client. If the trigger event is an achievement or milestone, you can write an effective cold email congratulating them and hinting at how your product/service fits into their journey.

Subject: Congrats on [milestone], [prospect’s first name]!

Hi [prospect’s first name],

Just read about [prospect’s company name] achieving [milestone] on [social media platform].
It’s an impressive feat!

Companies reaching [milestone] usually have [objective] as a priority because [reason]. Recently, we helped a company in [prospect’s industry] accomplish [impressive goal] using [strategy]. 

If this interests you, feel free to schedule a meeting here: [meeting scheduler URL]

[Your email signature]

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Let’s now explore a powerful but easy-to-use email tool that can level up your cold email copywriting efforts.

The Best Cold Email Tool to Use in 2022


GMass is a robust cold email outreach and automation tool that works entirely inside Gmail.

Its advanced capabilities and ease of use make it the go-to cold email software for salespeople, email marketing professionals, startup founders, entrepreneurs, and even employees at social media giants like Twitter and LinkedIn.

With GMass, your can:

  • Automatically personalize your outreach and prospecting emails at scale, including paragraphs, links, images, and attachments.
  • Use A/B testing to optimize your cold email campaign for maximum conversions.
  • Build an email list effortlessly from your Gmail search results.
  • Save your successful sales emails as templates to tweak and reuse in future cold email campaigns.
  • Create workflows to keep sending follow-ups till a recipient responds to your cold email.
  • Schedule your prospecting emails to reach recipients when they’re most likely to reply.
  • Analyze the performance of your cold email campaign through detailed campaign reports.

To use GMass, download its Chrome extension and sign up for free with your Gmail or Google Workspace account.

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Further Reading:

Cold Email Copywriting: Final Thoughts

Mastering cold email copywriting can be challenging.

But it doesn’t need to be.

Just follow the tips I’ve mentioned above to create effective cold email marketing messages, prospecting emails, and more that resonate with your recipients and improve conversions.

If you’re looking for an easy way to automate and scale up your cold emailing efforts, try out GMass. This powerful cold email outreach software helps you send personalized emails at scale, automate your follow-ups, leverage A/B testing, and do so much more.

Download the GMass Chrome extension today and step up your cold email copywriting efforts!

Ready to transform Gmail into an email marketing/cold email/mail merge tool?

Only GMass packs every email app into one tool — and brings it all into Gmail for you. Better emails. Tons of power. Easy to use.


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
No credit card required
Love what you're reading? Get the latest email strategy and tips & stay in touch.

As a B2B marketer, you need to master writing different types of B2B emails to help you generate leads, drive sales, and build lasting client relationships.

To help you out, I’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to write effective B2B emails and seven proven B2B email templates you can use right away.

I’ll then share five handy tips to enhance your B2B emails and answer two related FAQs.

I’ll also mention an excellent B2B email automation tool to take your marketing and sales email results to the next level.

Further Reading: 

This Article Contains:

(Click on links to jump to specific sections)

Let’s go!

How to Write Effective B2B Emails (Step-by-Step Guide)

Here’s a detailed guide showing you how to write B2B emails that resonate with your recipients:

Step 1: Use a Compelling Email Subject Line to Catch Readers’ Attention

Your B2B email subject line is the first thing subscribers notice about your email, and it can decide whether they open your email or not.

A study shows that almost 47% of email recipients open an email message based solely on its subject line.

Moreover, your subject line is a warm-up to the conversation you’re about to have.

My point?
Spend time getting your subject line right!

An intriguing subject line, which hints at the email content, can:

  • Capture a prospective customer’s attention.
  • Drive the recipient to open your email.
  • Make an excellent first impression.

Pro tip: Personalizing your B2B email’s subject line with the recipient’s name is a smart way to boost your open rate and response rate.

Need help writing your subject line?
Check out 43 exceptional cold email subject lines to boost your open rate.

Step 2: Address Your Audience’s Pain Points in the Email Body

While an exciting subject line may get a B2B buyer to open your email, only relevant and coherent content will hold their attention.

In fact, most readers skim through the email body, spending just about 8 seconds to read it.

How do you pique a reader’s interest within such a short period?
Simple — draft a concise email body addressing your audience’s pain points.

Essentially, spin a narrative that:

  • Echoes their problems.
  • Empathizes with them.
  • Offers them viable solutions.

Step 3: Conclude with an Impactful Call to Action

Creating interest in your product/service is only half the journey.

Your next goal is to prompt action, getting your target audience to:

  • Sign up for your newsletter.
  • Go to your landing page.
  • Download a case study or whitepaper.
  • Request a demo.
  • Subscribe to your services, and so on.

But how do you do that?
Use a persuasive call-to-action (CTA) to urge subscribers to take action.

When crafting your CTA, remember to keep it direct, clear, and easy to act on ⁠— otherwise, your reader may ignore your email and move on to the next one.

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Now that you know what goes into a B2B sales or marketing email, let’s look at some effective email templates you can use today.

7 Exceptional B2B Email Templates

Here are seven top-notch B2B email templates for your marketing and sales email campaigns:

1. Welcome B2B Email Template

A welcome email is a friendly way to establish a relationship with your prospect once they sign up on your website.

You can use this B2B email template to introduce yourself, share your value proposition, and welcome a client onboard:

Subject line:Welcome aboard, [prospect’s first name]

Hello [prospect’s first name],

I’m [your name], the founder of [your company name], and I’d like to welcome you to our family. 

We’re a team of [number of employees] innovative professionals working to [mission/values of company].

Here’s a brief run-through of what we offer companies looking to achieve [objective]: [URL]

If you have any questions, feel free to schedule a meeting here: [meeting scheduler URL].

We’re always here to help you.

[Your name]
[Your designation]
[Your company name]
[Your phone number]
[Links to your social media profiles]

2. Product Promotion B2B Email Template

A product promotion email lets you inform a prospect about some promotion you’re running.

It helps generate interest in your offerings and incentivizes prospects to try out your product/service.

Subject line:Get [X]% off on [product/service name], [prospect’s first name]!

Hi  [prospect’s first name], 

We’re thrilled to announce a [X]% discount on [your product/service]. 

You can now leverage the strategies [prospect’s competitor] used to accomplice [goal] at a pocket-friendly price!

If you’re unsure about [your product/service]’s fit for your company, drop us a line. 

We can get on a call at your convenience, and our subject matter experts will answer all your questions — even the tricky ones!

Schedule your call here: [meeting scheduler URL]

[Your email signature]

3. Case Study B2B Email Template

Buyers need to know that your product or service can solve their pain points.

How do you do that?
Sharing a case study — which showcases your success with an existing customer —  in your B2B marketing email can help you build trust with the prospective customer.

Subject line:Here’s how we helped [client] reach [milestone]

Hello [prospect’s name],

If you’re struggling with [pain point], you need to start using [product/service] today.

But don’t take our word for it.
Check out a case study showing how we helped [client] overcome [pain point]: [case study URL]

It covers:

  • Where and when to use [your product/service]
  • How to use [your product/service]
  • Benefits of using [your product/service]

[Your email signature]

Pro tip: A B2B cold email template with a case study is a fantastic option for marketers working on B2B lead generation.

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4. Request Demo B2B Email Template

A prospective customer may request a product demo before making a purchase.

The demo lets the prospect observe your product’s features/capabilities firsthand and make an informed purchase decision.

Subject line: [Prospect’s first name], schedule your [your product/service] demo here

Hi [prospect’s first name],

Thank you for the demo request!

The demo will show you how [your product/service] can help you accomplish:

  • [Goal A]
  • [Goal B]
  • [Goal C]

Pick a date and time for your demo here: [calendar URL]

If you’d like answers to any specific questions during the demo, please drop us an email with your questions. Our seasoned experts will answer them during your demo.

[Your email signature]

5. Video Email Template

Adding a video to your B2B marketing or sales email makes it more exciting and shortens the recipient’s reading time.

Here’s an email example showing you how to include a video in your email message:

Subject line: [Prospect’s first name], here’s that tutorial you wanted

Hi [prospect’s first name],

We know you’ve been struggling with [pain point]. 

And guess what?
We offer the perfect solution to your problem.

[Your team member’s first name] will help you navigate the nitty-gritty of overcoming [pain point] in this video: [URL to video]

Get in touch if you have any questions.

[Your email signature]

6. Curated Content Email Template

Research-based content is hard to find since it’s often fragmented across different websites.

If a B2B company is looking for such information, you can offer an easy fix by compiling a curated list of well-researched content, as shown in the template below.

Subject line:Learn how experts solve [problem], [prospect’s first name] 

Hi [prospect’s first name],

Tired of browsing the internet looking for solutions to [problem]?

Don’t worry.
Here’s a curated list of inputs from industry experts about [problem]: [URL]

If you have any more questions, let’s get on a one-on-one consultation call to get it all sorted.

Just book a slot in my calendar: [calendar URL]

[Your email signature]

7. Free Trial Email Template

Offering a free trial of your product or service is an effective strategy for enticing a B2B buyer and driving them along your sales funnel.

Use this email template to share your free trial:

Subject line:Enjoy your free trial, [prospect’s first name]!

Hi [prospect’s first name],

My name is [your name], and I’m excited to guide you through your free trial for [your product/service] today. 

I hope you’ve logged in and taken a tour of our [your product service]. 

If not, don’t worry. 

Our “Getting Started Guide” will provide you a quick walkthrough of [your product/service] and help you get things up and running.

During your [X]-day free trial, you can:

  • [Value proposition #1]
  • [Value proposition #2]
  • [Value proposition #3]

To learn more about using [your product/service], subscribe to our email newsletter today: [URL]

[Your email signature]

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Next, I’ll share some handy tips to make your B2B outreach and transactional emails stand out.

5 Useful Tips to Improve Your B2B Emails

Here are five actionable tips to help you level up your B2B emails:

1. Know Your Audience to Write Emails that Resonate

While crafting a B2B email, knowing whom you’re talking to is as important as what you say.

If you know what matters to your subscribers, you can then effectively craft a B2B sales email or email marketing campaign that addresses their pain points or helps them reach their goals.

But how do you do that?
Start by collecting some basic info about your target audience’s:

  • Industry or niche.
  • Business size.
  • Pain points.
  • Financial situation, and so on.

These details help you build your buyer persona — a detailed description of someone who represents your target audience.

For example, let’s say you provide cybersecurity products. One of your buyer personas could be the Chief Security Officer of a Silicon Valley-based IT enterprise with about 1,000 employees and an annual turnover of $15 million.

Once you build a buyer persona, it’s easier to create content that resonates with your audience.

2. Define Your Objective to Maximize Conversions

When crafting your B2B message, ensure that you’re clear about the purpose of your email.

What do I mean by purpose here?
Marketers and salespeople can use a B2B email to:

  • Sell a product or service.
  • Raise brand awareness.
  • Invite subscribers to a webinar.
  • Share information about a product launch.
  • Secure new subscribers for an email newsletter and more.

Once you clearly state your intentions, draft the email to drive readers towards fulfilling your purpose.

Get them to act with a convincing CTA specifying the next steps a subscriber can follow.

3. Personalize Content for B2B Customers

Even if you’re sending out a mass email campaign, your B2B customers expect you to treat them as individuals and not as faceless names on a list.

Essentially, your B2B outreach or B2B sales email shouldn’t look like a generic message — you should personalize it.

By personalizing your emails, you remind prospects that they’re important to you and that you care about solving their problems.

And when your email messages look tailor-made, recipients will take them more seriously.

To personalize your B2B marketing email, you can:

  • Address the recipient in the subject line.
  • Add the reader’s name at the beginning of the body.
  • Offer solutions to the potential client’s unique pain points.
  • Customize the email content to reflect the reader’s industry or niche.

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4. Keep Your B2B Email Concise and Focused on Triggering Action

A study shows that business professionals send and receive about 121 emails a day.

What does that mean for you?
Since it’s impractical for recipients to go through each email message, keep your B2B email:

  • Concise: stick to around 100-250 words for your email.
  • Engaging: use a conversational tone in your emails and avoid jargon.
  • Valuable: share valuable content, like blog posts, case studies, relevant stats, etc.
  • Actionable: ensure that you include a compelling CTA that stands out.

5. Use an Efficient B2B Email Tool to Enhance Your Campaigns

If you’re a B2B marketer, it can be tedious to email every prospect manually.

Instead, use an email automation tool in your B2B email marketing strategy to automate repetitive tasks and scale your B2B emailing efforts.

A B2B email software solution can help marketers:

  • Automate their marketing or sales email campaign.
  • Analyze email metrics like click, bounce, and open rates of their B2B sales email or marketing campaign.
  • Overcome email sending limits.
  • Test email addresses to reduce bounces and avoid spam filters.

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But which email marketing automation tool should you go for?
Meet GMass.

The Best B2B Email Automation Tool for 2022


GMass is a robust email marketing automation tool that lets you draft and send personalized email campaigns at scale.

Its advanced capabilities make GMass the perfect digital marketing solution for marketers, sales professionals, business owners, etc. GMass is also a popular email marketing tool among employees at social media giants like Twitter and LinkedIn.

With GMass, you can:

  • Automatically personalize your B2B marketing emails, including recipient names, subject lines, paragraphs, images, and links.
  • Build an email list of prospective business clients directly from your Gmail search results
  • Track the open and click rates of your B2B email campaign to figure out the type of content that interests your potential customer.
  • Set the schedule to send out your B2B email marketing campaign at optimal times when your recipients are most likely to engage.
  • Conduct A/B tests to identify the email copy that drives maximum conversions.
  • Save your emails as templates to reuse in future marketing campaigns.

To use these incredible features and more, download the GMass Chrome extension and sign up for free with your Gmail or Google Workspace account.

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I’ll answer some commonly asked questions related to B2B emails next.

2 FAQs about B2B Emails

Here are answers to two questions you may have about B2B emails:

1. What’s the Difference Between a B2B and B2C Email?

B2B sales or marketing emails are messages sent between two business enterprises.

They are professional and benefit-driven, with a clear objective. Moreover, these emails address industry pain points and are sent over a longer buying cycle.

On the other hand, B2C email marketing is usually more friendly, casual, and includes emotional triggers. It’s comparatively more personal and lasts over a shorter buying cycle.

Note: A buying cycle refers to the different stages a lead goes through while buying a product or service.

2.  What Are the Different Types of B2B Emails?

The three prominent types of B2B emails are:

  • Cold Email: Email sent to a potential customer who hasn’t engaged with you yet but can benefit from your product or service.
  • Nurture Email: Follow up email sent to existing leads to nurture and advance them along the sales pipeline.
  • Drip Email: A class of transactional emails triggered by your recipients’ actions.

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Wrapping Up

B2B email constitutes a critical part of any B2B marketing strategy.

My step-by-step guide for writing B2B marketing emails and handy tips for improving them can help with your B2B email marketing strategy.

But if you want to really level up your B2B email marketing campaign, use a powerful email automation tool like GMass. It helps you build an email list, automatically personalize your B2B email campaign, send automated email messages, and do so much more.

Download the free GMass Chrome extension today and take your B2B emailing efforts to the next level!

See why GMass has 300k+ users and 7,500+ 5-star reviews

Email marketing. Cold email. Mail merge. Avoid the spam folder. Easy to learn and use. All inside Gmail.


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
No credit card required
Love what you're reading? Get the latest email strategy and tips & stay in touch.

Whether you’re a blogger, freelance writer, or social media marketer, email newsletters are a great way to keep your brand visible to existing or potential clients.

Newsletters with relevant and personalized content educate your audience, address their pain points, and nurture long-lasting relationships.

Simply put, email newsletters can help boost your digital marketing efforts.

In this blog post, I’ll briefly cover what email newsletter copywriting is. I’ll then share seven helpful tips to make your newsletter stand out and go over three surprising benefits of email newsletter copywriting.

As a bonus, I’ll mention a powerful email marketing tool you can use to power up your newsletter writing efforts.

Further Reading: 

This Article Contains:

(Click on the links to jump to specific sections)

Let’s jump right in.

What Is Newsletter Copywriting?

Newsletter copywriting is the process of writing newsletters for existing customers or new leads.

Like website copywriting, email newsletter copywriting is about engaging your audience and persuading them to take action.

You can use email newsletters to:

  • Inform your customers about a new product or service.
  • Share white papers to educate your readers.
  • Invite your subscribers to an informative webinar.
  • Showcase a recent press release featuring your brand.
  • Announce exciting offers your readers can benefit from, and so on.

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Let’s look at the essential components of an email newsletter next.

3 Main Components of an Effective Email Newsletter

Your email newsletter must have three key components:

1. An Irresistible Subject Line

The subject line is a window to your email newsletter, offering readers a sneak peek of your newsletter content.

That’s why, as a newsletter copywriter, you’ll need to leverage the email subject line to capture your readers attention.

But how exactly do you do that?
Just use an intriguing question or a humorous one-liner as your subject line to stimulate your audience and get them clicking.

Adding an element of surprise or an attractive offer in your subject line is also a great way to reel in readers.

For example, check out how Dominos Pizza advertises exciting offers in their subject line:


If you’re a pizza lover, it’s almost impossible to resist opening this email.

2. An Engaging Body Copy

After the subject line comes the body copy of your email newsletter.

Since engaging readers is critical, your email body copy must be compelling and concise, with only the necessary details.

But more importantly, your email body copy’s tone should showcase your brand personality.

For example:

  • HBO Max’s weekly newsletter has a laid-back yet inviting voice that uses nostalgia to get viewers excited.


  • On the other hand, edX — an open online course provider — uses a more professional, direct tone.


3. A Straightforward CTA

Drafting a catchy subject line and an impressive body copy may get your readers attention. But it won’t lead them to act on that interest.

A successful email copywriter leverages the newsletter to persuade potential clients to:

  • Subscribe to their services.
  • Buy their products.
  • Visit their website, and so on.

But how do you achieve any of that?
Add a clear call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your email newsletter, telling readers exactly what to do. A call to action gives the recipient the last nudge to engage with you and even enter the sales funnel.

To write a compelling CTA:

  • Use actionable words like “Click,” “Buy,” or “Sign up” to drive readers to take some action.
  • Add a single CTA to the body copy instead of overwhelming readers with multiple, distinct CTAs.
  • Keep the CTA specific to what you want customers to do. “Redeem Your Offer” is a specific CTA that addresses them directly and leads to action.

While you’re at it, customize the CTA button to stand out from the rest of your newsletter body copy.

Check out this CTA in Headspace’s newsletter, asking you to subscribe to their service:


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Next, I’ll share helpful tips for improving your newsletter email copy and taking your email copywriting services to the next level.

7 Actionable Tips for Successful Email Newsletter Copywriting

Here are seven practical copywriting tips you can use to create outstanding newsletter copies for your current or potential clients:

1. Know Your Audience and Address Their Pain Points

Before writing your email newsletter, you need a clear picture of who your ideal audience is.

Even if you craft a stellar newsletter copy, there’s no point if you send it to the wrong audience. For instance, your newsletter about the latest trends in women’s apparel might not be relevant to the demographic of older men.

That’s where knowledge of your audience comes in handy.

Knowing your audience helps you:

  • Understand the type of content your subscribers wish to read.
  • Tailor your newsletter’s tone and structure to fit your readers’ preferences.

This way, you can send relevant newsletters that resonate with the readers and convert better.

2. Create Clear, Personalized Content Aligned to Your Newsletter Goals

People have short attention spans and will likely ignore irrelevant messages.

If you seek to build long-term relationships with your subscribers, respect their time and share only clear, valuable, and informative content.

But that’s not all.
You’ll also need to personalize the email newsletters based on the recipients.

You need to let readers know that you care about them and genuinely want to address their problems through valuable content in your newsletters. This shows subscribers that you see them as unique individuals and not as faceless names on an email list.

To personalize your newsletters, you can:

  • Add your readers’ names at the start of the newsletter.
  • Customize the subject line with the reader’s first name.
  • Modify the images according to the recipient’s demographic or geographic location.
  • Use a more conversational tone throughout the body copy.

Take a look at this newsletter from GEICO that specifically references the reader:


3. Establish Trust by Demonstrating Product or Service Impact

Starting an email marketing campaign is easy.

But to establish credibility among your readers, you’ll need to prove the impact of your product or service on the market. Otherwise, the recipients will have no reason to trust you or your offerings.

But how do you build trust?
Simple — just include instances of social proof in your email newsletters.

You can:

  • Share a customer success story.
  • Feature in-depth case studies.
  • Showcase positive reviews by current users.
  • Highlight press mentions of your brand.
  • Link to white papers with original research, and more.

A customer success story takes center stage in this email newsletter from Copyblogger:


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4. Use Eye-Catching Designs and Visuals

A newsletter with just text content can become monotonous and bore readers.

Feel free to add substance and style to your email campaign newsletters with a generous addition of graphics, images, and videos. Using a sleek template, a few aesthetic pictures, and some classy font can impress your subscribers.

In addition to captivating readers, an attractive email newsletter showcases your brand and its personality for prospective customers.

Here’s an Etsy newsletter with a simple yet elegant design:


5. A/B Test Newsletter Copy to Find the Best Fit for Your Audience

If you’re an email copywriter hoping to optimize your content marketing strategy, create slightly different versions of your email newsletters.

You can create variations of the newsletter’s:

  • Subject line.
  • Body copy.
  • CTA.
  • Template, and more.

After that, test the success of each version in achieving your email marketing goals.

Split testing (A/B testing) different components this way can reveal what your email subscribers look for in your newsletters — what makes them click on your CTA or discard the copy without reading.

It also helps you fine-tune your email marketing strategy and adapt to the evolving needs of your target audience.

6. Optimize the Schedule of Sending Email Newsletters

Sending newsletters to clients’ inboxes consistently is one way to improve the open rates for those emails.

However, this doesn’t mean you send out an email newsletter every time you’ve got something to share.

Too many newsletters can overwhelm your audience.

A monthly newsletter with interesting and important updates can be a welcome sight in your readers’ inboxes. On the flip side, a weekly newsletter only makes sense if you’ve got a ton of value to share or an exciting time-specific offer.

But when should you send out your newsletters?
Send your email newsletters during the mornings on weekdays when your readers are most likely to click on them.

Avoid sending them at night or on weekends, as they’ll probably land at the bottom of your client’s inbox pile and remain unnoticed.

7. Create Customizable Newsletter Templates

Creating an email newsletter for every new marketing campaign can be daunting.

Fortunately, you can design customizable templates that can be reused for future newsletters.

With customizable templates, you can present all the relevant information while personalizing the newsletter for your audience. But the template you use must also match the purpose of your newsletter and follow a style that complements your content.

Are you launching a new product?
Or, maybe you’re offering a massive discount for existing customers?

You can use an email newsletter with appealing visuals and concise text in either case.

Here are a few newsletter examples that use eye-catching templates:

  • This email newsletter by Nike introduces a new product with an excellent copy and an attractive image taking center stage.


  • Kate Spade’s email campaign focuses on the incredible spring season discount for existing customers, with its offer dominating the email copy.

Kate Spade

  • Amazon’s newsletter provides a list of Kindle deals, with a balance of text and images.


While your newsletter’s template can vary depending on its purpose, you can always repurpose it for a similar email marketing campaign in the future.

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Now that you’re equipped with some practical tips to enhance your newsletter copywriting process, let’s go over some benefits of writing newsletters.

3 Major Benefits of Newsletter Copywriting

The three advantages of email newsletter copywriting are:

1. Build Brand Awareness and Scale-up Website Traffic

Newsletter copywriting services can help startups, business owners, and individual clients effectively convey their brand’s value proposition to potential customers.

With email newsletters, you can:

  • Raise brand awareness.
  • Build an audience.
  • Improve traffic to your website.

The more time customers spend engaging with your content, the likelier they will remember your brand.

And by including a CTA that redirects to your website, you can easily scale up traffic.

2. Improve Your Credibility and Authority

Newsletters that consistently provide valuable info become sources of knowledge for readers.

Writing informative newsletters related to your niche can help establish your legitimacy and authority among your target audience.

For instance, this newsletter from the Stamford Health Department of Surgery showcases their surgeons’ deep expertise:


3. Nurture Leads and Increase Sales

Once prospects sign up for your email newsletter, you can add them to your email list.

After that, send the potential customers in your email list a monthly or weekly newsletter featuring essential details about your products/services, exclusive discounts, and more.

This way, you can get readers excited about your offerings and convert more sales.

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Now that I’ve covered the benefits of newsletter copywriting, let’s talk about an easy-to-use email marketing tool that can help level up your newsletter and email copywriting results:

Step Up Your Newsletter Copywriting Game with GMass


GMass is a powerful email marketing automation tool that lets you create and send personalized email newsletters at scale.

Its ease of use makes GMass the ideal email marketing solution for copywriters, digital marketers, SEO specialists, and small business owners. GMass is also the go-to email marketing tool for employees at social media powerhouses like Twitter and LinkedIn.

With GMass, you can:

  • Automatically personalize email newsletter copies by including recipient names, subject lines, customized paragraphs, images, and links.
  • Conduct A/B tests to identify the newsletter copy that converts best.
  • Track open and click rates of your email newsletters to assess the type of content that interests your subscribers.
  • Schedule to send your newsletters at optimal times when your readers are most likely to engage.
  • Build an email list of prospective subscribers directly from your Gmail search results
  • Save your emails as templates to reuse them in future campaigns.

To use GMass, download the GMass Chrome extension and sign up for a free trial with your Gmail or Google Workspace account.

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Wrapping Up

To become a successful newsletter copywriter, you first need to understand your target audience. Only then can you craft personalized content and persuasive CTAs that encourage your readers to act.

The no-nonsense tips listed in this blog post can help level up your email copywriting service, grow your audience, and heighten your brand awareness.

But to really amp up your newsletter writing game, use a powerful email marketing automation tool like GMass. The tool helps you automatically personalize email newsletters, A/B test them, and do so much more.

Download the free GMass Chrome extension today and take your email newsletter copywriting efforts to the next level!

Ready to send better emails and save a ton of time?

GMass is the only tool for marketing emails, cold emails, and mail merge — all inside Gmail. Tons of power but easy to learn and use.


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
No credit card required
Love what you're reading? Get the latest email strategy and tips & stay in touch.

Interested in a crash course on cold email copywriting?

There’s much more to effective email copywriting than just writing an on-brand email copy. You’ll also need to personalize your email copy based on the recipients’ interests and AB test it for optimal engagement.

In this guide, I’ll cover what email copywriting is, including the three key components of an email copy. I’ll then share nine practical tips to help improve your email copywriting skills.

As a bonus, I’ll mention a powerful tool you can use for email marketing at scale.

Further Reading:

This Article Contains:

(Click on links to jump to specific sections)

Let’s go!

What Is Email Copywriting?

Email copywriting is the process of writing an email copy for an existing or a potential customer to convert them.

However, conversion in this context isn’t limited to closing a sale.

It can also be about getting a response to your email, a sign up for your newsletter, a download for your ebook — essentially, any goal you’re trying to achieve with the email message.

Before we dive into how you can master email copywriting, let’s look at the main components of an email copy.

3 Key Components of an Effective Email Copy

All effective email copies share three key components:

  • Subject line: it’s your first touchpoint with the recipient and heavily influences your email open rate. Research shows that 47% of recipients open emails based on just the subject line. We’ve written an entire guide on writing cold email subject lines if you want a very deep dive.
  • Email body: your email body is the bulk of your message. It can tell a story, share details about your product or service, showcase social proof, or provide valuable information.
  • Call to action: it tells your reader what to do after reading the email message — sign up for your webinar, download a report, etc. A study reveals that a single, clear CTA in your sales email can increase sales by 1617%.

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Now that I’ve covered what email copywriting is, let’s go over some email copywriting tips you can start using today.

9 No-Nonsense Tips to Help You Excel at Email Copywriting

Here are nine practical tips that’ll help you ace your email copy:

1. Be Clear about Your Email Copy Goals

You can use emails to accomplish a variety of goals:

  • Sell your product or service.
  • Build brand awareness.
  • Get more subscribers for your newsletter.
  • Invite people to your webinar.
  • Drum up interest for a new product launch.
  • Introduce new industry best practices, and more.

However, there’s no one-size-fits-all email copy you can use to achieve these diverse goals.

For instance, if your goal is to nurture an inbound marketing lead, your email marketing copy should focus on slowly nurturing the sales lead and shouldn’t sound too salesy. But if your goal is outbound sales, your sales email copy should quickly build interest in your offerings.

My point?
Have a specific end goal in mind before you start email copywriting.

Once you do, craft your email copy in such a way that every word in your email drives the reader towards fulfilling your end goal — be it sales, newsletter sign-ups, and so on.

2. Know Your Audience — Their Niche, Pain Points, and Aspirations

In email copywriting, “who” you write to must inspire “what” you write.

This means that you’ll need a thorough understanding of your target audience to develop a strategy for effective email copywriting.

But how do you understand the target audience?
At the most basic level, you’ll need a clear picture of the recipients’:

  • Industry or niche.
  • Pain points.
  • Goals or aspirations.

Once you’ve nailed that, create detailed buyer personas showcasing some specific qualities your ideal buyers share. Buyer personas offer a deeper understanding of your target audience and help you create relevant email content that’ll capture the recipients’ attention.

I’ve used the plural personas here because your business may serve multiple customer segments.

For example, let’s say you’re a marketer in a content marketing agency.

One of your buyer personas can describe a CEO at a fintech company in San Francisco earning $1 million annually. Another buyer persona might be a small eCommerce business owner from Austin with $40,000 in profits.

3. Evoke Interest with Crisp, Clear, and Candid Subject Lines

No matter how good an email you’ve crafted, it’s not going to accomplish anything if the recipient doesn’t even open your email in the first place.

And there’s a high chance that even your best email will go unnoticed because the recipient’s inbox is probably flooded with emails just like yours.

That’s why your email will need to stand out from the crowd.

How do you do that?
Simple! You should write subject lines that are:

  • Short and sweet: since many recipients will likely read your email on a mobile device, keep the subject line length between 6-10 words. Otherwise, it could get cut off.
  • Personalized: include the recipient’s name and any other relevant details in your subject line to make it look tailor-made.
  • Clear: paint a clear picture of what your email is about in the subject line and avoid using bait-and-switch tactics that damage your credibility.
  • Intriguing: use a hard-to-ignore email subject line to capture the reader’s attention and get them thinking about what’s inside your email.

Remember, the subject line is your first touchpoint with the audience.

It not only makes the first impression but also gives the prospect a preview of what to expect in the body of the email. Besides, your subject line sets the tone for the rest of your conversations with the recipient.

Wondering what an excellent email subject line looks like?

Here are a few examples you can use for inspiration:

  • Learn how [client name] improved their email deliverability by [X]% in a month
  • Struggling with managing investor relations, [prospect’s first name]?
  • Here’s a blog post revealing my secret behind [digital marketing milestone]
  • How I made [company name] $[X] profit in [Y] months
  • [Prospect’s name], here’s my complete guide to SEO in content marketing

Take a look at 43 cold email subject lines that get your emails opened.

4. Keep Your Email Body Aligned and Relevant

Your prospect will form some expectations about the email body based on your subject line.

For example, let’s say your subject line talks about how you helped a client increase their revenue by $100,000 with a single email marketing campaign.

When the recipient opens your marketing email, they expect to discover the tactics and email marketing strategy you’ve used to accomplish that goal. In other words, your email body copy should align with the promise made in your subject line.

But aligning the email body copy with the subject line is only the first step.

You’ll also need to:

  • Establish credibility: if you’re sending a cold email, establish at the get-go why you’re the right person to approach about a specific topic. Also, featuring customer success stories in your outreach email goes a long way in building trust.
  • Add value: use your unique experiences and insights to enrich the prospect’s life. Share a great example from your personal life, a relevant case study, or a helpful blog post in your email body.
  • Eliminate objections: your recipients won’t readily agree with everything you say, so proactively address any possible concerns or objections in your email body.
  • Personalize your message: since generic messages look spammy and feel irrelevant, personalize your message based on the recipient’s interests to resonate with them.
  • Segue into the CTA: your end goal is to make the recipient do something (for example, click a link to your landing page), so transition smoothly from the email body to your call to action.

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5. Craft a Compelling Call-to-Action Your Recipients Can’t Resist

Your call to action can make or break your conversion rate.

If your CTA isn’t compelling enough, a potential customer will move on to the next thing after reading your email message. And all the effort you put into crafting a valuable email goes down the drain when that happens.

Here are a few pointers to help you create CTAs that can’t be ignored:

  • Stick to a single CTA: many marketers add several different CTAs, but that can overwhelm your reader. Instead, use a single, clear CTA in your email copy.
  • Use actionable language: a CTA should prompt action, so use a clear action word in your CTA. You can use an action word like “explore”, “access”, or “generate” based on your needs.
  • Make the CTA personalized and specific: a specific and customized CTA like “Start your free trial today, [prospect’s first name]” speaks directly to the recipient and inspires action.

For example, here’s an email copy with a compelling CTA:

Subject line : Unlock more [your product/service name] features with our [paid plan name]!

Hey [prospect’s first name],

We hope you’re loving the [free trial/version] of [your product/service name].

Did you know that our [paid plan name] offers more powerful features, like:

  • [Improved feature A]
  • [Improved feature B]
  • [Improved feature C]

You can also benefit from [benefit 1] and [benefit 2] by using [paid plan name]!

Do you find these functionalities useful? Then, why don’t we get on a call to explore how [paid plan name] can help you better achieve your [mission] and [goals]?

Please feel free to book a suitable time on my calendar: [calendar URL].
I look forward to hearing from you.

[Your name]
[Your designation]
[Your company name]
[Your contact details]

6. Ensure That Your Entire Email Copy Stays On-Brand

Every conversation you have with your audience is an opportunity to showcase your brand.

That’s why it’s crucial that your entire email copy — the subject line, email body, and CTA —  reflect your brand voice.

And this brand voice will vary across businesses and industries.

For example, if you’re a fun soft drinks brand, your brand voice can be edgy and witty. You can insert a few cheeky jokes or playful puns in your email newsletter, and your audience will love it! It’s exactly what they expect in your brand’s email content.

However, you can’t use the same tone when email copywriting for a law firm. You’d be expected to adopt a serious and professional tone in your email marketing campaign.

7. Create Personalizable, Ready-to-Use Email Copy Templates

Crafting a great email copy from scratch every time you need to send an email campaign is impractical.

A more efficient alternative is to create email templates you can quickly customize with personalization data.

This way, you can:

  • Save time.
  • Keep your email marketing copy on-brand.
  • Deliver personalized experiences to your prospects.

To help you out, here’s a sample direct email template you can use as a reference:

Subject line : [Prospect’s competitor] achieved [stunning goal] in [X] months — wondering how?

Hi [prospect’s first name],

This is [your first name], and my job is to help companies in [prospect’s industry/niche] achieve:

  • [Goal A]
  • [Goal B]
  • [Goal C]

Recently, we helped [prospect’s competitor] accomplish [stunning goal] — that too, in [X] months. If you’re interested in learning how we pulled that off, check out our detailed case study here: [case study URL]

If you have any questions, just drop me a message. I’d be happy to help!

[Your name]
[Your designation]
[Your company name]
[Your phone number]
[Links to your social media profiles] 

Quick plug! At GMass, we’ve built our cold email platform so it automatically saves your past emails as templates which you can use in the future without any hassle.

8. Edit Your Email Copy for Accuracy and Readability

After you’re done writing the direct email copy, don’t send it out immediately.

Instead, take a break and come back later to do a thorough round of editing.

You should look for:

  • Stray punctuation.
  • Vague phrases or sentences.
  • Confusing repetitions.
  • Inconsistencies in the brand voice.

Essentially, ensure that your email content makes sense, has no errors, and reads well.

Otherwise, you risk confusing the recipient, leaving a poor impression, and failing to achieve your end goal with the email copy.

9. Use A/B Testing to Fine-Tune Your Email Copy

You may follow all the best practices — research your target audience, write clear copy that’s on-brand, and edit your emails to the last letter — and still end up with not-so-great results.

But that doesn’t mean you should give up.

Smart email marketers and copywriters know that email copywriting is at times guessing.
Some things you write just click, while others don’t.

Is there a way to predict if your email copy will work?
Sort of.

Just AB test different versions of your email copies till you find a version with the kind of results you’re aiming at.

What is A/B testing?
In A/B testing (or split testing), you split your audience into two groups and send them two different versions of an email copy to see which one performs better. You then choose the copy that brings the best results.

If you use any cold email AI-written content in your emails, it’s especially important to A/B test to see if they are effective or not.

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Next, I’ll show you an easy-to-use tool you can use to scale up your email copywriting.

Level Up Your Email Copywriting Results in 2022 with GMass


GMass is a robust email marketing and marketing automation tool you can use to send personalized email campaigns at scale.

Its ease of use and advanced capabilities have made it the perfect email marketing solution for copywriters, marketers, and small business owners. It’s also popular among employees at social media powerhouses like LinkedIn and Twitter.

The best part?
GMass works entirely inside Gmail, so your email copywriter doesn’t have to get familiarized with a new UI.

With GMass, you can:

  • Automatically personalize your sales or marketing email copies at scale, including the recipient names, subject lines, paragraphs, links, images, and attachments.
  • Save your email copy as a template to reuse in a future email campaign.
  • Perform A/B tests to efficiently identify which email copy works best with your email subscribers.
  • Build an email list of your target audience directly from your Gmail search results.
  • Use sentiment analysis to understand how your email subscribers feel about an email copy, and more.

To use this tool, download the GMass Chrome extension and sign up for a free trial with your Gmail or Google Workspace account.

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Email Copywriting Guide: Final Thoughts

As an email copywriter, you’ll first need a clear goal in mind and an in-depth understanding of your target audience before writing the email.

Once that’s sorted, craft an intriguing subject line, an engaging body, and a compelling CTA for your email copy.

But don’t stop there.
Test your email copy with a small segment of your email list to see if it’s converting.

You can use an email marketing automation tool like GMass to easily perform your A/B tests, automatically personalize your emails at scale, save email copies as templates, and do so much more.

Download GMass’ Chrome extension for free and take your email game to the next level!

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Only GMass packs every email app into one tool — and brings it all into Gmail for you. Better emails. Tons of power. Easy to use.


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Today we’re launching a new Chrome extension, called Tracker Blocker, that is a companion extension for GMass. If you’re using GMass to send campaigns, you should also install Tracker Blocker so that your open-tracking reports are as accurate as possible.

Get it now!

Install Tracker Blocker from the Chrome Web Store.

What is it?

The Tracker Blocker extension was created to solve a longstanding problem that GMass users have — triggering “false” opens when they open an email from their Sent folder. GMass, or any other Gmail-based campaign sending tool, sends emails directly from your Gmail account, and as a result, they are logged to your Sent folder. It’s impossible, however, to distinguish your contact opening the email in their Inbox versus you opening the email from your Sent folder. Other scenarios may also lead you to opening the email and triggering an “open”, such as:

  • Opening an email from your Sent folder
  • The email bouncing, and then you opening the bounce notification
  • Someone replying to your email, and then opening the reply
  • You set your campaign to create DRAFTS, and then open a DRAFT for editing

The Tracker Blocker extension prevents these “false” opens by preventing the browser from registering an open on your own emails.

Give me the basics!

This extension is a simple extension that blocks network requests to our open tracking server. This prevents false opens from registering if you open an email you’ve sent with GMass.

Click the black GMass icon in the upper-right of your browser to open the settings panel. If you don’t see the black GMass icon, then click the “puzzle piece” icon, find the Tracker Blocker extension in the list and “pin” it.

There are two checkboxes to toggle, one to block pixels and one to notify you when a pixel is blocked. Obviously if you have the “Notify” box checked but the “Block” checkbox unchecked, you won’t be notified of anything.

The settings panel for Tracker Blocker is just two simple checkboxes.

If the “Block” box is unchecked, then opens will register. Perhaps you’re a new GMass user, and you want to test the open tracking functionality to see how the reports look. In that case, you may want to leave the box unchecked. The “Block open-tracking pixels” box must be checked though to enable the pixel blocking functionality.

You can test the blocking functionality and prove its working with a bit of technical wizardry. First open up Chrome’s Developer Tools by right-clicking anywhere in Gmail and choosing “Inspect”. Then navigate to the Console tab. NOw open up an email sent by GMass that you know has an open tracking pixel. Once you do, you’ll see a line appear in the console that looks like:

GET https://ci4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/mbvlSfX7TS0l48CkU54uxsc97v37z7XfcbDWLwQkg9OCbq4wuXGEIv5mxst6... net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
With Chrome Developer Tools open to the Console, you can see the entries whenever a pixel is blocked.

You may find that when you open an email that has the pixel, that three network requests are actually blocked, and as a result, three browser notifications popup on your computer. We’re not sure why this is, but we suspect that Gmail is specifically trying three times to load an image when it detects a problem. Unfortunately that’s not something we can control.

Additionally, if you’re having opens logged to the Label GMass Reports–>Opens, you will notice that a notification won’t appear here with Tracker Blocker running.

Are you notified when a pixel is blocked?


Notifying you, the user, when a tracking pixel is blocked, is difficult, due to recent updates to Chrome. Our Tracker Blocker extension is built on the latest Chrome extension specification, called Manifest V3, and this latest specification does not, by default, allow our code to fire an “event” whenever a pixel is blocked. Therefore, it’s not possible to reliably alert you when a pixel is blocked, unless you have Chrome Dev Tools open and you’re monitoring the Console, as shown above.

We have implemented a workaround to the limitations in Manifest V3, however, that will allow pop-up browser notifications to alert you when a pixel is blocked, some of the time. Why doesn’t it work all of the time? It has to do with something called “service workers”, and the fact that in Manifest V3, it’s not possible to keep “service workers” alive persistently. Whether we can notify you when a tracking pixel is blocked is dependent on whether at the time of the pixel block, the service worker for our extension is active or not. Unfortunately that’s not something Chrome gives us full control over yet.

If you want to make sure you’re alerted when a pixel is blocked, then:

  1. Make sure the “Notify” box is checked in the settings panel for the extension.
  2. Uncheck and re-check the “Block open-tracking pixels” box, because each time you do that, the service worker is activated for a few minutes, which will allow you to receive notifications
An example of a browser notification in Windows when a pixel is blocked.

The notifications also aren’t fool proof because there are several operating system and browser-level controls that can prevent notifications from appearing, so if you want to know for sure that the extension is working and blocking pixels, you can do so by opening up Chrome’s Developer Tools and following the instructions above.

I thought GMass’s open tracking pixel was unblockable…

If you’ve kept up with GMass’s developments over the years, you might recall that in 2021, we re-programmed our open tracking pixel to make it unblockable by pixel blockers. This generated quite some controversy, as you can tell if you read the comments in that blog post. In order to allow Tracker Blocker to block the GMass open tracking pixel, we did have to modify the URL pattern of the pixel. It is now slightly blockable, but only if you know the pattern we’re using, and to our knowledge, we’re the only ones that know the pattern.

Will pixels be blocked on mobile devices?

Because Chrome extensions, by their very own nature, only work on desktop operating systems and not on mobile, it is simply not possible to block open tracking pixels from firing on mobile devices. This includes native email client apps like the Gmail app and logging into webmail clients using a web browser on mobile devices.

How do other email outreach platforms solve this problem?

All email outreach platforms that connect to Gmail face this same issue of allowing “opens” to be triggered by the user opening up their own Sent email. If the platform is a Chrome extension like GMass, then it likely includes pixel blocking functionality that is based on Manifest V2, and that functionality will stop working in 2023 when Chrome disables V2 functionality. Examples of these types of Chrome extensions include SalesHandy and Mixmax.

If the email platform is entirely web-based, then there’s simply no way for the platform to prevent false “opens”, unless the platform also offers a Chrome extension that can block pixels, and none of them do. Examples of these platforms include the cold email tools Mailshake and Lemlist.

Interestingly, a popular Chrome extension called MailTrack, which adds tracking to individual emails, solves this problem in a unique way. MailTrack adds a tracking pixel to all individually sent email, but instead of blocking the pixel from firing if the user opens a sent email, MailTrack quickly deletes the entire message from the Sent mail folder and replaces it with a new message that doesn’t have the tracking pixel. This achieves the objective of preventing the user from firing their own tracking pixel. This is a creative approach that isn’t feasible for an email outreach platform because using this same technique would triple the time and processing power needed to send each individual email, due to  the additional steps of deleting the Sent email and re-inserting it. See our article about MailTrack’s approach to creatively solving other challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: If GMass users can use this for more accurate open tracking, can’t email privacy advocates also use it to stop us from tracking their opens?

A: Yes, but we suspect that the use case for privacy will be limited. We’ve concluded that by analyzing other Chrome extensions that also block tracking pixels and seeing that their install count isn’t particularly impactful.

Q: Why didn’t you just bake the pixel blocking functionality into the GMass extension instead of creating a whole other extension we have to install?

A: Because Tracker Blocker is based on new Chrome extension technology, called Manifest V3, that Chrome is now requiring, and baking it into GMass isn’t possible anymore. Furthermore, we plan to support competitors’ platforms and block their pixels as well, so it made sense to make this a different extension entirely.

Q: Aren’t there other pixel blocking extensions already in the Chrome Web Store? Why did you create your own?

A: There are other pixel blocking extensions, such as Trocker (10,000 users) and Ugly Email (90,000 users) and PixelBlock (90,000 users) but in analyzing them, we found that they’re a) not supported well, b) they haven’t been updated in a long time, and c) they’re based off of the older Chrome extension technology (Manifest V2) that will be phased out in the coming year. That means, eventually, all of these extensions will just stop working, unless their developers decide to rewrite them.

Q: What’s the difference between the old extension technology (Manifest V2) and the new extension technology (Manifest V3)?

A: There are a lot of differences, and you can read about them directly from Google here, but the main difference that applies to software that blocks network requests, as Tracker Blocker does, is that in Manifest V2 this was done via a Chrome API called webRequest, and in Manifest V3, webRequest is no longer available, and now a new API called declarativeNetRequest must be used. You may have heard about the controversy surrounding this change when Chrome first announced Manifest v3 because at the time, it affected the ability for ad blockers to work. The differences between the two APIs are explained on the Chromium blog and in the official developer docs.

Ready to transform Gmail into an email marketing/cold email/mail merge tool?

Only GMass packs every email app into one tool — and brings it all into Gmail for you. Better emails. Tons of power. Easy to use.


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